Benefits-It has a great odour and thus it helps in advancing creativity, improving memory, boosting confidence, motivating and making the person feel optimist and increasing enthusiasm. It also has emotional healing benefits.
EXTRACTION PROCESSThe coriander essential oil is colourless in nature and is distilled from the crushed fruits. The yield of about 0.3-1.1% is obtained from the seeds of coriander.
Benefits It works as a wonder for the treatment of acne a kind of skin related disorder. It is extremely beneficial and effective for the treatment of eczema prone skin.
Useuse in Cooking, Aid digestion, Asthma , Allergies, Fatigue, Cancer, Enhance taste of tea, Promotes hair growth, Joint pain, Skin infections, Wrinkles or fine lines, Moisture the skin, High blood pressure .
Process of extractionNatural process of extraction is adopted to obtain this oil from the black cumin seeds. The pure oil thus obtained is widely used to cure many diseases.