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Each 100ml contains : Calcium - 4000 mg Phosphorus - 2000 mg Vitamin D3 - 25000 IU Vitamin B12 - 200 mcg Vitamin A - 45000 IU Vitamin E - 100 mg Iodine - 5.9 mg Potassium - 1.8 mg Magnesium - 200 mg Carbohydrates - 35000 mg Extract of Shatavari more...
Benefits: To Induce & Support normal Reproductive process at all stages Develop Reproductive organs Release Reproductive Hormones Improve Conception Rate Ensure zygote Settlement Dosage : 10 ml per day . more...
Each 10 Ml Contains Vitamin A -120000 I.U Vitamin D3 -60000 I.U Vitamin E -15 Mg Vitamin C - 10 Mg Vitamin K - 200 Mcg Vitamin H -100 Mcg Mangnese -5MG Zinc -125 Mg Cobalt -1MG Selenium 1mg more...
Macro & micro mineral with vitamin Improving growth rate in Ruminants. Vitamin A 120000 IU, Vitamin D3 12000IU, Vitamin E 150mg, Vitamin B12 100 mcg, Cobalt 20 mg, Folic acid 200 mg, Calcium 30000 mg Phosphorus 10000 mg, Magnesium 600 mg, Potassium 10 mg, Iodine 300 mg, Zinc 1125 mg, Copper 375 mg, Mangan more...
Calcium Phosphorous with multi vitamins, minerals and botanical ingredients essentials for high milk yield more...
 orgivete powder is a unique natural animal feed suppliments; (certified)also as feed suppliments for aquatic animals and birds. orgivete mainly contains sea-weeds together with traces of aswagandha and satavari. all these three natural ingredients are used even for human for many centuries. orgivete is usef more...
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We offer all type of Veterinary Formulation Products in form of Injectable, Tablet, Bolus, Capsule, Oral preparation, external Preparation, Cattle Lick Block, animal feed Suppliments etc. for franchise of all state, export and marketed by jobwork more...
Booster Dose of Multivitamins Strengthen Udder tissues and muscles. Prevent Mastitis & Recondition the Udder. Improve Fertility of Breeding Bulls. Increase Capillary Integrity & Stop hair loss. Overcomes Weakness Lameness Better Cerebral & Nervous Function. Antioxidant So Growth Promot more...
COMPOSITION: Each 100 ml contains: Calcium lactate 0.1200 mg Potassium Chloride 1.8625mg Sodium Chloride 0.2925mg Magnesium Sulphate 0.3000mg Excipients Q. S. ADVANTAGES: Prevent Stress of Animal Better productivity Better Growth Improve Egg Shell Quality DOSAGE: Calves : 50ml days for 5 days. Cows/Bualow : more...