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description : frozen tilapia whole or g/s (gutted and scaled) hgt (head less tail less gutted) pan ready from india and tilapia, aquaculture and river caught. more...
Scientific Name: Â Tilapia Mossambica Products: Whole round, head on cleaned gutted, head less cleaned and sliced. more...
We are supported by a team of professionals who ensure that the offered lot is prepared using the best quality raw material. Also, they confirm that the material is sourced from the certified places. Online payment processing that we offer is secure, instant and hassle-free. Apart from online payment, we also more...
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Unvеil thе еssеncе of ocеanic frеshnеss with Thalassophilе's Frozеn Tilapia Fish, mеticulously sourcеd and procеssеd to dеlivеr an unparallеlеd gastronomic dеlight. As rеputablе Frozеn Tilapia Fish Suppliеrs, wе takе pridе in providing a product that catеrs to thе discеrning tastРmore...
We supply fresh tilapia fish based on the customer requirement more...
Tilapia is the common name for nearly a hundred species of cichlid fish from the tilapiine cichlid more...