Stitchless cataract surgerycataract is the disease of human crystallin lens, the primary focusing mechanism of the eye crystalline is clear and transparent. As age advances, the lens becomes discolored, cloudly and finally opaque, there by hampering clear vision. Any opacity in crystalline lens is called 'cataract' and 'safed motia'. It is a primarily a disease of old age of 65 years have some form of the congenital cataract. It is estimated that more than 95% of population over the age of 65 years have someform of cataract other causes of cataract are trauma, metabolic (e.g. Diabetes mellitus), complicated(e.g. Uveitis), post-steroid use etc.Cataract is the leading cause of blindness worldwide. In india, it accounts for more than 80% of blind persons whose vision is not correctable with the glasses. With progression of catatact, patient vision gets diminished progressively both in quantity and quality. Finally, patients become dependent on others for even routine personal works like going to the toilet or changing their clothes.Depending on degree, type and location of cataract, presentation of cataract varies from minimal awareness of disturbance of vision to a total failure of vision, patient's both near and distance.