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  1. Testing Equipments 3 Products available
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  4. Water Treatment & Purification Plant

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  5. Process Control Systems & Equipment

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  6. Measuring Instruments & Equipment

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Our Products

Our offered Product range includes Ultrasonic Level Measurements, Flow Measurements and Readymix Concreate Plant.

Belt Weighing System


We offer best quality Belt Weighing System that is used in industries like Thermal power plants, Fertilizers, Cement, Pulp & Paper, Steel, Sponge Iron, Food processing, Solvent Extraction, Mining, Animal feeding etc. Digital Belt Weighing System (DBWS) mechanism with single, dual and multi idler type based on the accuracy and material flow requirement is utilized for measuring the flow of material conveying through the mechanical belt conveyor accurately and reliably. We are named as one of the prominent Belt Conveyor Weighing System Exporters from India. We Taken Care to Bring You the Best Technology

  • Available Capacities : 100 Kg/Hr to 4000 T/H, belt width 150 mm to 2000 mm.

Application Area : Thermal power plants, Fertilizers, Cement, Pulp & Paper, Steel, Sponge Iron, Food processing, Solvent Extraction, Mining, Animal feeding etc.

Additional Information:

Delivery Time : ONE WEEK

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Paddle Wheel Aerator

Are you looking for quality, reliable and the best performance aerator? here is the solution, the yahya aerators will give you higher do level, long distance water current upto 25 meter and depth upto 3 feet at same time will save your electricity bill upto 30%. What else you are looking, will you get these features? obviously no, we prove whatever we committed and show you at your pond.

Additional Information:

Delivery Time : EX STOCK

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Belt Weigh Feeder

We are regarded as one of the illustrious Belt Feeder Exporters and Suppliers from India. We offer world renewed technology based Belt Weigh Feeder (BWF) mechanism with open and closed console based on the accuracy and material feed control requirement to measure the flow as well as control the material flow, requested by the process control team of production house. We know the importance of the raw material controlling and its feeding to the process house, so develop Belt Weigh Feeder to full fill customer choice. Our Industrial Weigh Belt Feeders are used in industries such as Thermal power plants, Fertilizers, Cement, Pulp & Paper, Steel, Sponge Iron, Food processing, Solvent Extraction, Pharmaceuticals, Mining, Animal feeding, Poultry feeding etc. We Know the Best, So Design You Know the Better, So Select
  • We develop the tailor made design to suite entire customer range from vast production areas.
  • Should not effect to the bulk dead loads (tare weight).
  • Should be able to work with minimal capacity sensors, so that we can take up the system with good resolution. e.g.: 100 t/h capacity sensor will be 50kg.
  • Should not be any moving object with in the system mechanism.
  • Avoided the feed back taken from the return belt (like general belt feeders), which may give falls feed back, due to spicks in the return movement path of the belt.
  • Avoided intermediate signal conditioners and amplifiers between mechanism and computation & control device.
  • Easy to install and commission the system (approximate time take to install the system will be 6 hours).
  • Digital computation and control device will feed the sensor excitation voltages, with out any ripple or deviations so; life of the sensors will be well protected as well optimum result can be taken from the sensors.
  • Entire programming through membrane keypad, no potentio metes or dip switches selection or any other manual operation.
  • We develop the computation and control device with 24 bit System on Chip technology with resolution of 16, 000, 000 counts.
  • Say good bye to multi card system, all operations performs with single and compact design with 24 bit System on Chip technology computation and control device.
  • We proudly announcing the accuracy level start from, better than + /- 0.1% for design capacities.
  • System having self maintainable features means system operating with self supervisory software.
  • Our computation and control device can communicate any of external device like PLC, DCS or Host Computer by mean of 4 / 20 mA, STATUS RELAY OUT PUTS, RS485, RS232, PROFIBUS AND DEVICE NET
  • Available Capacities: 100 Kg/Hr to 500 T/H, belt width 150 mm to 1500
Application Area : Thermal power plants, Fertilizers, Cement, Pulp & Paper, Steel, Sponge Iron, Food processing, Solvent Extraction, Pharmaceuticals, Mining, Animal feeding, Poultry feeding etc.
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Check Weighing System

We offer high performing ON LINE Check Weighing System like Weigh In, Weigh Out, Pre Feeding and Post - Feeding system with greater speed and accuracy to full fill your inventory management as well total quality system. Used in assortment of industries such as Food processing, Sugar, Tea industry, Fertilizers, Consumable goods packing, Cement, Solvent Extraction, Pharmaceuticals, Bakery industry, Packing, etc, these Digital Check Weighing System are high in demand. We know the importance of the repetitive filling, packing and forwarding with quality management norms, so develop our check weighing system to full fill customer choice. We are counted as one of the outstanding Industrial Weighing Systems Exporters from India. Way of Performing the Check, Keeps You a Step Ahead
  • We develop the tailor made design to suite entire customer range from vast production areas.
  • Auto filling with fast and slow fill option, batch counting, label printing,
  • We designed weigh module (load cell and their mounting apparatus) such that no reaction against side loading and vibration effects.
  • Selection of World class sensor (load cell) with our own design specification to full file the optimum and precise results.
  • Smooth and noiseless material movement and safe and accurate online checking.
  • System originate with desired packet and rejects the under and over weight packets as described by the user.
  • Avoided intermediate signal conditioners and amplifiers between mechanism and computation & control device.
  • Easy to install and commission the system (approximate time take to install the system will be 6 hours).
  • Digital computation and control device will feed the sensor excitation voltages, with out any ripple or deviations so; life of the sensors will be well protected as well optimum result can be taken from the sensors.
  • Entire programming through membrane keypad, no potentio metes or dip switches selection or any other manual operation.
  • We develop the computation and control device with 24 bit System on Chip technology with resolution of 16, 000, 000 counts.
  • Say good bye to multi card system, all operations performs with single and compact design with 24 bit System on Chip technology computation and control device.
  • We proudly announcing the accuracy level start from, better than + /- 0.001% for design capacities.
  • System having self maintainable features means system operating with self supervisory software.
  • Our computation and control device can communicate any of external device like PLC, DCS or Host Computer by mean of 4 / 20 mA, STATUS RELAY OUT PUTS, RS485, RS232, PROFIBUS AND DEVICE NET
  • Available Capacities : 100grm to 100kg, bed width 100 mm to 1000 mm.
Application Area : Sugar, Tea industry, Consumable goods packing, Fertilizers, Cement, Food processing, Solvent Extraction, Pharmaceuticals, Bakery industry, Packing, etc.
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Solid Flow Meter

  • Display Digital
  • Brand Name KEHKASHAN
  • Flow range 5 kg/Hr to 500 t/hr
We are the leading manufacturers, exporters and supplier of this products.
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Automatic Batching System

We design and develop the world renewed technology based DIGITAL MULTI INGREDIENT AUTOMATIC BATCHING SYSTME (DMIABS) with fully automatic features with industry unmatchable accuracy, reliability, repeatability and quality. Our state of art design computation and control device in conjunction with the precise load cell mounting modules gives the side load and vibration tolerance features that are highly appreciated by various industrial and engineering analysts. Automatic Batching System is used in industries like Sugar, Tea industry, Fertilizers, Asbestos, Food processing, Solvent Extraction, Pharmaceuticals, Chemical, Pulp and Paper, Steel, Animal feeding, Poultry feeding, Animal and Birds food preparation, etc. The Automatic Batch Blending System offered by us is available in different specifications and grades. We are reckoned s one of the leading Automatic Batch Mixing System Exporters from India. Let Us Know, How Sweet this Recipe!
  • We develop the tailor made design to suite entire customer range from vast production areas.
  • Automatic batching, Auto discharging, Batch counting, Recipe Counting, Preset timing option.
  • Printing of 24 character format batch report and recipe report with user specified format and Label print option.
  • We designed weigh module (load cell and their mounting apparatus) such that no reaction against side loading and vibration effects.
  • Selection of World class sensor (load cell) with our own design specification to full file the optimum and precise results.
  • Avoided intermediate signal conditioners and amplifiers between load cells and computation & control device.
  • Easy to install and commission the system (approximate time take to install the system will be 3 hours).
  • Digital computation and control device will feed the sensor excitation voltages, with out any ripple or deviations so; life of the sensors will be well protected as well optimum result can be taken from the sensors.
  • Entire programming through membrane keypad, no potentio metes or dip switches selection or any other manual operation.
  • We develop the computation and control device with 24 bit System on Chip technology with resolution of 16, 000, 000 counts.
  • Say good bye to multi card system, all operations performs with single and compact design with 24 bit System on Chip technology computation and control device.
  • We proudly announcing the accuracy level start from, better than + /- 0.001% for design capacities.
  • System having self maintainable features means system operating with self supervisory software.
  • Our computation and control device can communicate any of external device like PLC, DCS or Host Computer by mean of 4 / 20 mA, STATUS RELAY OUT PUTS, RS485, RS232, PROFIBUS AND DEVICE NET
  • Available Capacities : 500grms and above
Application Area : Sugar, Tea industry, Fertilizers, Asbestos, Food processing, Solvent Extraction, Pharmaceuticals, Chemical, Pulp and Paper, Steel, Animal feeding, Poultry feeding, Animal and Birds food preparation, etc.
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Hopper Weighing System

We furnish durable range of Hopper Weighing System with open loop and closed loop control features with unmatchable accuracy, reliability, repeatability and quality. Hopper Weight System is utilized in industries like Sugar, Tea industry, Fertilizers, Cement, Food processing, Solvent Extraction, Pharmaceuticals, Chemical, Pulp and Paper, Steel, Sponge Iron, Heavy Process Industries where storage of bulk material is mandatory, etc. Our state of art design load cell mounting modules gives the side load and vibration tolerance features that are highly appreciated by various industrial and engineering analysts. We know the importance of the weighing of storage bins and their level maintenance, hence design the accurate computation and control device to cater you the desire level. We are acknowledged as one of the topmost Industrial Hopper Weighing System Manufacturers from India. Symply Digitize Your Tanks, Let Them Speak
  • We develop the tailor made design to suite entire customer range from vast production areas.
  • Should not be any moving object with in the system mechanism.
  • We designed weigh module (load cell and their mounting apparatus) such that no reaction against side loading and vibration effects.
  • Selection of World class sensor (load cell) with our own design specification to full file the optimum and precise results.
  • Avoided intermediate signal conditioners and amplifiers between load cells and computation & control device.
  • Easy to install and commission the system (approximate time take to install the system will be 3 hours).
  • Digital computation and control device will feed the sensor excitation voltages, with out any ripple or deviations so; life of the sensors will be well protected as well optimum result can be taken from the sensors.
  • Entire programming through membrane keypad, no potentio metes or dip switches selection or any other manual operation.
  • We develop the computation and control device with 24 bit System on Chip technology with resolution of 16, 000, 000 counts.
  • Say good bye to multi card system, all operations performs with single and compact design with 24 bit System on Chip technology computation and control device.
  • We proudly announcing the accuracy level start from, better than + /- 0.001% for design capacities.
  • System having self maintainable features means system operating with self supervisory software.
  • Our computation and control device can communicate any of external device like PLC, DCS or Host Computer by mean of 4 / 20 mA, STATUS RELAY OUT PUTS, RS485, RS232, PROFIBUS AND DEVICE NET
  • Available Capacities: 100kg to 500 tones.
Application Area : Sugar, Tea industry, Fertilizers, Cement, Food processing, Solvent Extraction, Pharmaceuticals, Chemical, Pulp and Paper, Steel, Sponge Iron, Heavy Process Industries where storage of bulk material is mandatory, etc.
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