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Our Lion Maize Starch is a fundamental ingredient in most of the packaged food and industrial products. It is also known Corn Starch as well which is extracted from corn kernel and has a distinctive appearance. Both natural and modified Corn Starch provide viscosity, texture and other desired properties t more...
Shalom Sales is manufacturer and exporter of Maize pregel starches both in flakes and powder form. Pregelatinized starch has both industrial and food grade applications. Shalom Sales manufacturers its pregelatinized starch by drum drying technology which provides consistency and high quality of products. &nbs more...
Established in the year 1991, M/S SURBHI FOODS PVT. LTD. AND AALOK OVERSEAS are engaged in supplying and exporting a wide range of chemicals, minerals, starch (IP/BP/USP) like liquid flavours, Ceramic Raw Materials like Potassium Feldspar, Sodium Feldspar, Quartz, ramming mass, etc. Th more...
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Application Corn starch is a common food ingredient, used as Corn Flour for thickening sauces or soups, and in making corn syrup and other sugars It is versatile, easily modified, and finds many uses in industry as adhesives, in paper manufacturing, as an anti-sticking agent, and textile sizing application. more...
Corn starch, also known as maize starch, is a fine white powder derived from the endosperm of corn kernels. It is primarily composed of two types of complex carbohydrates: amylose and amylopectin. Here are some key points about corn starch: 1. Source: Corn starch is extracted from corn kernels, which a more...