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We make available the products using the exceptional quality raw material that is experts certified. This makes our product range completely reliable and genuine. Our huge product basket commensurate to the International Quality Standards and thus, customers can rely on us for the quality. more...
“This masterpiece of Lord Ganesh in a hollow frame pattern is a unique and imaginative work of our profound artists. Admire the beauty of this art piece and add this your antiques collection by having it in your workspace desk or your home. Lord Ganesh is considered as the remover of obstacles (Vighnesh more...
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Provide divine happiness, mental and spiritual satisfaction. Ensure success and a lifetime of luxuries. Please verify the Length or size and place your order. Perfect for Religious gift and personal use . This idol of Bal Gopal / Laddu Gopal / Thakur Ji is made of metal and is certified by Astrologer laddu go more...
Parad is a very sacred pooja commodity.Genuine Parad is basically Liquid mercury which has been solidified with help of natural herbs.Mercury is the only Metal that exists in liquid form unlike all other metals which are solid.Mercury is said to be the seed life force ( Veerya)of lord shiva, Hence more...