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2 Products availableRebreathing Bags
2 Products availableSurgical Equipment & Supplies
2 Products availableNasal Cannulas
2 Products availableSurgical Needles & Scissors
2 Products availableMedical Ventilators
1 Products availableVentilator Circuits
1 Products availableVentilatorPlainCircuitprovides heated and humidified anesthetic gases by making fluid warm in order to prevent intraoperative hypothermia.
Ventilator Circuit Adult with 1 Water Trap offered comes with option of corrugated plastic hose with circuit adaptors and 1 Water Trap.
HME filters arepassive humidification systemsthat retain heat and moisture from the patients exhaled gas via a hygroscopic filter. Bacterial Viral Filters help provide effective protection against various types of particles including bacteria, viruses, and moisture
Oxygen hood is a clear plastic compartment (that resembles a hood) that fits around the neonate’s head and provides warm and humidified oxygen to the infant. This allows the neonate to receive a desired FiO2 in order to maintin the appropriate oxygen saturation. The oxygen hood only surrounds the head and neck of the infant and leaves the remainder of the body available for care.
A fetoscope, one of the tools used for fetal monitoring, is similar to a stethoscope. It works by amplifying the sound of the baby's heartbeat. It can be used at any time during labour. It is a non-invasive method of monitoring, meaning that it carries no side effects, risks, and does not require the use of extra interventions.
Rubber Rebreathing bag Green Colour Size 0.5 Ltr, 1 Ltr , 2 Ltr, 3 Ltr ( Single time use )
Rebreathing Bag functions as areservoir for anesthetic gasesduring surgery or for oxygen supply during resuscitation.
Rebreathing bags are collapsible reservoirs through which gases are inhaled and exhaled into during anesthesia & artificial ventilation. We provide a fine range of rebreathing bags in a range of colours ranging from black in sizes 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 & 6.0 ltrs.