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Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Arnica Oil, Tarragon Oil, Aniseed Oil and Winter Green Oil.
Derived from thearnicaflower of the sunflower family, arnica oilhelps to reduce inflammatory pain when applied topically. Typically it's used for the pain and swelling associated with bruises, sprains, pulls, muscle aches, and even arthritis, since it helps to boost circulation and speed up the healing process.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
It's a simpletarragon oil. Actually, it's equal partstarragon, parsley, and oliveoil- but I think of it as havingtarragonin the limelight. The grassy anise notes and electric color of the herbs permeate the golden oliveoil, it's beautiful.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
Description:Anise oilis distilled from the seed fruits. It smells sweet and very characteristic, a little like fennel. It is colourless or a very pale yellow. The principal constituents: Anethole forms 80 90 per cent of theoilshared with a little aldehyde, anisic acid and methyl chavicol.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
Wintergreen oilis a pale yellow or pinkish fluid liquid that is strongly aromatic with a sweet, woody odor (components: methyl salicylate (about 98%), -pinene, myrcene, delta-3-carene, limonene, 3, 7-guaiadiene, and delta-cadinene) that gives such plants a distinctive "medicinal" smell whenever bruised.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days