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One-stop destination for presenting quality Emery Stones, we are a notable supplier in this field. In order to deliver high quality product range, we make use of the premium raw material that is sourced from the reliable places and that too after complete quality assurance. more...
Located in Jodhpur(India), we are a high-flying name when it comes to quality-centralized and cost effective products. We have well-connected and capacious warehouse that helps us in arranging products systematically to deal with urgent deliveries and orders. Our exceptionally good warehouse system helps us i more...
We are instrumental in providing our clients with superior quality Vertical Danish Type Emery Stone . These Vertical Danish Type Emery Stone come in different types and have perfect finish. These Vertical Danish Type Emery Stone are made from the latest technology and are available at reasonable prices. Attri more...
We are the main supplier of this product. more...
Jai Shree Industries are successfully ranked amongst the top manufacturers and suppliers of superior quality range of Horizontal Bolt Type Emery Stone, Horizontal Janta Type Emery Stone, Vertical Danish & Rajkot Type Emery Stone. more...
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We offer horizental type stones to our clients as per their requirement and it is very much acceptable by them due to their quality. more...
We are strongly backed by a well maintained and managed storage house wherein we store our products for meeting urgent and massive requirements of the buyers. Acknowledged as a reliable name; we make available the qualitative products that are accessible from Jodhpur(India). more...
We are offering flour mill emery stones that cater to the needs of various industries. These flour mill emery stones are available at market leading prices to suit the customer’s budget. These are manufactured with high grade materials and latest technology to ensure high durability. We provide customized p more...
Relying on our skilled manpower and in-house manufacturing facilities, we have been able to emerge as one of the most reputed manufacturers of Emery Stones. Out of our entire stock of stones, Bolt Type Emery Stones are considered as the best type of stones used in grinding mills. In our production unit, we ma more...
We offer impressive range of Vertical Emery Stone to our esteemed clients. The Quality of our stones are assured and various raw material used in manufacture is tested at every stage of production Strict checking of tensile strength, setting time, moisture resistance power is ensured in our laboratory moreove more...
We are offering emery stone. These products are widely used for different applications such as cutting, matting & polishing. The low grade bauxite in cupolas are smelted at high temperatures to process these products. Containing 55-60 % of al203. these products are available to the clients in different sizes more...
We are manufacturers, suppliers and exporters of horizontal emery stone, vertical emery stone and other emery stone mill. ¤ Vertical Emery Stone Vertical Emery Stone Ask for Price Available in Danish, Rajkot & Marshall type models Manufactured by export quality Synthetic and Natural Abrasive Grains Manufactu more...