Our Products
Our offered Product range includes Chamomile Roman Oil, Thyme Oil, Lemongrass Oil, Pine Oil and Rose Petal Oil.
Roman Chamomile, or Chamaemelum nobile, originated in the United Kingdom. Steam Distilled from the flowers of this small perennial creates a sweet, "green, " herbaceous apple-like scent. The powerful, sweet scent is a favorite among essentialoilusers to help ease children and adults to sleep.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
Essential oilofthymeis extracted from the partially-dried leaves and flowering tops by water or steam distillation. The resultingoilis a red-brown or orange-brown colour with a medicinal, herbaceous aroma with subtle sweet and spicy overtones.
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Payment Terms : L/C, D/A, D/P
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
Lemongrassis a tropical, grassy plant used in cooking and herbal medicine. Extracted from the leaves and stalks of thelemongrassplant, lemongrass oilhas a powerful, citrus scent. It's often found in soaps and other personal care products.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
pine oilis an essentialoilobtained by the steam distillation of stumps, needles, twigs and cones from a variety of species ofpine, particularly pinus sylvestris. as of 1995, syntheticpine oilwas the "biggest single turpentine derivative." syntheticpine oilsaccounted for 90% of sales as of 2000.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
Rose oil(roseotto, attar ofrose, attar ofrosesorroseessence) is theessential oilextracted from thepetalsof various types ofrose.Roseottos are extracted through steam distillation, whileroseabsolutes are obtained through solvent extraction, the absolute being used more commonly in perfumery.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
ProductDescriptionOur wide range ofRose WSFragrances is processed from the naturalroseessence that imparts a soothing fragrance ofrosecreating an atmosphere of peace and sanctity that lingers for hours.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
Grapefruit essential oilis an orange-tinted, citrus-scentedoilfrequently used in aromatherapy. .Grapefruit essential oilhas distinct properties that may offer a variety of health benefits including reduced blood pressure and stress levels.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
bayessentialoilis what gives "bay" its distinctive aroma. . masculine and spicy, bayessentialoilis a warmingoilthat is a favorite during fall and winter. it stimulates circulation, and when used safely in low dilution, may be helpful in massage blends and to encourage healing of sprains and strains.
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Payment Terms : L/C, D/A, D/P
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
from fading blemishes to imparting a glow to your skin and fighting hair loss, turmericis an excellent beauty ingredient.turmeric essential oilis extracted from the roots ofturmericplant and just liketurmericpowder; it has anti-allergic, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic qualities
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
Known for its purifying properties, Limeessentialoilis often used as an internal cleanser. *Lime oilmay also support healthy immune function. . Not only doesLimeessentialoiltaste sweet, it also has a tart, citrus scent as well.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
Colorless to pale yellow clear liquid with sweet and spicy, wcaith a bitter tone characteristic of some spices odor.Description: An aromatic shrub or small tree.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
Argan oilis a plantoilproduced from the kernels of theargantree (Argania spinosa L.) that is endemic to Morocco. In Morocco, argan oilis used to dip bread in at breakfast or to drizzle on couscous or pasta. It is also used for cosmetic purposes.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
Evening primroseis a plant native to North and South America. It also grows throughout Europe and parts of Asia. It has yellow flowers which open at sunset and close during the day. Theoilfrom the seeds ofevening primroseis used to make medicine.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
ginger oilis extracted from thegingerrhizome after a distillation process. like other essentialoils, it's very concentrated.ginger oilhas a distinct aroma that can be described as strong, warm, or spicy. as such, it's often used for aromatherapy.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
cypress oilis anessential oilmade from the twigs, stems, and leaves of thecypresstree. mostcypress essential oilis made from cupressus sempervirens, also known as mediterraneancypress. .cypress oilhas many health benefits, as it has antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
Overview.Tea tree oil, also known as melaleucaoil, is an essentialoilthat comes from steaming the leaves of the Australiantea tree. When used topically, tea tree oilis believed to be antibacterial.Tea tree oilis commonly used to treat acne, athlete's foot, lice, nail fungus and insect bites.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
Geraniumessentialoilis derived by steam distillation of the leaves ofPelargoniumgraveolens, a plant species native to South Africa. According to folklore, it was used for a wide range of health conditions.Geranium oilis grown in many regions, including Europe and Asia.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
when used in aromatherapy, clary sage oilcan help alleviate stress by inducing a sense of well-being. one small study done on women undergoing a stressful medical test indicated that when inhaled, clary sage essential oilelicited feelings of relaxation and helped to reduce blood pressure.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
Sandalwood oilis anessential oilobtained from the steam distillation of chips and billets cut from the heartwood of various species ofsandalwoodtrees, mainly Santalum album (Indiansandalwood) and Santalum spicatum (Australiansandalwood).
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
Amla oilis a naturaloilused for hair health that contains extracts from the Indian gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica). It is said to stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss and premature graying. . Although the Indian gooseberry is edible, amla oilmanufactured from the fruit is intended for external use only.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
Bergamotessentialoilis a cold-pressed essentialoilproduced by cells inside the rind of abergamotorange fruit. It is a common flavoring and top note in perfumes. The scent ofbergamotessentialoilis similar to a sweet light orange peeloilwith a floral note.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
the essentialoilofhops(humulus lupulus l.) imparts odor and aroma characteristics .hopscan influence aroma in terms of floral, spicy, herbal, woody and fruity characters. . fresh essentialoilis dominated by terpene hydrocarbons, predominantly myrcene, -humulene and -caryophyllene.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
Elemi oilis steam distilled from the gum or resin of the tree. It is in the frankincense (and myrrh) botanical family, and you will recognize the smell, as such, immediately! It is uniqueoilthat is not very common and can be hard to locate in therapeutic quality.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 -3 days
Rosewood oilis a valuableessential oil, especially in perfumery. It contains the substance linalool, which has a number of uses. Theoilis extracted from the wood of Aniba rosaeodora and Aniba parviflora and possibly other Aniba species. . Eachtreeyields about 1%oilby weight of wood.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
fennel oilis theoilextracted from the seeds of foeniculum vulgare.fennel oilis commonly used to treat disorders of the digestive system.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
Jojobais a shrub that is grows in dry regions of northern Mexico and the southwestern US.Jojoba oiland wax are produced from the seeds and used for medicine.Jojobais applied directly to the skin for acne, psoriasis, sunburn, and chapped skin.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
Cinnamon oilis derived from thebarkor leaves of several types of trees, including the Cinnamomum verum tree and the Cinnamomum cassia tree. Most commercially availablecinnamon oilis derived from the Cinnamomum cassia tree and is called cassiacinnamon. . It's these elements that makecinnamonbeneficial for health.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
rose oilis extracted from the petals ofrosethrough steam distillation. . it has a deep, rosy, fresh aroma, the color ranges from clear to a pale yellow or greenish tint.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
dill oilis theoilextracted from theseedsor leaves/stems (dillweed) of thedillplant.dill oilis known for its grass-like smell and its pale yellow color, with a watery viscosity.dill seedis the fruit of thedillplant, while dillweed refers to the leaf and stem.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
TheWalnut oilis a characterized by its high quality and aroma. It is obtained from roasted or normal seeds from thewalnuttree. Its high fat content comes 18% from monounsaturated fatty acids and 73% from polyunsaturated fatty acids and the rest from saturated fatty acids.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
Nirgundi oilis useful in reducing joint and muscular pain by gently massaging the pain area with theoil. Relieves muscular, joint and Arthiritc pain. It contains natural ingredients. Ayurvedic formulation.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
orange oilis an essentialoilproduced by cells within the rind of anorangefruit (citrus sinensis fruit). in contrast to most essentialoils, it is extracted as a by-product oforangejuice production by centrifugation, producing a cold-pressedoil. . d-limonene can be extracted from theoilby distillation.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
Pumpkin seed oilalso called pepitaoilis theoilextracted from theseedsof apumpkinor Cucurbita maxima. The orange-redoilis sold as cookingoiland as a health supplement.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
hyssop(hyssopus officinalis) essentialoilis made from the flowers and leaves of the plant bearing the same name. while the plant technically belongs to the mint family, the flowers look similar to lavender. . theoilhas a purifying scent that's a cross between minty and flowery.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
In foods, thejuniper berryis often used as a condiment and a flavoring ingredient in bitter preparations. The extract andessential oilare used as a flavoring ingredient in foods and beverages. In manufacturing, thejuniper oilis used as a fragrance in soaps and cosmetics.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
Jatamansi, also known as tapaswani in Ayurveda, is a perennial, dwarf, hairy, herbaceous and endangered plant species. ApplyingJatamansi oilon the skin helps manage skin infections and prevents aging due to its antifungal and antioxidant activities.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
Jasmine oilis a sweet-smelling substance that is made from the flowers of thejasmineplant (Jasminum officinale). Widely used in aromatherapy, this type of essentialoilcontains the plant's aromatic compounds which are believed by some to have various health benefits including skin care and stress reduction.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
KAPOOR KACHARI(SPIKED GINGER LILY)OILHedychium (Kapur Kachri)Oiloffers many benefits within cosmetic, personal care, aromatherapy and wellness applications. . Emotionally and energetically, Ginger Lily EssentialOilcan help reduce stress, fatigue, depression, and melancholy feelings.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
lavenderessentialoilis one of the most popular and versatile essentialoilsused in aromatherapy. distilled from the plant lavandula angustifolia, theoilpromotes relaxation and believed to treat anxiety, fungal infections, allergies, depression, insomnia, eczema, nausea, and menstrual cramps.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
Lemonessentialoilis a completely natural ingredient that also serves as a home health remedy. It's extracted from the peel of freshlemonsusing a cold-pressing process that pricks and rotates the peel asoilis released.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
The botanical name of theLily Oilis Lilium candidum and extracted from the Flowers by the process of Steam Distillation method. The other name ofLily oilis Madonnalily.Lily oilis one of the popular fragranceoilavailable on the earth and having very sweet aroma.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
TheMace oilthat we offer comes from themacetree. Themacetree yields nutmeg fruit that is highly pendulous in shape and looks a lot like a peach. We extract theoilthrough the process of steam distillation from the fruit part of the tree that is also popular for its.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
MandarinEssentialOilis often thought to have the sweetest aroma, and it tends to be less stimulating than most other citrusoilswith the exception of Bergamot EssentialOil.MandarinEssentialOiltends to be a favorite of children.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
muskmelonseedoil(cucumis melo) is extracted by the process of cold pressed method from the seed of cucumis melo. the common names ofmuskmelon oilarecantaloupe, mushmelon, rockmelon, sweetmelonand spanspek. it is a good source of vitamins a, b, and c. it has moisturizing properties as well.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
marigoldpure and natural essentialoilextracted from the fresh flowers of the plant through the process of steam distillation extraction method, marigold oilis extracted by steam distillation. in order to get theoilfrom the flower, the petals are steeped in oliveoil.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
nutmeg oilis a volatile essentialoilfromnutmeg(myristica fragrans). theoilis colorless or light yellow and smells and tastes ofnutmeg. . the essentialoilconsists of approximately 90% terpene hydrocarbons. prominent components are sabinene, -pinene, -pinene and limonene.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
It is a steam distilled from the roots of Cyperus, a sedge plant. It is used in compounding perfumes. It is a small grass producing delicate and aromatic flowers. The flowers of thisNagarmothagrass are used to extract theoilfor the commercial purposes.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
Patchouli oilhas a characteristic scent that might be described as woody, sweet, and spicy. Because of this, it's often used as a scent additive in products like perfumes, cosmetics, and incense.Patchouli oilhas a variety of additional uses throughout the world.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
clove oilis an essentialoilthat's derived fromclovetrees. . other parts of the tree, such as the stem and leaves, may also be used.clove oil, which ranges in color from colorless to light yellow and has a strong, spicy aroma, has been used for centuries in a variety of applications.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Camphor oilis theoilextracted from the wood ofcamphortrees and processed by steam distillation. It can be used topically to relieve pain, irritation, and itching.Camphoris also used to relieve chest congestion and inflammatory conditions.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days