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1 Services availableJIYES Learning Institute is established with the overview that the demographic dividend of our country is strongly linked with the employability of our youths. For that focus on skills development makes perfect sense as 80 percent of new entrants to the workforce have no opportunity for skill training. Skilling is national imperative to gainfully employ youth lest it becomes a bane as already a large number close to 200 million 9th,10th,11th and 12th dropouts who need Vocational skills to be employable and this number is likely to be 500 million by 2020. Further in the scenario of social non-acceptance to Vocational Education as an alternative to higher education that requires to make vocational skilling agenda inclusive and aspirational. Even mere acquiring degrees or Diplomas does not guarantee jobs for that emotional intelligence skills are necessary. JIYES Learning Institute is established to develop vocational skills integrated with emotional intelligence to make them at par of higher education with higher employ-ability for aspired jobs.
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