Jindal Tapes is a company of Jindal Group which is an esteemed business conglomerate with a distinctive approach to business management, a unique blend of rich Indian traditions blended with current management philosophies that have helped us adapt to changing market conditions and follow a set of values. We firmly believe in ethics, transparency, honesty, quality and amicable customer support. Jindal started manufacturing electrical PVC tapes on a small scale with the accent on quality. Our meticulous approach, use of quality raw materials and processes led to wide acceptance of our products. It fuelled our growth and led to establishment of units in Haryana and Rajasthan to meet the increasing needs of electrical industry in India. Along the way we adopted a strategy of research and development of electrical tapes to adapt them to Indian conditions and typical Indian usage. This strategy paid rich dividends. Jindal PVC tape possesses unique properties besides total reliability while being affordably priced. While we have our in-house quality processes, we also realized the needs to adapt standards. Jindal Tapes is fully compliant with BIS 7809 and we obtained type approval from credible authorities. Jindal offers fire resistant tapes with the best adhesives to withstand 6500V AC. Today, Jindal insulation electrical PVC tapes enjoy a lion's share of the market besides being preferred by government institutions and power generating units across the country not to speak of millions of electrical service technicians and homes. Our tapes exemplify safety. The electrical industry and use of electricity is growing at a fast pace throughout the country and the world. Jindal Tapes is perfectly positioned to meet today's needs and it is actively developing products for tomorrow's emerging requirements. Our Mission & Vission Mission: Jindal Tapes is on a mission to become India's largest manufacturer of PVC tapes and offer a wide range of solutions for service technicians in the shape of reliable and guaranteed products. Vision: We see a future in which Jindal Tapes commands a leading market share and its name signifies trust and total reliability in electrical insulation products worldwide.