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Kay Biotech Pvt. Ltd.
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Our Products

  1. Pharmaceuticals Tablets 55 Products available
  2. Medicines Tonics And Drugs 36 Products available
  3. Pharmaceutical Capsules 6 Products available
  4. Vaccines 6 Products available
  5. Pharmaceutical Medicine 5 Products available
  6. Anti Cancer Medicine 4 Products available
  7. Cancer, TB & Tumour Drugs 4 Products available
  8. Cardiovascular Medication & Drugs 3 Products available
  9. Pharmaceutical Raw Materials

    2 Products available
  10. Trabectedin

    2 Products available
  11. Others Products 20 Products available

Cardiovascular Medication & Drugs

Our offered Product range includes Forxiga Tablets, Cyclosporine 100 Mg (Psorid 100 Mg) and Cyclosporine 50 Mg (Grafotas 50mg).

Forxiga Tablets

700 /Box Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Box
  • Form Tablets
  • Use Help in reducing Diabetes
  • Strength 10mg
  • Composition Dapagliflozin (10mg)
  • Manufacturer AstraZeneca
  • MRP 802.9 / Box
  • Life 1 year 11 month from the date of Manufacturing
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Cyclosporine 100 Mg Capsules

477.89 - 597.36 /Strip Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 10 Strip
  • Brand Name Psorid 100
  • Manufacturer Biocon
  • Storage 30°C
  • Composition Cyclosporine 100 mg
  • Treatment psoriasis
  • Usage As per doctor prescription
  • Prescription Yes
  • Shelf Life 8 to 10 mg
  • Chemical Strength 100 mg

Psorid 100 Capsule isutilizedtoanticipateyour body fromdismissingaunusedorgan after a liver, kidney, or heart transplant. It works bydebilitatingyourresistantframeworkso that your body does notassaulttheunusedorgan. It canmoreoverbeutilizedto treatseriousrheumatoidjoint painand a skin condition called psoriasis.

Thesumof Psorid 100 Capsule you take depends on your weight, restorativecondition, and whatyou'rebeing treated for. Your doctor willarrangethe rightdosageforyou. Are doingnotalterthedosagewithout talking to your doctor. It can be taken with or withoutnourishment. It isway betterto requireit, within thesame way, and at the same timeeachdayto inducethemost extremeadvantage. Keep taking it for as long asyou have gotbeen told to, indeedin caseyou are feelingwell.Ceasingtreatment mayincrementthechanceof your transplanted organ being rejected.

The foremostcommon sideimpactsof thispharmaceuticalincorporatecerebral pain, abnormaldevelopmentof facial or body hair, tallbloodweight, the runs, and shaking or tremors.Sinceit lowers yourresistantframework, you'llmoreovercapturemorediseasesthanregular. Tell yourspecialiststraightabsentin the event thatyou develop ancontamination. For the same reason, you'llbe more athazardofcreatinga fewcancers, especiallyof the skin. Youought toconstrainyourintroductionto sunlight.

Some time recentlytaking thismedicationyouought totell yourspecialiston the off chance thatyou have gotliver or kidneyissues, tallblood pressure, gout (expandeduriccorrosivelevelswithin theblood), or epilepsy.Too, tell yourspecialistaroundall othermedicationsyou'retaking as they mayinfluencethe working of themedication. Thismedicationshould only beutilizedin pregnancy if it is clearlyrequired.In any case, itisn'tsuggestedwhereasbreastfeeding.You mayhavevisitrestorativetestswhereastaking thismedicationto check your bloodweight, liver and kidneywork, and mineral levels. Thecomes aboutof tests may lead to changes in your dose.

Additional Information:

Payment Terms :

Packaging Details : 5 capsules in 1 strip

Delivery Time : 7 to 14 Working Days

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Cyclosporine Capsules

270 - 277.04 /Strip Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 5 Strip
  • Country of Origin India
  • Brand Name Grafotas 50mg
  • Application As per doctor prescription
  • Manufacturer Intas Pharmaceuticals Ltd
  • Treatment Immune system
  • Prescription Yes
  • Shelf Life 8 to 10 Months
  • Storage Below 30°C
  • Chemical Strength 50 mg
  • Composition Cyclosporine 50 Mg

Grafotas 50mg Capsule isutilizedtoanticipateyour body fromdismissingamodernorgan after a liver, kidney, or heart transplant. It works bydebilitatingyourresistantframeworkso that your body does notassaultthemodernorgan. It canmoreoverbeutilizedto treatextremerheumatoidjoint painand a skin condition called psoriasis.

Thesumof Grafotas 50mg Capsule you take depends on your weight, restorativecondition, and whatyou'rebeing treated for. Your doctor willarrangethe rightdosageforyou. Are doingnotalterthemeasurementswithout talking to your doctor. It can be taken with or withoutnourishment. It isway betterto requireit, within thesame way, and at the same timeeachdayto inducethegreatestadvantage. Keep taking it for as long asyou have gotbeen told to, indeedin caseyou're feelingwell.Ceasingtreatment mayincrementthechanceof your transplanted organ being rejected.

The foremostcommon sideimpactsof thismedicationincorporatecerebral pain, abnormaldevelopmentof facial or body hair, tallbloodweight, the runs, and shaking or tremors.Sinceit lowers yoursafeframework, you willmoreovercapturemorediseasesthanregular. Tell yourspecialiststraightabsentin the event thatyou develop ancontamination. For the same reason, you'llbe more atchanceofcreatinga fewcancers, especiallyof the skin. Youought toconstrainyourpresentationto sunlight.

Some time recentlytaking thismedicationyouought totell yourspecialiston the off chance thatyou have gotliver or kidneyissues, tallblood pressure, gout (expandeduriccorrosivelevelswithin theblood), or epilepsy.Too, tell yourspecialistalmostall othersolutionsyou'retaking as they mayinfluencethe working of themedication. Thispharmaceuticalshould only beutilizedin pregnancy if it is clearlyrequired.Be that as it may, itisn'tsuggestedwhereasbreastfeeding.You mayhavevisittherapeutictestswhereastaking thismedicationto check your bloodweight, liver and kidneywork, and mineral levels. Thecomes aboutof tests may lead to changes in your dose.

Additional Information:

Payment Terms :

Packaging Details : 5 capsules in 1 strip

Delivery Time : 7 to 14 Working Days

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