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Cooling Tower, Heat Exchanger & Parts
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1 Products availableHeat Exchanger Parts
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1 Products availableOur product range contains a wide range of Michell Tilting Pad Bearing Apparatus, Impact Of Jet Apparatus, Stefan Boltzman Apparatus, Static & Dynamic Balancing Apparatus and Bernoullis Theorem Apparatus.
The unit is designed to provide visual demonstration and measurement of longitudinal and transverse pressure distribution over Michell Thrust Bearing. Students can vary speed, gap and viscosity of oil. It gives visual demonstration of cavitaion. The unit consists of a belt moving on two identical pulleys driven by variable speed d.c.motor. The belt passes through a oil tank and carries oil film along with. This oil passes through tilting pads and develops pressure, which is measured by manometer through pressure tapings on tilting pad. Different types of pads can be used.
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The apparatus consists of a closed box with Perspex front and back, inside which the nozzle and the vanes are fitted. Vane is mounted on a lever, which is provided with initial balancing weight and sliding weight for balancing the impact force. The jet is clearly visible through the Perspex sheets. The apparatus is useful for demonstration of force exerted by impact of a jet on a vane and comparison of theoretical force and actual force can also be made.
The apparatus is designed to determine the Stefan Boltzman constant. The apparatus consists of a hemisphere fixed on a backlite plate, the outer surface is surrounded by a hot water jacket. Hot water to heat the tank is obtained from a hot water tank with heater fixed above hemisphere. Hot water jacket heats the hemisphere and this heat is transferred to a small copper test disc by radiation. This small test disc can be introduced at the center of hemisphere. A thermocouple is provided at the canter of disc to measure the temperature of disc. With the help of Timer/Stop Clock change in temperature with respect to time can be recorded. The average temperature of hemisphere can be measured by four thermocouples placed on hemisphere.
Easy understanding of phenomenon of heat transfer by radiation.Determination of Stefan Boltzman constant.Built in timer for temperature measurement at constant intervals.
Instrumentation & Controls :
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The apparatus enables the students to experimentally balance a rotating mass system and to verify the analytical relations. The apparatus consists of a steel shaft fixed in a rectangular frame.A set of four blocks with a clamping arrangement is provided. For Static balancing, each block is individually on shaft and relative weight is found out using cord and container system in terms of number of steel balls.
For dynamic balancing, a moment polygon is drawn using relative weights and angular and axial positions of blocks are determined. The blocks are clamped on shaft is rotated by a motor to check dynamic balance of the system.
The system is provided with angular and longitudinal scales and is suspended with chains for dynamic balancing.
Range of Experiment
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An instruction Manual will be supplied along with unit.
Range Of Experiment:
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The unit is designed to study various governors, normally used to control the speed. The unit consists of a main spindle driven by a variable speed motor mounted on a base plate. The spindle is driven by belt & pully system. The optional governor out of four governor assemblies can be mounted on a spindle. The spindle speed can be controlled by speed control unit provided. A graduated scale is provided to measure the displacement of sleeve.
The centre sleeve of portal and proell governors incorporates a weight sleeve to which weights may be added. The Hartnell governor provides means of varying spring compression level. This unables the Hartnell Governor to be operated as a stable or unstable governor.
The governor speed is increased in steps to give suitable sleeve movements possible. The speeds and displacements are recorded. The results may be plotted as curves of speed against displacements. Further tests are carried out by changing variables.
Range of Experiment
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The apparatus is designed to study the cam profile and performance of Cam and Follower system. It consists of a shaft supported in ball bearing and driven by speed D.C.Motor. Various types of Cams can be mounted on this shaft. A push rod assembly is supported vertically and various types of followers can be attached to this push rod
The apparatus consists of a variable speed D.C.Motor, Driving pulley and Driven pulley of equal diameter. The pullies are mounted on input shaft (Motor shaft) and output shaft. The driven pulley can slide on the base with bearing block to change initial tension in belt. Brake drum is mounted on output shaft helps to measure power output. The motor speed is varied by dimmerstat. A two channel RPM Indicator is provided to measure speeds of driven and driving pullies respectively.
Experimentation :
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The apparatus consists of a transparent glass cylinder at the top of which two condensers are fitted. Steam is admitted in cylinder from bottom. One of the condenser is with chrome plated surface for drop wise condensation and other is with natural finish to promote film wise condensation. Water is circulated through the condensers from common inlet. The transparent glass cylinder allows visulisation of condensation process. A rotometer is provided to measure the water flow rate through condenser. A small steam generator is provided to produce necessary steam. A digital temperature indicator is used to measure temperatures at various locations. Students can determine heat transfer coefficients in drop and film wise condensation process.
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The apparatus is designed to determine total Thermal Conductivity of a composite walls and to plot temperature gradient along the composite wall structure. The Experimental set up consists of a central mica heater sandwiched between two sheets. Three types of identical slabs are provide on both sides of heater which forms a composite structure. A small hand press is provided to ensure the perfect contact between the slabs. Digital Ammeter and Voltmeter is provided to measure the heater input and a dimmer stat is provided to vary the input. Thermocouples are embedded between interfaces of the slabs to measure the temperatures at respective surfaces. The experiments can be conducted at various values of input and calculations can be made accordingly.
Instrumentation & Controls :
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All substance emit thermal radiation at all temperatures and also absorbs all or part of radiation coming from surrounding. The set up is designed to measure emmissivity of given material. It consists of set of two identical circular aluminum plates with mica heater sandwiched in between. Test Plate and Black Plate , both plates are housed in a enclosure to ensure steady atmospheric conditions. A Perspex window is provided to visulise the arrangement. Input to heater can be varied by dimmer stat and measure by help of Digital Voltmeter an Ammeter. Thermocouples are provided to measure the temperatures of these plates. By knowing the heat input and temperatures, one can calculate Emmissivity of non black surface and study the variation of emmissivity of test plate with respect to absolute temperature.
Instrumentation & Controls :
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The apparatus consists of a base upon which bearing holders and drive motor can be mounted. Different bearings can be fitted in bearing block to have different end conditions, such as, both end fixed, one end fixed, one end etc. free. A variable speed motor along with speed controller is provided to drive the shaft. The unit is useful to demonstrate the phenomenon of Whirling of Shaft with single rotor. As this test is destructive, after the test shaft can not be used again, hence this unit only demonstrates the principle.
The apparatus consists of a plain shaft encased in a bearing and directly driven by a small motor. The bearing is freely supported on the shaft and sealed at motor end. The motor speed is precisely controlled by control unit. The bearing contains twelve equispaced pressure tappings around circumference and four along the axis. All tappings are connected by light flexible plastic tubes to the manometer so that the pressure head of all sixteen points can be observed at a time. The bearing can be loaded be attaching weights to the arm supported beneath it.
Experiments :
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