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Pharmaceutical Raw Materials
2 Products availableTrabectedin
2 Products availableOur offered Product range includes Erlotinib 150 Mg (Erlonat 150 ), HydroxyUrea 500 Mg (Myelostat 500mg), Temoside 20 and Temoside 100.
Erlonat 150 Tablet isutilizedwithin thetreatment of non-small cell lung cancer and pancreatic cancer.
Erlonat 150 Tabletought tobe taken on anpurgestomach orought tobe taken one hoursome time recentlyor 2 hour aftersupper. Youought toproceedto requireit as long as yourspecialistexhortsit. Thelengthof treatmentchangesagreeingto your needs andreactionto treatment. Youought totake itpreciselyas yourspecialisthas advised. Taking itwithin theoff-baseway or takingas wellmuch can causeexceptionallygenuinesideimpacts. It may takea fewweeks or months for you to see or feel the benefits butdon'thalttaking it unless yourspecialisttells you to.
The foremostcommon sideimpactsof thismedicationincorporatesickness, spewing, weakness, hasty, and weightmisfortune. It may causeseriousthe runs, drinkbountyof fluids orcounselalong with yourspecialiston the off chance thatit bothers you. It makes youtouchytowardsdaylight, thusweardefensiveclothing orutilizesunscreenwhereasgoing out. In case youcreateulceration in mouth, changes in your vision, or breathingchallengesthan it isway bettertoeducatethespecialist. Your doctor mayexhortfornormalcheckingof liverworkwhereasyou'retaking this medicine.
Numerousothersolutionscaninfluence, or beinfluencedby, thispharmaceuticalso let your healthcaregroupknow allsolutionsyou'reusing. Thismedicationisn'tsuggestedamidpregnancy orwhereasbreastfeeding. Theutilizeofviablecontraception by bothguysand femalesamidtreatment isimperativetomaintain a strategic distance frompregnancy. It isexhortedto quit smokingwhereastaking thispharmaceuticalbecause itcan affect the working of themedication.In caseyou have gotto requireanstomach settling agentor any otherpharmaceutical, take it at aholeof atslightest2 hours after taking the cancer medicine.
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Packaging Details : 30 tablets in 1 strip
Delivery Time : 7 to 14 Working Days
Myelostat 500mg Capsule isutilizedwithin thetreatment ofa fewsortsof cancer and toanticipatedifficultscenesrelatedwith sickle cellfrailty. It may bemoreoverutilizedto treata fewother conditions. It isin some casesutilizedwith certain otherdrugsasportionof combination chemotherapy.
Myelostat 500mg Capsule can be taken with or withoutnourishment, butattemptto have it at the same timeeachdayto inducethe foremostbenefits. Yourspecialistwill decide what dose isvitaland howfrequentlyyou wishto requireit. This will depend on whatyou'rebeing treated for and mayalterfrom time to time. Youought totake itpreciselyas yourspecialisthasexhorted. Taking itwithin theoff-baseway or takingas wellmuch can causeexceptionallygenuinesideimpacts. It may takea fewweeks or months for you to see or feel the benefits butdon'thalttaking it unless yourspecialisttells you to.
The foremostcommon sideimpactsof thispharmaceuticalincorporatehematologicalclutters, gastrointestinalside effects, eatingdisarranges, and weightmisfortune. Thismedicationmaydecreasethe number of blood cells in your bloodsubsequently, expandingthedefenselessnesstocontaminations.Normalblood tests are required to check your blood cellsin conjunction withkidney, liver and heartworkamidtreatment with this medicine.
Some time recentlytaking it, tell yourspecialiston the off chance thatyou have gotdying, liver, or kidneyissuesor are taking anysolutionsto treatdiseases.Numerousothermedicationscaninfluence, or beinfluencedby, thispharmaceuticalso let yourspecialistknow all medicationsyou'reutilizing. Thismedicationisn'tprescribedamidpregnancy orwhereasbreastfeeding. Theutilizeofviablecontraception by bothguysand femalesamidtreatment iscriticaltododgepregnancy.
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Packaging Details : 10 capsules in 1 strip
Delivery Time : 7 to 14 Working Days
Temoside 20mg Capsule isutilizedwithin thetreatment of aparticularsortof cancer of the brain. It isutilizedto treat brain tumorsin the event thatthey return or getmore awfulafter standard treatment. It may bemoreoverutilizedto treat other conditions, asdecidedby thespecialist.
Temoside 20mg Capsuleought tobe takenpurgestomach and at same time each dayto formsure it hasthe most excellenteffect. Your doctor willchoosewhatmeasurementsisvitaland how oftenyou wishto requireit. This will depend on whatyou'rebeing treated for and mayalterfrom time to time. Youought totake itpreciselyas yourspecialisthasexhorted. Taking itwithin thewrong way or takingas wellmuch can causeexceptionallygenuinesideimpacts. It may takea fewweeks or months for you to see or feel the benefits butdon'thalttaking it unless yourspecialisttells you to.
The foremostcommon sideimpactsof thispharmaceuticalincorporatequeasiness, spewing, clogging, cerebral painandweakness. Thismedicationmaydecreasethe number of blood cells in your bloodin this manner, expandingthedefenselessnesstocontaminations.Customaryblood tests are required to check your blood cellsalong sidekidney, liver and heartworkamidtreatment with thispharmaceutical.
Some time recentlytaking it, tell yourspecialiston the off chance thathavedying, liver, or kidneyissuesor are taking anysolutionsto treatdiseases.Numerousothersolutionscaninfluence, or beinfluencedby, thispharmaceuticalso let yourspecialistknow allsolutionsyou'reusing. Thispharmaceuticalisn'tprescribedamidpregnancy orwhereasbreastfeeding. It mayhurtyourinfant. You and youraccompliceought tododgegetting to bepregnant or fathering a child fora fewmonths after your treatment with it hashalted.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms :
Packaging Details : 5 capsules in 1 bottle
Delivery Time : 7 to 14 Working Days
Temoside 100mg Capsule isutilizedwithin thetreatment of aparticularsortof cancer of the brain. It isutilizedto treat brain tumorsin casethey return or getmore regrettableafter standard treatment. It may betooutilizedto treat other conditions, asdecidedby the doctor.
Temoside100mg Capsuleought tobe takenpurgestomach and at same time each dayto formsure it hasthe most excellenteffect. Your doctor will decide whatmeasurementsisvitaland how oftenyou would liketo requireit. This will depend on whatyou'rebeing treated for and mayalterfrom time to time. Youought totake itpreciselyas yourspecialisthasprompted. Taking itwithin thewrong way or takingas wellmuch can causeexceptionallygenuinesideimpacts. It may takea fewweeks or months for you to see or feel the benefits butdon'thalttaking it unless yourspecialisttells you to.
The foremostcommon sideimpactsof thispharmaceuticalincorporatequeasiness, heaving, stoppage, migraineandweakness. Thispharmaceuticalmaydiminishthe number of blood cells in your bloodsubsequently, expandingthevulnerabilitytodiseases.Standardblood tests are required to check your blood cellsbesidekidney, liver and heartworkamidtreatment with this medicine.
Some time recentlytaking it, tell yourspecialistin the event thathavedying, liver, or kidneyissuesor are taking anydrugsto treatdiseases.Numerousothersolutionscaninfluence, or beinfluencedby, thispharmaceuticalso let yourspecialistknow alldrugsyou'reusing. Thispharmaceuticalisn'tsuggestedamidpregnancy orwhereasbreastfeeding. It mayhurtyourchild. You and youraccompliceought tomaintain a strategic distance fromgetting to bepregnant or fathering a child fora fewmonths after your treatment with it has stopped.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms :
Packaging Details : 5 capsules in 1 bottle
Delivery Time : 7 to 14 Working Days