Products : Vertical Pumps Overview Range Hydraulics Product Features Brochure Applications: V Series (Industrial Duty Clear Liquid) : Fertilisers, chemicals, caustic, alkali, acids, seawater, paints, dyes, intermediates, crystallising liquids like molten sulfur, heavy chemicals, boiler blowdown liquids KISHOR designed vertical sump pumps are designed for various applications like standard chemical handling, heavy duty chemical handling, crystallising liquids, seawater, and wastewater. Vertical sump pumps do not require sealing so applications where the seal may be damaged, due to temperature, corrosion or both, normally use these type of pumps. Depending on the application, the hydraulics, bearing, shaft and materials of construction are selected based on parameters such as liquid specific gravity, temperature, viscosity, duty condition, corrosion resistance, abrasion resistance, etc. Such detailed selection procedure ensures that the most suitable pump is selected for the required duty conditions.