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All high capacity transformers in use today have to cope with voltages in excess of 400kV. Therefore it becomes imperative to maintain optimal insulation properties of the transformer oils by rigid control over moisture, dissolved gases, particulate contamination and acidity. Transformer oils deteriorate with more...
We bring forth High Vacuum Transformer Oil Filtration Plant of optimum quality. After getting treated with High Vacuum Transformer Oil Filtration Plant, contaminated oil loses its characteristics of di-electric strength, resistivity and loss factor. more...
Description -This filter plant is used to filter the waste water mixed with slurry into clean water and it save the 95% of water. more...
Electrodeionization (EDI) Systems use an electrochemical process to continuously regenerate ion exchange resins without the need for chemicals. EDI removes ions from water by applying an electric field, resulting in high-purity demineralized water. Advantages: Chemical-free regeneration, continuous operation, more...
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A Demineralized (Dm) Water Plant is Designed to Remove Minerals and Salts From Water, Producing High-purity Water Suitable for Various Industrial Applications. Here’s an Overview of the Components, Processes, Benefits, and Considerations Involved in a Dm Water Plant. more...