Our Products
Our offered Product range includes Spices Cassia and Ayurvadic Wood Glass.
Cassia bark is an interesting spice. Also known as Chinese cinnamon, it is a genus of the cinnamon tree. Cinnamon is a little bit different from cassia, and usually differentiated by being called "true cinnamon." Cassia is cheaper to produce, and the majority of ground cinnamon is actually made from cassia bark. Indians use cassia instead of true cinnamon in their cooking, as it has a milder flavor and can be used in larger quantities.
Cassia can also be used whole or ground in spice mixes. It is easily distinguishable by its rough, tree bark-like texture, and the best way to check for freshness is to rub a little on your fingers. If you can smell a cinnamon fragrance, then the bark is fresh.
If substituting cinnamon for cassia, use less, as the flavor of true cinnamon is more intense.
Vijaysar Herbal Wood Tumbler Indian Kino tree Cup is used for the treatment of .It is possibly due to the transfer of the active anti-diabeticcontents into . My glucose has started responding after I used Madhu VijayGlasssince 1 month.
Coriander (Dhaniya) | Coriander leaves as well as coriander seeds are used incooking. It also has some medicinal uses. | It can be used externally on aching joints and rheumatism. It is also good for coping with soar throat,allergies, digestion problems, hay feveretc. |
Centella asiatica, commonly known as centella andgotu kola, is a small, herbaceous, frost-tender perennialplantof . may also contain finely chopped green chilis, chilipowder, turmericpowder, chopped carrots as additional ingredients.
Garlic does more than just jazz up a meal. The pungent plant works to lower blood pressure, fight infections from fungus and viruses, reduce cholesterol and lower the risk of blood clots and heart disease, Women Fitness says. Garlic also doubles as an antiseptic that sucks toxins from your body. If you opt to use garlic on your scalp, you also get some benefits for your hair.
These compounds are called curcuminoids, the most important of which is curcumin. Curcumin is the main active ingredient inturmeric. It has powerful anti-inflammatoryeffectsand is a very strong antioxidant
Mix equal quantities of orange peelpowderandmultani mitti, blend the two together with the help of rosewater, apply on your face, let it dry and wash off. According to Dr. Bharadwaj, using the pack twice a month will help keep excess oil off your face and acne/pimple breakouts in control.
ong withprotein, rice powderprovides essential amino acids, vitamins B and E, fiber and carbohydrates.Rice powderlacks fat, cholesterol, sugar and sodium.Rice protein powdercan be used tosupplementany type of meal, mixed with smoothies orprotein shakesor added to soups and salads
Red sandalwood is known to be one of the most reliable natural beauty ingredients. When used as a face pack or face mask, it can benefit our skin in a number of ways.
KokilakshaKashayam is an Ayurvedic medicine used in treating jaundice, . should be taken along with two pinches of long pepperpowder.