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This detailed life size model shows all significant features of each vertebra, including spinal cord, nerve roots, the vertebral artery, a herniated disc and vertebral notch etc. Ideal teaching model for students, orthopedic surgeons and other medical professionals. Special features include inflexible 29" tal more...
Male or Female are available with or without base stand. Imported Pelvis Model (without stand) are also available. female pelvis model that shows anatomically accurate features of the female pelvis including the left and right innominates (hip bones) pelvic bones (ischium, ilium and pubis), sacrum, cocc more...
Being a quality concern firm, we are offering a wide array of Adult Female Pelvi Models. These products are available in various specifications. Our products are suitable for various applications. Moreover, we provide assurance to deliver these products at reasonable rates. We have gained expertise in domain, more...
• Life size. • Shows vertebra, spinal cord, nerve roots, vertebral artery, herniated disc and vertebral notch etc. • Inflexible vertebral column complete with pelvis, femur heads, sacrum, occipital bone, vertebral artery, nerve branches and herniated lumbar disc. • Deluxe chrome stand 85 cm high.  â more...
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These model sizes are just the same as realities and made of pvc plastic. Comparing a model of male pelvis with a female one, the differences between the two can be listed as following : more...