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Khandelwal Bio fertilizer
gstGST : 29AHMPK2158G1Z4 Verified Write a Review

Our Products

Our product range contains a wide range of Dipping Oil, Canegold Sugarcane Growth Promoter, Amino Acid Derivative, Atonic and Keeptol Immune Modulator

Dip Sol Dried Red Chilli

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 20 Kilogram
  • Type Dried
  • Shelf Life 1 Year
  • Packing 100g, 200g, 500g, 1kg
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Sugarcane Fertilizer Kit

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 20 Kilogram
  • Used For Foliar & Soil Application
  • Packing Box 500 G, 1 kg, etc
  • Dose 3-5 kg/acre

Declining sugarcane yield per acre since last few years is the consequence of number of factors; however implementation of some simple practices and remedies in sugarcane farming may lead to substantial increase in the yield, which includes improvement of Organic and beneficial microbial load of the soil, precise and appropriate use of irrigation, chemical fertilizers and plant growth harmones.
Present Sugarcane Kit has been constructed as per the recommendations of renowned sugarcane expert from Maharashtra Dr. B. Jamadagni, who conducted number of field studies in company with various progressive farmers during past decades.
Apart from the recommended plant growth harmones and mix micronutrient, the Kit has been supplemented with organic plant growth enhancer and number of microbial products including, Nitrogen fixer, Potassium & Phosphorus solubilizers, mycorhiza and microbial consortia based product developed by ICAR.

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4G Foliar Micronutrient Fertilizers

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 20 Pack(s)
  • Application Organic Fertilizer, For Folier Spray
  • Packing 500g, 1kg, etc

Also available with in separate micronutrient forms like Fe-12%, Zinc-12%, Mg-6%, Mn-12%, Cu-12%, Ca-10%.

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Fish Oil

  • Brand Name FISH ARK

we are offering fish oil. we supply fish oil this product can be used as filler for plant extract which are used as botnical pesticides. among several pests that attack grape, pink mealybug, is a very important and serious one. this pest occurs almost throughout the year, particularly in alarming intensity near harvest time of the crop. both nymphs and adults of the mealybug suck cell sap from the vegetative parts and barriers. affected plant parts result in malformed leaves and shoot tips. during the sucking process, they excrete honey dew, which in turn, leads to the development of a sooty mould.

Pcking -20 liter can

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Packaging Details : 1 LITER, 5 LITER, 50 LITER, 200 LITER

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Fish Ark Potash Base Oil

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 50 Litre
  • Type Herbal
  • Dose  3 ml per litre of water along with pesticide
  • Packing  1 ltr, 5 ltr, 20 ltr

Fish Ark is a Pure Fish Oil. It has got power to control insect and it is natural compound with no side effects, although the action of Fish Ark involve in some physical disruption of cuticle layer of insect (outer body covering). Fish Oil enters into the insect respiratory system and cause internal cell damage by breaking down cell membrane or disrupting cell metabolism. Fish Oil also expert some non lethal development effect on immature insect. Fish Oil is not only toxic to the beetle, but due to its very small size, pest like beetles would often get trapped in small globules of oil, eventually dying from suffocation. Fish Ark is specially recommended by NRC grapes, India for sucking pest like Mealybug on grapes. Our fish ark is recommended as preventive crop management on apples for san jose scale, European red mite, root rote etc.

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Dipping Oil

3,900 /Can Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 10 Can
  • Country of Origin Made in India
  • Grade Bio-Tech
  • Packaging Type Plastic Container
  • Packaging Size 5 L
  • Form Liquid
  • Purity 99 %
  • Dose 3-5 ml/15 L of water
  • Product type Fertilizer
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Kromolin Plant Growth Regulator

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 20 Litre
  • Used In Apple Plant
  • Dose  Foliar Application - 250 ml Kromolin in 200 litre of water.
  • Packing  250 ml
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Humax Water Soluble Humic Acid

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 20 Kilogram
  • Dose  1-2 ltr per acre
  • Packing  Humax (L) - 1 ltr & 5 ltr. Humax (P) : 500 gm & 1 Kg
  • Used In Fruit Plant

Humax is available in two form,  Humax (P) is a 100 % water soluble humic acid in flex form. Humax (L) is 12 % solution of humic acid used for soil application through drenching. It acts as a soil conditioner. It increases cation exchange capacity of soil. It helps to increase white root development and better seed germination. It improves nutrient uptake. It helps to increase white root development and better seed germination. It improves nutrient uptake. It helps to increase chlorophyll synthesis. It stimulate beneficial microbial activity and increase crop yield and quality.


Soil application : Humax (L) - 1-2 ltr per acre mixing with fertilizer or through drip irrigation. Humax (P) : 500 gm to 1 kg mixing with fertilizer or through drip irrigation.

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Humic Acid Fertilizer

  • flex form super potassium humate
We offer humic acidhumic acid fertilizer owing to our wide experience in this domain, we are a remarkable entity engaged in offer humic acid fertilizer that is mainly applied to root zone in soil. This is processed using leonardite under the guidance of skilled team of professionals keeping in mind the international standards. The humic acid is not water soluble acid but its such as potassium humate & ammonium humate are water soluble. The liquid formulation of humic acid fertilizer is most popular as it is used for soil application incorporated in drip irrigation or foliar application. Due to its highly water soluble nature, it has wide applications from soil application, seed soaking, root soaking to fertigation. Products forms: potaasium humate (95%)humic acid liquid (15%) benefits: nutritionally, as a good fertilizer enhancer, sharply increases the utilization efficiency of plant to potassium exists in itself and in soil, as well as to nitrogen, phosphorous and other mineral fertilizers in soil.physically, as soil conditioner, promotes good soil structure formation, increases water retention capacity and cation exchange and improves aeration condition. Besides, these benefits will be further helpful for plants to resist drought stress.chemically, as chelating and buffering agents, respectively helps retain water soluble inorganic fertilizers, preventing them from leaching, and protects plants from drastic change in ph.biologically, as food sources, establish a desirable environment for microorganism development. Stimulate seed germination, viability, , root respiration, formation and growth. Thus it increases crops yield and quality.humic acid as such is not water soluble, but its salts such as potassium humate, ammonium humate are water soluble, hence converted and used in formulations (ec.), liquid formulations 12% is most popular as it is used for soil application incorporated in drip irrigation

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Packaging Details : 20 kg bags

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4G Micro Chelated Micronutrients

  • Application Organic Fertilizer, For Foliar Spray
  • State Powder
  • Packing 500 g, 1 kg, etc
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Canegold Sugarcane Growth Promoter

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 20 Litre
  • Dose 2-3 ml per litre of water for foliar spray
  • Application Agriculture
  • Packing  1 litre, 500 ml.

Cane gold is a sugar cane special product which is a special composition of Seaweed extract, Fulvic Acid, Amino Acids and Proteins that provided superior growth and overall development of the Sugarcane Crop. This unique formulation is designed to provide Sugarcane crop with all essential nutrients and acts as a complete nutrition package. Cane gold promotes overall growth of the plant. Cane gold replenishes nutrition, promotes balanced growth, and increases size. Cane gold increases plant’s resistance to stress. It ensure better yields, top quality crops of desirable size, as well as providing longer shelf life following harvest

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Cold Dip Active Fruits And Vegetables Oil

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 100 Litre
  • Dose 3-5 ml/15 litre of water
  • Packing  20 ltr and 50ltr and 100ltr.
  • Use In Fruits & Vegetable

To convert fresh fruits into dry fruit is technology by it self. When perishable commodity is converted into non perishable form, it provides better opportunity for grower, as it can be stored for longer period and grower can wait for better opportunity. This technique is used in many fruits such as Grapes are converted into dry raisins. Figs are dried and sols. This is achieved by reduction of maximum moisture from fruit in minimum possible time. More than 80% moisture is present in fresh fruits is mainly responsible for bacterial and fungal growth on fruits. They decay the cell wall and rooting takes place and ultimately, fruits get spoiled.
Dipping oil of good quality should have following features: Maximum heat absorption capacity. High rate of water evaporationProtection from Bacterial & Fungal infection.Prevent oxidation & stop blackening of fruits.Retention of Chloropyl pigments, that is color retention.
Our dipping oil is produced after great study of 20 years. We are one of the biggest basic manufacturer of Easters of oleic acid. Oil present in fruit is having tendency to oxidize, hence we are incorporating food grade Antioxidant in our formulation. To get proper mixing, food grade emulsifier in proper concentration is added to this formulation.
Dipsol Technology for drying red chilies is a new technology has been developed. Sun drying chilies is important phenomena. During early drying period of Dec-Feb, it takes more than 20-25 days for proper drying. During this long period chilies get spoiled due to fungal and bacterial infestation. This is time when market prices are higher. It is most important to reduce moisture in shortest possible time.

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Amino Acid Derivative

  • Dose in Foliar Application 250 ml Kromolin in 200 L of water
  • Product type Fertilizer
  • Solubilty Highly Soluble
  • Grade Standard Bio-Tech Grade
  • Physical State Liquid
  • Packaging Size 250 ml
  • Packaging Type Carton Box
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Silifert(With Silicon Solubilizer)

  • Brand Name SILIFERT
Silifert:powered with silicon solubilizersilicon is a natural eco-friendly organic product which does not contain any inorganic chemicals. To improve the performance of silicon, it is better to use it along with humic acid. Our company is now introducing a silicon with solubilizer for better results. This silifert is mainly recommended for sugar cane. Silicon solubilizer helps to solubilize unavailable silicon present as insoluble silicate complexes.1] common name- silifert2] chemical name-humic acid with calcium silicatesilicon solubilizer silifert benefits:provide silicon , calcium and humic acid to the plant in natural form.reduses the rate of transpiration and attack of sucking pest.enhance the plant immune systems.increases photosynthetic capacity reduses the rate of transpiration and attack of sucking pest.increases in shelf life and shining and induces the formation of phenol (phytoalexins) resulting in increased resistance power against phytophthera downy mildew and other fungal diseases. packing - available in 25 kg container with 1 kg packet of silicon solubilizer.
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Embellished with trained professionals and our well known vendors, we are engaged in bringing forth remarkable new pgr atonic. This is a mixture of sodium ortho nitrophenolate, sodium p nitrophenolate and sodium 5 nitroguaiacolate.New pgr atonic is an effective plant growth promoter for all crops.It can be used alone, and also be mixed with germicide, fertilizer, pesticide, herbicide, plant growth regulators etc.Hence, extensively used for food crop, cash crop, vegetables, fruits, oil crops and flowers. Key features are as follows:it can infiltrate rapidly into plant bodysodium nitrophenolate is a strong cell agentpromotes the flow of cellular protoplasm and increase cell activityit can accelerate growth speed, break dormancy, promote the growth and development, improve product quality and yieldincreases the ability of resist-disease, resist-pests, resist-dry, resist drought and resist-alkali, resist-lodging.
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Keeptol Immune Modulator

  • color white
Keeptol is immune modulator and herbal fungicide. Keeptol is a herbal solution thats proven effective against downy mildew, powdery mildew, blight, black spot & other plant diseases. Keeptol exhibits strong fungicide activity by inhibiting spore germination. 'keeptol' prevents and cures a large number of disease like tikka disease, blight, root rot, anthracnose, downy mildew, powdery mildew , rust, spot, damping off, pythium etc.Of grain crops, spices, fruit, vegetable, plantation; orchard & ornamental flower crop.

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Packaging Details : 500 gm, 1000gm

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Koat -x (water Soluble Silicon)

Koat -x is preventing organic insecticide & fungicide.Koat-x is a natural miticide, insecticide, fungicide; it helps build the plants defense from attacks by insects, fungi. Koat-x helps the plant growth by depositing itself epidermal cell walls, enhancing the plant's ability to keep the leaves pointed towards the light source. It also increases the stem strength, making it easier to hold up more weight. As the plant builds itself up with silicic acid, it helps with balancing nutrient uptake and distribution, and increased concentration of chlorophyll and in leaves. koat-x will be used as a broad spectrum, preventative insecticide with optimum control obtained when used under a scheduled preventative spray program. Also koat-x provides suppression of mites, whiteflies etc. It is approved for use on agricultural crops, bajra, wheat, rubber , black pepper, cardamom , areca nut, fruits, nuts, vines, turf and ornamentals.

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Packaging Details : packing available in 1 liter

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Phosphonic Acid

We are offering phosphonic acid. phosphonic acid is able to incorporate resistance against downy mildew, dieback, root rot and damping off in many plants, such as grape; cucurbits; tomato etc. This will control many economically important fungal diseases. grape growers are using this product to control downy mildew. In tomato crop this product is used to control phytopthora leaf spot and fruit rot. In zingertumeric rhizome rot, in case of citrus ( dinkya banka, roga gummosis) and die back can control very effectively by this product. In nursery damping off due to pythium is dangerous diseases, which can be controlled by these products; these are some of important diseases where you should market very effectively this product. specification of formulation. appearance : clear watery liquid. : 1.22 1.30. = 1 lt by vol should weigh 1.22- 1.3 kgph : acidicoder : oderlesssolubility : totally water soluble composition :-p, as phosphorus 28-29% = 40% phosphonic acidk as potassium 37-38%water 31-32%lactic acid 3.4%emulsifire 3-%innert material q.s. 100% packing : 50 ltr drum
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Chitosan Fertilizer

We are offering chitosan fertilizer. We are the prime manufacturer and exporter of superior quality chitosan fertilizer, which is used to protect and stimulate growth of your plants. Chitosan is a polysaccharide extracted from the shell of crab or shrimp. The scientific benefits of chitosan have even been recognized in 1992. Chitosan fertilizer improves seed germination, root development and provide prevention against diseases. Chitosan fertilizer is a natural antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antifungal agent, tested and approved by us. The chitosan fertilizer has no poison content; no residue is left over and is suitable for organic farming. Chitosan oligosaccharin can activate the plant and induce plant to produce antiviral substance. Benefits :improves seed germinationimproves root developmentdisease resistant applications :agriculturehorticulture features :biocompatiblebiodegradablenontoxicantimicrobialantibacterial fertilizers & other agrochemicalantifungal
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  • Harish Kumar Khandelwal (Khandelwal Bio fertilizer)
  • Gate no-21/n/9, Ichalkaranji-Borgaon road,, Opposite Karnataka process, Borgaon-591216, Tal-chikodi,Dist-Belgavi,Karnataka, Belgaum, India
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