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2 Products availableFruit And Vegetable Processing Machine
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1 Products availableOur product range contains a wide range of Pea Podder Machine, Fruit Washer Machine, Fruit Pasteurizer Machine, Vegetable Washer Machine and Vegetable Blancher Machine
Suitable for separation of pea grains from the pea pods. Capacity of the machine ranges from 1 MT per hour of pea pods to 3 MT per hour of pea pods
PROCESS:The peas podder machine manufacturers, suppliers and exporters in Mumbai India to worldwide with latest unique materials. Due to beating action of the blades the grains are removed from the pods. The pea grains fall through the perforated sheet of the drum on to the apron conveyor. The apron conveyor being inclined, the pea grains slide down and some peels and pea pods stick on the belt of the apron conveyor. They are collected on separate chutes on the reverse side of the apron conveyor.
INCLUSIONS:Suitable for washing all kinds of fruits and vegetables. The unique feature of the machine is that it can be used to wash leafy vegetables as well, that normally have a tendency to float on water. Since the retention time during washing is more, we get better quality of washing and the machine can be used to wash dirty vegetables as well.
Commercial Fruit WasherCommercialfruit washer machineto be washed is fed in the main washing tank. In the washing tank the vegetables are washed with the helical motion imparted in water. Fruit washer cylconic product is then passed on to the vibratory unit fitted with perforated sheet. Due to vibration the product moves forward and is discharged to the next machine. Fruit washer cylconic product will be subject to a fresh spray of water during their forward motion on the vibratory conveyor.
FeaturesThe vegetables are fed in the drum of the machine. The peeling takes place due to contact of the vegetables with the abrasive material applied on the wall of the drum. Thevegetables machinerotate in the drum due to the rotating disc placed at the bottom of the drum. Water is sprayed in the drum during peeling operation. With the help of timer the peeling time can be set. After the set time the peeling stops and the vegetables are discharged from the hopper.
INCLUSIONS:The equipment is suitable for peeling of root vegetables in batches
Peeler Batch TypeThe vegetables are fed in the drum of the machine. The peeling takes place due to contact of the vegetables with the abrasive material applied on the wall of the drum. Thevegetables machinerotate in the drum due to the rotating disc placed at the bottom of the drum. Water is sprayed in the drum during peeling operation. With the help of timer the peeling time can be set. After the set time the peeling stops and the vegetables are discharged from the hopper.
INCLUSIONS:The product to be concentrated is fed in the vacuum evaporator machine. The pan will be fitted with a slow speed stirrer. The stirrer consists of spring loaded Teflon scrappers ensuring that the scrapers are always in contact with the surface of thevacuum evaporator machineand hence eliminating chance of product charring. Jwala engineers are manufacturers, suppliers and exporters of vacuum evaporator process in Mumbai India. After concentration the product can be discharged from the bottom with the help of a pump.
Vacuum Evaporator Process