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Water Purification Plants
2 Products availableIndustrial Machinery
2 Products availableRefrigeration Parts
1 Products availableSolar Panel
1 Products availableInverters
1 Products availablePower Packs
1 Products availableLeading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Street Light Systems.
Solar Power Generating System aims at providing solar electricity for operating lights, fan (DC systems) or powering an inverter system for general AC load including TV for specified (5-6 hours) operation per day.
Kirti Solar Limited works with leading Nationalised and Rural Banks, Co-operative banks and other financial institutions to make solar PV & Solar Thermal affordable for the Indian masses. We are also approved under NABARD for Capital Subsidy Scheme for Solar Lighting and small capacity PV systems through MNRE, Govt of India.
Solar Water Pumping system is a stand-alone system operating on power generated by solar photovoltaic panels. The photovoltaic array converts the solar energy into electricity, which is used for running the motor pump set. The pumping systems draws water from the open well, bore well, stream pond, canal etc.
System Description
The case for solar energy
The gap between demand and supply of electricity in India is not only huge, but widening by the day. Add to this, the grim facts that power and fuel prices are inexorably climbing and power supply, when available, is also very erratic.
Against this backdrop, renewable energy comes as the perfect answer. It is derived from natural processes that are replenished constantly, and are sustainable in the sense that they can never run out. And solar energy, the mother of all renewable energies, is the ideal solution. It is a perfect combination of the 3 Es: (Energy, Ecology & Economy).