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Healing Crystals
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1 Products availableOur offered Product range includes Oval Orgone Usui Engraved Stones Set - Lapis, Druzy Titanium Stone, Diopside Agate Stone, Jet Golden Quartz Worry Stone Irish Carved and Jet Genuine Black Tourmaline Obelisk Rock Crystal Tower.
The Usui Reiki attunement process used five reiki symbols. As said earlier, Reiki symbols are not the Reiki itself, but they help you increase a certain aspect of the Reiki energy. More precisely, Reiki symbols are keys of the Universe that open the gates to the spiritual dimensions. Reiki is generic term made up of two Japanese words (Rei means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki is "life force energy") that describe many types of healing and spiritual work. The term Reiki is not exclusively related to the healing system based on Dr.Usui's healing method, as this is called the Usui System of Natural Healing. So this combined with the Orgone Effect creates brilliant ambience not only outside of your body but also inside your mind, body and soul. It doubles the effect of Reiki given to any person or pet. Communication becomes fast andtrouble are removed instantly thereby letting you attain a position of self-contentment and relief. By placing orgone in and around your home, you will become aware of the extraordinary change they will have on you and your surroundings. In addition, these organ devices are beautiful as well as functional. They're easy to use, fit into every life style, are perfect for young as well as old and don't need an instruction booklet or special training to use. Each orgone vibrates at an extremely high level and significantly increases the aura and protects from stress, negative energy and harmful, electromagnetic radiation. It accelerates the flow of energy in our bodies and acts as a preventative medicine. Many people place them in or around areas where they relax to enhance the positive energies of that area. The orgone repel the negatives thus promoting a constant positive field to help them unwind after a busy day. The orgone can be placed under your bed, in your nightstand, to help with insomnia and sleep better. Carrying an orgone in your purse or pocket is also a wonderful way to take positive energy with you outside your home or office.
JET Top Quality Golden Quartz Worry Stone Palm Worry Stone 1.25" - 1.50" approx. Genuine Authentic Original; Pouch Available. Best Seller Worldwide. Kindly note that since all our products are handcrafted, there always exists slight deviations in size, shape, color of the products compared to image shown here. Image is just a reference.Free 40 Page Booklet "Jet International Crystal Therapy" with this stone. Stones will be picked up from a lot of best available stones in stock. Worry stones are a form of de-stressing stone that work towards relaxing your troubled mind when you rub them with your thumb. They are believed to be originated in ancient Greece. However, various other places including Tibet and Ireland are also linked with their origin.Palm / Worry Stones have soothing effects, a belief that has been passed down through the millennia and still exists today in the form of small stones worn smooth by the sea into a shape that feels pleasant to the hands which soothe and calm the person who handles them.Relieving Stress In many cultures, worry stones are thought to relieve stress. The basic method used is rubbing the smooth area of the stone with the index finger and thumbPalm / Worry stones are smooth stones that fit in the palm of your hand. Palm Stones are similar to worry stones but don't have the indentation in them. They are also called touchstones or pocket stones.
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this fascinating single colored stone steel chain set attracts good luck for the person who wears it. most importantly it is said that the one who gifts it to you finds peace and prosperity.
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jet gold plated agate slice single (1) 4 inch approx. Gemstone coaster saucer geode stone cup holder table decoration home jet international healing crystal therapy booklet metaphysical w/ pouch sacred geometry good luck stone divine prosperity. One of our best made products and loved globally by our beautiful customers. Totally handcrafted & carved product so each product varies in terms of color, shape, size, looks however the healing qualities & metaphysical properties are excellent.can be used as a gift for birthday, new year, anniversary, christmas, function, return gift - applicable for all age groups. Body chakras, kundalini, reiki & crystal stones all these terms are inter-related since their healing properties and spiritual awakening levels are closely bonded. Knowledge about the theory of chakras can help you better understand yourself, your life, and your development, making it possible for you to deal with yourself in a more harmonious manner.has some brilliant applications like use it as a showpiece, table weight, tea coaster, lamp stand, light stand, mobile stand, home decorations, best for healing, relaxation, acupressure, massage, positive energy, peace of mind, resolving queries, yes / no, answers, concentration, power, mind strengththese are dyed & polished from natural gemstone agates so each piece is very unique. They bring some magical properties to your home. The chakras distribute the life force through the physical and subtle bodies. They are the source of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy. Traditionally, there are seven major chakras associated with the physical body.crystals are the offspring of heaven and earths marriage. Since the beginning of formation of this universe, they are and will be an active part of earths crust. Everything in the universe is composed of ever-moving atomic particles and the atoms of all crystals are quite active. They are used as mystical tools, energy generators, communication enhancers and medical instruments. Primitive men used rocks and crystals for performing various rituals and spiritual healing.
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Top Grade Power Engraved Heart Reiki Chakra Stones. One of our best made products and loved globally by our beautiful customers. The Chakra Engraved Gemstone Palm Stone set consists of 7 Extra Large Flat Gemstone Palm Stones, one for each of the 7 Chakras.AUM OM YAM LAM VAM RAM HAM BODY CHAKRAS, KUNDALINI, REIKI & CRYSTAL STONES All these terms are inter-related since their healing properties and spiritual awakening levels are closely bonded. Knowledge about the theory of chakras can help you better understand yourself, your life, and your development, making it possible for you to deal with yourself in a more harmonious manner.Best for Healing, Relaxation, Acupressure, Massage, Positive Energy, Peace of Mind, Resolving Queries, YES / NO, Answers, Concentration, Power, Mind StrengthThe chakras distribute the life force through the physical and subtle bodies. They are the source of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy. Traditionally, there are seven major chakras associated with the physical body.Crystals are the offspring of Heaven and Earths marriage. Since the beginning of formation of this universe, they are and will be an active part of earths crust. Everything in the universe is composed of ever-moving atomic particles and the atoms of all crystals are quite active. They are used as mystical tools, energy generators, communication enhancers and medical instruments. Primitive men used rocks and crystals for performing various rituals and spiritual healing.
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this amazing combination pinjra set includes different colored stones looped by an artistic steel ring design makes you look elegant. it goes with all kinds of dress style and takes you to cloud 9 as soon as you wear it.
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Top Quality Gemstone Chakra Worry Stone Set 1.25" - 1.50" approx. Genuine Authentic Original; Pouch Available. Best Seller Worldwide. Kindly note that since all our products are handcrafted, there always exists slight deviations in size, shape, color of the products compared to image shown here. However, the Healing Qualities & Metaphysical Properties are EXCELLENT.Stones will be picked up from a lot of 7 best available stones in stock. 7 Chakra Stones are Amethyst, Tourmaline or Blue Aventurine, Lapis or Sodalite, Green Mica or Vasonite, Yellow Aventurine or Golden Quartz, Red or Peach Aventurine and Red Jasper. Welcome to our Thumb or Worry Stones page. These are designed to be held between forefinger and thumb, and are fairly small and unobtrusive. We have found them to be popular with students to place in a pocket or pencil case during exam time for example. They are easy to place in a purse or bag or even into your bra or under a pillow. You may be drawn to a particular crystal, or looking for particular healing properties, either way which one is right for you? You cleanse and charge these crystals as you would with any other healing crystal.
JET Top Quality Selenite Worry Stone Palm Worry Stone 1.25" - 1.50" approx. Genuine Authentic Original; Pouch Available. Best Seller Worldwide. Kindly note that since all our products are handcrafted, there always exists slight deviations in size, shape, color of the products compared to image shown here. Image is just a reference.Free 40 Page Booklet "Jet International Crystal Therapy" with this stone. Stones will be picked up from a lot of best available stones in stock. Worry stones are a form of de-stressing stone that work towards relaxing your troubled mind when you rub them with your thumb. They are believed to be originated in ancient Greece. However, various other places including Tibet and Ireland are also linked with their origin.Palm / Worry Stones have soothing effects, a belief that has been passed down through the millennia and still exists today in the form of small stones worn smooth by the sea into a shape that feels pleasant to the hands which soothe and calm the person who handles them.Relieving Stress In many cultures, worry stones are thought to relieve stress. The basic method used is rubbing the smooth area of the stone with the index finger and thumbPalm / Worry stones are smooth stones that fit in the palm of your hand. Palm Stones are similar to worry stones but don't have the indentation in them. They are also called touchstones or pocket stones.
Top Quality Metal Key Ring Key Chain Chakra 7 Pieces. Often used by healers to increase self esteem. Best for Healing, Chakra Balancing, Positive Energy, Meditation, Sound Sleep, Gift and many more applications. Crystals & Stones have a long tradition of being used for crystal healing. Each variety of crystal has a unique internal structure, which causes it to resonate at a certain frequency. It is this resonance that is said to give crystals their healing abilities.ROOT CHAKRA: The 1st Chakra is known as the Root or Base Chakra which exhibits the qualities of physical energy and vitality. The meaning of this chakra is root of our support. It is located at the perineum or base of spine. When this Chakra is blocked we experience: Lack of energy and vitality, depression, anxiety, fear, anger and frustration.When you first obtain crystals or have been using them for some time, or even if they have been left sitting around somewhere, they will have absorbed a range of different energies that they will have been exposed to by yourself and others who may have handled them and transferred various energies and emotions into them.
Top Grade Crystal Quartz Power Engraved Round Sanskrit Reiki Chakra Stones A++. One of our best made products and loved globally by our beautiful customers. The Chakra Engraved Gemstone Palm Stone set consists of 7 Extra Large Flat Gemstone Palm Stones, one for each of the 7 Chakras.AUM OM YAM LAM VAM RAM HAM BODY CHAKRAS, KUNDALINI, REIKI & CRYSTAL STONES All these terms are inter-related since their healing properties and spiritual awakening levels are closely bonded. Knowledge about the theory of chakras can help you better understand yourself, your life, and your development, making it possible for you to deal with yourself in a more harmonious manner.Best for Healing, Relaxation, Acupressure, Massage, Positive Energy, Peace of Mind, Resolving Queries, YES / NO, Answers, Concentration, Power, Mind StrengthThe chakras distribute the life force through the physical and subtle bodies. They are the source of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy. Traditionally, there are seven major chakras associated with the physical body.Crystals are the offspring of Heaven and Earths marriage. Since the beginning of formation of this universe, they are and will be an active part of earths crust. Everything in the universe is composed of ever-moving atomic particles and the atoms of all crystals are quite active. They are used as mystical tools, energy generators, communication enhancers and medical instruments. Primitive men used rocks and crystals for performing various rituals and spiritual healing.
One of our best made products and loved globally by our beautiful customers. The Chakra Engraved Gemstone Palm Stone set consists of 7 Extra Large Flat Gemstone Palm Stones, one for each of the 7 Chakras. Each one has the Chakra Symbol Engraved into its Respective Palm Stone. These Palm Stones are ideal for Crystal Healing and Chakra Balancing as they can be placed flat on the body. Your chakras are linkage points between the Aura and the Physical Body. When your Chakras are balance and in good order, they will strengthen the aura and help prevent energy leakage. There are seven major chakras and they function as pathways for energy to be taken in, metabolized and sent to the major nerve center nearest each one in the body. Chakra Stones average 1 1/2" - 2" in size (4-5 cm). Each gemstone is carved with the appropriate petals and symbol for ultimate chakra harmony. Chakra Symbol Stones are used widely in crystal healing, Reiki, Massage therapies, Ayurvedic and Yoga practices worldwide.Black Obsidian Stone is a powerful cleanser of psychic smog created within your aura, and is a strong psychic protection stone. It has powerful metaphysical properties that will shield you against negativity, and the energy of these stones may stimulate the gift of prophecy. Pieces of these stones that had a shiny surface were used in the past as a tool for scrying. It an excellent crystal to use when you have been doing spiritual or healing work. as it has a strong action to ground you to Mother Gaia. This black stone is excellent to assist you to release disharmony that has built up in your day to day life and during work on yourself, including resentment of others, fear and anger. BODY CHAKRAS, KUNDALINI, REIKI & CRYSTAL STONES All these terms are inter-related since their healing properties and spiritual awakening levels are closely bonded. Knowledge about the theory of chakras can help you better understand yourself, your life, and your development, making it possible for you to deal with yourself in a more harmonious manner. A chakra (Sanskrit - wheel) is an energy center of the body that organizes certain life processes on physical, mental and emotional level. Clairvoyants see a chakra as a many-colored, rotating wheel. The Chakras are energy centres within the body. They act somewhat like psychic organs that produce and distribute energies throughout your being. In most people the Chakras are not active hence the lack of people who are aware of their intuitive and psychic sides. Kundalini (power of desire and self-realization) means a Coiled Corporeal Energy which lies coiled at the bottom of the spine within Muladhara Chakra. The progress of kundalini through the different chakras leads to different levels of awakening and mystical experience, until the kundalini finally reaches the top of the head, Sahasrara chakra, producing an extremely profound mystical experience. The awakening process can be done by means of yoga, meditation.Best for Healing, Relaxation, Acupressure, Massage, Positive Energy, Peace of Mind, Resolving Queries, YES / NO, Answers, Concentration, Power, Mind StrengthThe chakras distribute the life force through the physical and subtle bodies. They are the source of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy. Traditionally, there are seven major chakras associated with the physical body. They are aligned with the spine and located in the base of the spine, the lower abdomen (sacral), the solar plexus, the heart, the throat, the centre of the forehead (third eye), and the crown of the head. When our chakras are blocked, or not in balance, the free flow of energy is impeded, leading to physical, emotional, mental or spiritual dis-ease. When the chakras are unblocked and free-flowing, however, we enjoy optimum health. Each chakra is associated with specific colours and crystals and governs different aspects of human emotion and behaviour. Using gemstones with the chakras can have a great healing effect.
Booklet Jet International Crystal Therapy Awesome Gemstone Bonded Chakra Egg. Approx. 55 mm height * 30 mm base. Kindly note that since all our products are handcrafted there always exists slight deviations in size, shape and color of stones compared to image shown here. However, the Healing Qualities and Metaphysical Properties are EXCELLENT. Using gemstone spheres and adding them to your wiccan supplies can be incredibly beneficial for many reasons.Book provides deep insight about Crystal Therapy, Chakra Balancing, Cleansing & Programming Crystals, Use on Pets, Benefits, Applications and many more details.Quartz Crystal - This stone amplifies prayers, wishes and positive visualizations. Keeps you in touch with your spiritual side, and reminds you that you are a spiritual being, having a human experience. All spiritual pursuits can be stimulated and amplified using this stone's energy. It helps you to be receptive to higher guidance.Gemstones in wicca and witchcraft often are used as ritual tools because of the energy they contain within themselvesUsing gemstone spheres and adding them to your wiccan supplies can be incredibly beneficial for many reasons.Gemstones in general have many different healing, protection, attraction, and purification based properties that by themselves can be quite potent.Free 40 Pages Booklet Jet International Crystal Therapy Book provides deep insight about Crystal Therapy, Chakra Balancing, Cleansing & Programming Crystals, Use on Pets, Benefits, Applications and many more details.Top Quality Product. Best Seller Worldwide A+++. Seven Chakra Stones are Amethyst, Blue Aventurine, Turquoise, Green Mica, Yellow Aventurine, Red Aventurine and Red Jasper. A good way to use a gemstone sphere would be to take the stone and gently roll it around your body slowly going from head to toe. Focus on your forehead, chest, and stomach in particular, but by performing this slow rolling motion will have the gemstone sphere's energies go into and through your whole body. This can be done as a prelude to a ritual, during a ritual, after a ritual, or all three depending on what you are comfortable with. For example, if you were to perform a ritual to heal or purge negativity within and around you, a good stone for this would be the quartz gemstone sphere as quartz is incredibly powerful in eliminating negativity. You would take the quartz gemstone sphere and before you perform your ritual, roll it slowly over your body(ensure it makes direct contact with your skin) and say a prayer as you do so: "Negativity within, you will leave You have no more power over me With this stone I purge you away In my body you will no longer stay" The above is just an example you may use, you can create your own if you wish, whatever is comfortable. Using the gemstone spheres in such a manner is also very soothing and calming. Another idea would be to use them as a massaging tool as well. If you normally perform massages for friends or lovers, you can have them lay on their stomach and you can take your gemstone sphere and gently roll it up and down their neck, back, and legs which will guarantee an even more pleasant massage. Gemstone spheres make excellent compliments to your crystal ball, scrying mirror, or pendulum if you use divination.
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