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Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Lin Seed Oil, Sesame Seed Oil, Flex Seed Oil, Grape Seed Oil and AVOCADO OIL.
Linseed oil, also known as flaxseedoilor flaxoil(in its edible form), is a colourless to yellowishoilobtained from the dried, ripened seeds of the flax plant (Linum usitatissimum). Theoilis obtained by pressing, sometimes followed by solvent extraction.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
Sesame oilis an edible vegetableoilderived fromsesame seeds. Besides being used as a cookingoil, it is used as a flavor enhancer in many cuisines, having a distinctive nutty aromaandtaste
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
flaxseedis the seed from the plant linum usitatissimum.flaxseed oilandlinseed oilare theoilsthat come fromflaxseed.linseed oilis usually used in manufacturing, whileflaxseed oilis used for nutrition.flaxseed oilcontains the essential omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ala).
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
Grapefruit essential oilis an orange-tinted, citrus-scentedoilfrequently used in aromatherapy. .Grapefruit essential oilhas distinct properties that may offer a variety of health benefits including reduced blood pressure and stress levels.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
Til oil, Gingelyoil.Sesame oilis an edible vegetableoilderived fromsesameseeds, and is very commonly used in South Indian cuisine. It is also used as a flavour enhancer in Chinese, Korean and certain other Southeast Asian cuisines. . This dark colour and flavour are derived from roasted/toastedsesameseeds.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days
Tomar Seed Oilhas a warm, woody, spicy rich aroma which has floral and peppery notes. It has been used by mankind since the pre-historic period. It derived through steam-distillation method from the plant.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Delivery Time : 2 - 3 days