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  3. Pharmaceutical Capsules 6 Products available
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  7. Cancer, TB & Tumour Drugs 4 Products available
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Cancer, TB & Tumour Drugs

We offer the best product range of 150mg Tasigna Capsules, Cytotam 20, Cytotam 10mg and Tasigna 200mg Capsule.

150mg Tasigna Capsules

7,800 - 8,000 /Strip Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 5 Strip
  • Country of Origin India
  • Brand Name Tasigna 150mg
  • Manufacturer Novartis India Ltd
  • Treatment Blood cancer
  • Usage As per doctor prescription
  • Prescription Yes
  • Shelf Life 1 year 11 months
  • Storage 30°C
  • Chemical Strength 150 mg
  • Composition Nilotinib 150 mg

Tasigna 150mg Capsule isutilizedwithin thetreatment of blood cancer (incessantmyeloidleukemia). It isutilizedin patients whoseillnessmightnot be treated with othermedicinesforleukemiaor who cannot take thesesolutionssinceof sideimpacts.

Tasigna 150mg Capsuleought tobe taken on anpurgestomach, butattemptto have it at the same timeeachdayto urgethe foremostbenefits. Yourspecialistwill decide what dose isessentialand howfrequentlyyou would liketo requireit. This will depend on whatyou'rebeing treated for and mayalterfrom time to time. Youought totake itpreciselyas yourspecialisthasexhorted. Taking itwithin theoff-baseway or takingas wellmuch can causeexceptionallygenuinesideimpacts. It may takea fewweeks or months for you to see or feel the benefits butdon'thalttaking it unless yourspecialisttells you to.

Cerebral pain, sickness, stomachtorment, andhastyareexceptionallycommon sideimpactsof thispharmaceutical.In caseyouinvolvementseriousthe runs, counseltogether with yourspecialistor drinkbountyofliquidswhereason treatment. Thispharmaceuticalmaydecreasethe number of blood cells (diminishruddyblood and white blood cells) in your blood, subsequently, expandingthevulnerabilitytocontaminations.Customaryblood tests are required to check your blood cellsalong sideheart, liver and blood uriccorrosivelevels and blood sugar or fat levelwithin thebody.

Some time recentlytaking it, tell yourspecialiston the off chance thathave heartillness, liver, or kidneyissuesor are taking anymedicationsto treatcontaminations.Numerousothersolutionscaninfluence, or beinfluencedby, thispharmaceuticalso let your healthcaregroupknow allmedicinesyou'reusing. Thispharmaceuticalisn'tsuggestedamidpregnancy orwhereasbreastfeeding.Utilizeofviablecontraception by bothguysand femalesamidtreatment iscriticaltomaintain a strategic distance frompregnancy.

Additional Information:

Payment Terms :

Packaging Details : 4 capsules in 1 strip

Delivery Time : 7 to 14 Working Days

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Cytotam 20 Tablets

23 - 26 /Strip Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 30 Strip
  • Country of Origin India
  • Brand Name Cytotam 20
  • Manufacturer Cipla Ltd
  • Treatment Breast Cancer.
  • Usage As per doctor
  • Prescription Yes
  • Shelf Life 2 years
  • Storage Below 30°C
  • Chemical Strength 20mg
  • Salt Composition Tamoxifen Citrate 20 mg

Cytotam 20 Tablet is an anti-estrogens. It isutilizedwithin thetreatment of breast cancer. Itis additionallyutilizedtodecreasethehazardof breast cancer in pre- and postmenopausalladieswith atallchance. Thismedicationmakes a differencetomoderatedown thedevelopmentandduplicationof cancer cells.

Cytotam 20 Tabletis additionallyaccommodatingwithin thetreatment ofbarrenness. It can be taken with or without food, but take it at the same timeto inducethe foremostadvantage. Itought tobe taken as your doctor'scounsel. Thedosageand howregularlyyou take it depends on whatyou'retaking it for. Yourspecialistwillchoosehow muchyou wishtoprogressyourside effects. Swallow the tabletsentiretywith a drink of water. Thispharmaceuticalisfor the most parttaken for 10 to 15a long time. Youought totake thispharmaceuticalfor as longbecause itisendorsedfor you.

The foremostcommon sideimpactsof thismedicationincorporatehot flashes, dispositionswings, vaginalrelease, vaginaldying, queasiness, andliquidmaintenance.In casethese bother you orshow upgenuine, let yourspecialistknow. There may be ways ofdiminishingoranticipatingthem.A fewsideimpactsmaycruelyouought toadviseyourspecialistquicklyincorporatevaginaldying, unpredictablemenstrual period, and vaginalrelease. It makes birth control pills lesscompelling, consequentlyutilizea condom and other preventive measures tomaintain a strategic distance frompregnancy.

Some time recentlytaking thismedication, tell yourspecialiston the off chance thatyou'reon treatment offruitlessnessor had a blood clotclutter. Yourspecialistought totooknowalmostall othersolutionsyou'retaking asnumerousof these may make thismedicationlessviableoralterthe way it works. Tell yourspecialistin caseyou'repregnant or breastfeeding. Yourspecialistmay performa fewblood tests to check liverworkand calcium levelwithin thebody.

Additional Information:

Payment Terms :

Packaging Details : 10 tablets in 1 strip

Delivery Time : 7 to 14 Working Days

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Cytotam 10mg Tablets

16 - 18 /Strip Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 20 Pack
  • Country of Origin India
  • Brand Name Cytotam 10mg
  • Manufacturer Cipla Ltd
  • Treatment Breast Cancer
  • Usage As per doctor
  • Prescription Yes
  • Shelf Life 1 year 11 months
  • Storage Below 30°C
  • Chemical Strength 10 mg
  • Salt Composition Tamoxifen Citrate 10 mg

Cytotam 10mg Tablet is an anti-estrogens. It isutilizedwithin thetreatment of breast cancer. Itis additionallyutilizedtodiminishthehazardof breast cancer in pre- and postmenopausalladieswith atallchance. Thispharmaceuticalmakes a differencetomoderatedown thedevelopmentandduplicationof cancer cells.

Cytotam 10mg Tabletis additionallysupportivewithin thetreatment ofbarrenness. It can be taken with or without food, but take it at the same timeto inducethe foremostadvantage. Itought tobe taken as your doctor'scounsel. Themeasurementsand howregularlyyou take it depends on whatyou'retaking it for. Yourspecialistwillchoosehow muchyou would liketomove forwardyourside effects. Swallow the tabletsentiretywith a drink of water. Thispharmaceuticalisfor the most parttaken for 10 to 15a long time. Youought totake thispharmaceuticalfor as longbecause itisendorsedfor you.

The foremostcommon sideimpactsof thismedicationincorporatehot flashes, temperamentswings, vaginalrelease, vaginaldying, sickness, andliquidmaintenance.On the off chance thatthese bother you orshow upgenuine, let yourspecialistknow. There may be ways ofdecreasingoranticipatingthem.A fewsideimpactsmaycruelyouought toadviseyourspecialistpromptlyincorporatevaginaldying, sporadicmenstrual period, and vaginalrelease. It makes birth control pills lesscompelling, subsequentlyutilizea condom and other preventive measures tododgepregnancy.

Some time recentlytaking thispharmaceutical, tell yourspecialiston the off chance thatyou'reon treatment offruitlessnessor had a blood clotclutter. Yourspecialistought tomoreoverknowaroundall otherdrugsyou'retaking asnumerousof these may make thispharmaceuticallesscompellingoralterthe way it works. Tell yourspecialistin the event thatyou'repregnant or breastfeeding. Yourspecialistmay performa fewblood tests to check liverworkand calcium levelwithin thebody.

Additional Information:

Payment Terms :

Packaging Details : 10 tablets in 1 strip

Delivery Time : 7 to 14 Working Days

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Tasigna 200mg Capsule

8,107 - 8,507 /Strip Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 10 Strip
  • Country of Origin India
  • Brand Name Tasigna 200mg
  • Manufacturer Novartis India Ltd
  • Treatment Blood cancer
  • Usage As per doctor prescription
  • Prescription YES
  • Shelf Life 1 year 11 months
  • Storage 30°C
  • Chemical Strength 200 mg
  • Composition Nilotinib 200 mg

Tasigna 200mg Capsule isutilizedwithin thetreatment of blood cancer (unremittingmyeloidleukemia). It isutilizedin patients whoseillnessmightnot be treated with othersolutionsforleukemiaor who cannot take thesedrugssinceof sideimpacts.

Tasigna 200mg Capsuleought tobe taken on anpurgestomach, butattemptto have it at the same timeeachdayto inducethe foremostbenefits. Yourspecialistwill decide what dose isessentialand howfrequentlyyou wishto requireit. This will depend on whatyou'rebeing treated for and mayalterfrom time to time. Youought totake itpreciselyas yourspecialisthasexhorted. Taking itwithin theoff-baseway or takingas wellmuch can causeexceptionallygenuinesideimpacts. It may takea fewweeks or months for you to see or feel the benefits butdon'thalttaking it unless yourspecialisttells you to.

Migraine, queasiness, stomachtorment, andhastyareexceptionallycommon sideimpactsof thispharmaceutical.In caseyouinvolvementextremeloose bowels, counseltogether with yourspecialistor drinkbountyofliquidswhereason treatment. Thismedicationmaydiminishthe number of blood cells (diminishruddyblood and white blood cells) in your blood, subsequently, expandingthehelplessnesstocontaminations.Customaryblood tests are required to check your blood cellstogether withheart, liver and blood uriccorrosivelevels and blood sugar or fat levelwithin thebody.

Some time recentlytaking it, tell yourspecialistin casehave heartmalady, liver, or kidneyissuesor are taking anydrugsto treatcontaminations.Numerousotherdrugscaninfluence, or beinfluencedby, thispharmaceuticalso let your healthcaregroupknow alldrugsyou'reusing. Thismedicationisn'tprescribedamidpregnancy orwhereasbreastfeeding.Utilizeofsuccessfulcontraception by bothguysand femalesamidtreatment iscriticaltododgepregnancy.

Additional Information:

Payment Terms :

Packaging Details : 4 capsules in 1 strip

Delivery Time : 7 to 14 Working Days

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