castor cake is one of the most versatile natural manures. It is truly organic manure which enhances the fertility of the soil without causing any damage or decay. The castor cake we offer is enriched with the three big elements vital and conducive to the proper growth of crops - more...
The Castor De Oiled Cake is obtained during the crushing of castor seeds, this by-product of Castor Oil. The Castor De Oiled Cake is further transferred to solvent extraction plant for extraction of the oil from the cake. This Castor De Oiled Cake is a best natural fertilizer, whmore...
In order to meet urgent and voluminous requirements of the customers, we have installed all the in-house facility at our premises. Laced with modern facilities, it helps us in securing the product line from factors like, moisture, dust, sunlight, etc. We are acknowledged for provmore...