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Common Name And Occurrence: The galangal herb is a member of the ginger family and belongs to the genus Alpinia. It is mainly found in South-East Asia. Galangal is a food flavoring and spice used in recipes across Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia.The galangal plant is imported in great quantities to Europe more...
Galangal oil, also known as false ginger, has therapeutic benefits as it kills cancer cells and boost the cancer-fighting capacity of healthy cells. This essential oil is used as a flavoring agent for food, particularly in spice and meat products and liquors. Due to its antibacterial and anti-fungal activity, more...
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Galangal is a yellow to olive brown liquid that is steam distilled from the dried comminuted rhizomes of the plant. Galangal is the dried root of the plant which found mainly in eastern Himalayas and south west India. Uses It is used as a spice and has wide usage in various medicinal preparations, Motion Sick more...