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Pesticides & Insecticides
2 Products availableAntioxidant
2 Products availableCatalysts And Absorbents
1 Products availableWe offer a complete product range of Knock Down, Sherpa DT, Esteron G, Ambamidon and Ambron
Application :
Weeds Controlled : Very good for Cyprus and Cynodon like difficult weeds control
Application : Broad spectrum insecticide having contact & stomach action
Insects Controlled : Control of spotted bollworm, American bollworm, Pink bollworm, whitefly etc. on cotton, shoot & Fruit borer, Jassid Aphid, Epilachna beetle of Brinjal Crops
Application :
Weeds Controlled : Broad-spectrum control of broad-leaved weeds and grasses in fruit orchards (including citrus), plantation crops (bananas, tea, coffee, cocoa palms, coconut palms, oil palms, rubber, etc
Application :
Insects Controlled : It is very important for controlling insects like Jassids, Aphids, Thrips, Leaf hoppers etc
Application :
Fungal Disease Controlled : Scab, Anthracnose, Anthracnose, Downy mildew, Early blight, and Late blight diseases of various in Maize, Bajra, Sorghum, Sunflower, Mustard, Sugarcane, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Vines, Peppers, tobacco etc
Application :
Fungal Disease Controlled : Leaf spots, Wilting, Stem rot, Powdery mildew and Anthracnose in Wheat, Cotton, Vegetables, Potato, Sugarcane, Paddy, Apple, Chilli, Grapes, Tea, Mango
Application : Breaks seed dormancy. Improves fruit setting and reduces apical dominance. Keeps the leaves green for a longer period which helps in improving the yield. Improves enzymatic biosynthesis to impart taste, colour & vigour to the crops.
Target Crops : Paddy, Wheat, Potato, Citrus, Mango, fruits, Vegetables, Spices, Apples, Apricot, Pomegranate, Peach, Litchi, Plum, Walnut, Cherry, Strawberry, Saffron, Groundnut, Coriander, Cotton as well as in forestry nursery and ornamental Plants.
Application :
Target Crops : Cotton, Tuver, Groundnut, Cumin, Wheat, Rice, Brinjal, Ladyfinger, Sugarcane, Pulses, Onion, Garlic, Sorghum, Soya, Apple, Litchi, Banana, Mentha, Tomato, Chilli etc.
Application :
Fungal Disease Controlled :
Application :
Fungal Disease Controlled : Scab, Anthracnose, Anthracnose, Downy mildew, Early blight, and Late blight diseases of various crops, vegetables, Potato, Tomato, Tea, Coconuts, spices, and Tobacco, fruits, Grapes, Banana, nuts and commercial sod farms.
Application :
Fungal Disease Controlled : Black & Yellow rust, Downy Mildew, Early & Late blight, Buck eye rot, Leaf spot, Tikka in Wheat, Maize, Paddy, Jowar, Potato, Tomato, Chilli, Beans, Cucurbits, Ground nut, Soybean, Sun flower, Grapes
Application :
Fungal Disease Controlled :
Application : Gas generated by the spray of DDVP controls the growth of the sucking pest and other insects
Insects Controlled :
Application :
Insects Controlled : It control Jassids, Aphid, Thrips and Termites in various crops like Cotton, Groundnuts, Maize, Mango, Paddy etc
Application :
Insects Controlled : Aphids, Colorado beetles and butterfly larvae, Jassids, Thrips, Stem Borer, Fruit borer, Leaf folder, Green Leaf hopper, Gall midge, Hispa, Brown plant Hopper and White Backed Plant hopper, Whril Maggot etc
Application :
Insects Controlled : Aphids, Jassids, and hoppers etc. It also effectively controls Thrips and Whiteflies in wide range of crops like Cotton, Paddy , Fruits and Vegetables.
Application :
Weeds Controlled : Cereals, Tea, Wheat, Rice, Maize, Millets, Grasslands, Established turf, Aquatic broad leaves weeds, Grass seed crops, Orchards, Cranberries, Sugarcane, rice, Forestry and non-crop land etc.
Application :
Insects Controlled : Whiteflies, Aphids, Thrips, Jassid in cotton Diamond Back Moth(DBM) in Cabbage, Mites in Chilli, Whiteflies in Brinjal and Thrips and Capsule borer in Cardamom
Application :
Fungal Disease Controlled : Erysiphales (Powdery mildew) Ascomycetes (Scab) Basidiomycetes (Rust), Fungi imperfecti (Wilt) of Rice, Wheat, Tur , Peas, Groundnut, Coffee, Tea, Chilly, Tomato, Apple, Mango and Grapes.
Application :
Fungal Disease Controlled : Early & late blight of Potato/Tomatoes, Downy mildew and black rot of Vines and Cucurbits, Scab of Apples
Application : Breaks seed dormancy. Improves fruit setting and reduces apical dominance. Keeps the leaves green for a longer period which helps in improving the yield. Improves enzymatic biosynthesis to impart taste, colour & vigour to the crops.
Target Crops : Paddy, Wheat, Potato, Citrus, Mango, fruits, Vegetables, Spices, Apples, Apricot, Pomegranate, Peach, Litchi, Plum, Walnut, Cherry, Strawberry, Saffron, Groundnut, Coriander, Cotton as well as in forestry nursery and ornamental Plants.
Application :
Insects Controlled : Vegetables, Fruits, Cumin, Citrus, Wheat, Mustard, Potato, Tea on insect pest like - Whiteflies, Aphids, Thrips, Leafhoppers, Leafminers, Scales etc
Application : Selective, systematic, post-emergent herbicides used mainly for control of annual/perennial broad-leaved weeds, edges and germinating grass seedlings
Weeds Controlled : Tea, wheat, maize, millets, Citrus, Grapes, grasslands, established turf, grass seed crops, orchards, cranberries, sugarcane.
Application :
Fungal Disease Controlled : Powdery mildew, scab, leaf spots and all types of mites in Grapes, Mango, Pea, Cow pea, Apple, Cumin etc.
Application : Broad Spectrum Contact Fungicides. It gives effective and economical control
Fungal Disease Controlled : Powdery Mildew, Rust, Leaf Spot and Mites in Grapes, Mango, Chillies, Cumin, Fennel, Roses, Citrus Okra, Groundnut, Paddy etc.
Application : Organophosphate Insecticide, Semi Systemic, Contact &Stomach broad-spectrum insecticides.
Insects Controlled : Used to Control Sucking, Bollworm, Leaf Eating Beetle, Mealy Bug etc.