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Our Services

  1. Business Consultant 11 Services available
  2. Legal Consultant 7 Services available
  3. Trademarks Services 4 Services available
  4. Trademark & Copyright Consultants 4 Services available
  5. Statutory Compliance Services 4 Services available
  6. Patent Registration Services 3 Services available
  7. Direct Tax Services

    2 Services available
  8. Licensing Services

    1 Services available
  9. Matrimonial Service

    1 Services available
  10. Real Estate Services

    1 Services available
  11. Others Services 32 Services available

Trademark & Copyright Consultants

Our offered Product range includes Proprietorship Firm Registration, Partnership Firm Registration, Copyright Registration and ngo registration.

Proprietorship Firm Registration

Proprietorship firm consists only single person as its owner and it is very small in nature and with less legalities. Similarly, Capital Requirements are also has no criteria to start the business as it is not a legal entity. Proprietorship firm also known as its full name "SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP FIRM". When one wants to start up small businesses, varying from establishing local studios, shops etc, where a single person invests in the form of capital and avails profit and loss. This kinds of business requires a very simple process with minimal legal compliance and formation costs. This follows the easy registration process, under various laws, such as Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), Tax Laws, this also includes, different acts, like Shop Act, Labor Act. Being registered under ''Proprietorship firm'', does not require any specific legal certificate, which enables a small businessman to easily afford the expenditure. If you are looking for new venture then this Proprietor ship firm is the best option with small capital in a short time frame.
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Partnership Firm Registration

Being a rising and leading company in market, we are engaged in offering Partnership firm services to our clients. It is popular form of business constitution for businesses that are owned, managed and controlled by an association of people to earn profit. Apart from Proprietorship firm, Partnership firm comprises of two or more members, to carry out the same kind of business. All the profits and loses were supposed to collectively shared by the partners and they are said to be responsible for any of the liability. Under Indian Partnership Act 1932, all the rules and regulations for the registration of partnership firm is controlled and maintained. We are bringing forth the most simplest ways of carrying business without any risk. The partnership firm should be registered to get the added advantages provided by the government. Moreover, our offered service is highly appreciated for lesser paper work and early approval. We offer end-to-end solutions to meet the clients' Partnership firm needs. Procedures one needs to follow for getting registered under a Partnership Firm are following; First procedure of getting registered anywhere is to file an application for company registration of partnership form with required information, full name and full addresses of partners, partnership date, name of firm, duration and placer of firm. All the details need to be verified by all the partners.The number of partners should be in the range of between 2 to 10. One should also take care of the fact, that name of the firm should not coincide with name of any organization, trust name, department, government company etc.The application must be submitted under prescribed form.All the important documents, such as proof of place of business, partnership deed, and specimen of affidavit need to be attached with the form.After receiving the confirmation for registration, apply for the certification of partnership firm.
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Copyright Registration

We are a leading law firm in India, which has developed a high specialization in providing Copy Right Registration service in India. Copyright comes under the intellectual property rights, which gives a sense of recognition to the creator over their original work. The main purpose of this our provided service is to register the creative output of businesses and individuals in order to protect their copyright ownership. It is basically the subject of matter of each and every industry, under which work of a particular person, team or organization is reserved legally. Nowadays a lot of copy right issues have been witnessed in entertainment industry; it includes all kinds of artistic works, varying from music, dramatics, literature, art to filmmaking. Copy right has given a sense of security to all the artists in order to reserve their on their piece of work. Under this law, it is illegal to use someone else piece of work without their permission. Further, this Copy Right Registration service is carried with a team of highly skilled and experienced attorneys.
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NGO Registration

NGO Registration
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