The Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP) is a general English language proficiency test. The CELPIP Test allows test takers to demonstrate their ability to function in English. The test clearly, accurately, and precisely assesses a test takers English abilities in a variety of everyday situations, such as communicating with co-workers and superiors in the workplace, interacting with friends, understanding newscasts, and interpreting and responding to written materials. There are two versions of the CELPIP Test: the CELPIP-General Test and the CELPIP-General LS Test. The CELPIP-General Test assesses functional Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking skills. In addition to being accepted by IRCC, the CELPIP-General Test is accepted by the Real Estate Council of British Columbia and Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council. The CELPIP-General LS Test assesses functional Listening and Speaking proficiency. The CELPIP Test is available in two versions: the CELPIP-General Test and the CELPIP-General LS Test. The CELPIP-General Test has four componentsListening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking, and the CELPIP-General LS Test has two componentsListening and Speaking. The total test time for the CELPIP-General Test is about 3 hours.The total test time for the CELPIP-General LS Test is about 1 hour and 10 minutes. The CELPIP Test is fully computer delivered, providing test takers the opportunity to complete all test components in one sitting with no additional appointments, interviews, or test sittings required. CELPIP Test Takers use a computer mouse and keyboard to complete Reading and Writing components of the test, and a computer microphone and headset to complete the Listening and Speaking components. Computerized tests offer test takers a quick and reliable testing experience.