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Our product range contains a wide range of Fruit Jams, Guava Concentrate, Canned Foods, Apricot Pulp and Litchi Pulp

Fruit Jams

  • Type Fruit Jam
  • BrandName MANSA
  • Ingredients Select Variety Of Fruits
  • Hygiene Stringent Hygienic Conditions
  • QualityControl High Quality Control
'MANSA' Fruit Jams are made from select variety of fruits. These are processed using advanced technology under stringent, hygienic and quality control. These tempting and mouth-watering jams are available in variety of flavors and attractive packing designs and sizes. These can be eaten with bread , chapattis, custards and puddings and are a huge hit among kids. VarietyMix Fruit JamMango JamApricot JamStrawberry JamPineapple JamApple JamRaspberry JamFig JamPlum Jam PACKING200g X 12 Glass Bottles500g X 12 Glass Bottles1Kg X 12 HDPE Jars5 Kg X 4 HDPE Jars4 kgX 6 CANS15 kg X 2 PALE15g X 200 Sachets x 4 inner box
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Guava Concentrate

  • Color Creamy White
  • Flavour Typical Ripe Banana Fruit
  • Taste Characteristic Ripe Banana Taste
  • Appearance Homogenous, Creamy and Thick
  • Pulping Passed through min. 1/32” sieve
100% natural with characteristic Creamish white color and characteristic flavor and taste of the natural White Guava Fruit. The concentrate is free from chemical preservatives. Specification of Guava ConcentrateManufacturing Methods: Puree extracted from sound, matured, ripe White Guava fruits, not obtained from genetically engineered fruits by mechanical process and is concentrated using Mix Flow Double-effect evaporator at low temperatures preserving the natural characteristics of taste, flavor and color. The processing methods conform to Good Manufacturing Practices and are consistent with the production of a high quality product.Chemical Characteristics: Brix (at 20C): 18.0 - 20.0BrixAcidity (% as Citric Acid): 0.82-1.0%p H : 3.9-4.2Pesticide Residue: AbsentAdditives: NilOrganoleptic Characteristics: Color: Creamish WhiteTaste: Wholesome & Characteristic of Ripe White GuavaFlavor: Typical Ripe White Guava Fruit flavorAppearance: Homogenous and ThickImpurities: Free From any impurities, foreign matter and Pesticide residues.Sieve Size: Passes through 1/48 sieveMicrobiology: TPC: < 10 cfu=CFU /gYeast Count:< 10 cfu=CFU /gMould Count:< 10 cfu=CFU /gColiforms: NilPathogen: NilE.coli: NilPacking: 225 Kg X 80 in Aseptic bag inside M.S.Drum per 20FCLStorage Temperatures and Conditions: To be stored at temperatures of 1-16C in a cool and dry place, away from direct sun-light, heat and moisture.Shelf-Life: 18 months from the date of manufacturing.

Total Plate Count Not More Than 10 CFU per gm
Yeast and Mold Count Not More Than 10 CFU per gm
E.Coli Absent
Coliform Absent
Salmonella Absent
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Canned Foods

  • Brand Name MANSA
  • Type Canned Fruit And Vegetable Products
  • Packaging Type Cans
  • Name Canned Foods
  • Material High-Quality Raw Materials
MANSA' makes a variety of delicious and tempting canned food products. The raw materials selected are of best quality which are sorted and graded during processing. Rich taste and flavor combined with excellent nutritional quality is the secret of our canned products. Varieties:-Alphonso Mango PulpTotapuri Mango PulpGuava PulpSweetened Alphonso Mango PulpSweetened Kesar Mango PulpSweetened Dusseheri Mango PulpFruit CocktailPineapple Slice in SyrupTomato PureeAlphonso Mango Slice in SyrupFruit TitbitsAmla MurabbaApple MurabbaSarson Ka Saag
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Apricot Pulp

  • Type Fruit Pulp
  • Feature Hygienic Production, No Additives
  • Material Apricot
We are leading producers and trusted manufacturers of Apricot Pulps. We Jadli Foods (India) Pvt. Ltd. are known for our best quality and hygienic production of apricot pulp. The pulp of the fruit is extracted from completely matured apricot also known as Prunus Armenia L. The color of the fully ripened apricot varies in the shades from orange to yellow. And the flavor and taste of the pulp is natural flavor of apricot and free from burned or off flavor taste. The apricot pulp does not contain seeds and peels and even without pips and any other impurities. We offer best quality of the apricot juice which has influenced our market presence and made it stronger. Apricot pulp is used in many ice creams, desert pies and jams as it is very tasty and nutritious. The fully matured apricots are selected from the farms and our agronomists send the best of the fruits to the extraction unit of our company. Then the selected fruits are sent for washing and cleaning. The cleaned fruits are de-seeded and are cut into slices. These slices are poured into the extraction chambers. The quality, hygiene and cleanliness of the process is taken utter care off and is monitored using highly sophisticated computers and technology. We process the pulp very carefully and aim at fulfilling clients requirements. We do not add any additives in the pulp. The processed pulp is obtained by passing through 1/32 sieve tubes. The pH level of the pulp is maintained at 3.5-4.0. The total soluble solid is minimum 16 degree Brix. The acidity as % of citric acid is minimum 0.5%. The color of the pulp we supply is a natural golden yellow color which resembles the color of the apricot. Our state-of-the-art packaging and logistics department is expert enough to pack and deliver the urgent and bulk orders in time. We fulfill the clients needs and requirement both at domestic and international level. Our packaging methods are: 6 cans x 3.1 Kgs/Per Carton/1000 Cartons 4 cans x 5.2 Kgs/Per Carton/900 Carto

Physical, Chemical and Organoleptic Characteristics

T.S.S. Min 16 Degree Brix
Acidity (% as C/A) Min 0.5%
PH 3.5 - 4.0
Additives Nil
Sieve Size 1/32"
Pesticide Residue Absent
Flavour Characteristic
Taste Characteristic
Colour Golden Yellow

Microbial Characteristics

TBC (cfu/g) <50 CFU/g
Yeast(cfu/g) <50 CFU/g
Moulds <10 CFU/g
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Litchi Pulp

  • Feature No Additives, Natural Flavor
  • Type Fruit Pulp
  • Form Pulp
  • Purity 99.99%
  • Taste Sweet
  • Packaging Type Plastic Pouch, Containers, Packets, Boxes
  • Material Litchi Fruit
Marked with the arrival of summer, the juicy fruit litchi comes into scene. We are leading manufacturers of different fruit pulps. This exotic fruit belongs to the family of Sapindaceae and is also known as Litchi chinensis. This fruit is a slow growing fruit and grows on medium-sized evergreen trees with round-topped foliage, smooth, brittle, gray trunk and branches. Litchi is an eye catching and beautiful heart shaped fruit. The shape of the fruit is oval and drupe and is 3-5 cm. Each litchi fruit weighs around 10 gm and has an approximate diameter of 3 cm. The fruit is covered with a pink colored rough leathery peel which is easily removable. The pulp forms the edible part of the fruit and is translucent, white, sweet and juicy. The fruit endeavors a sweet and delicious flavor. Litchi is mostly used in juices, syrups, ice creams, fruit bars, squashes puddings, pies and fruit salads and many more. Litchi is a good source of vitamin C and has anti cancer ability. It also prevents blood clots and cell damage. It also helps in weight loss and cleanses body toxins. We at Jadli Foods (India) Pvt. Ltd. select the best fruits of litchi from the farms and these fruits are cleaned ad washed. While the fruits are in farm, they are monitored and tested for ripening by our agronomists. The clean fruit without the peel is put into the extraction machines. The pulp is obtained by passing through 1/32 sieve tubes. The acidity % as citric acid is minimum 0.5 % and the total soluble solid is minimum 15 degrees Brix. The pH level of the pulp is between 3.5 and 4. There are no additives in the pulp because we believe in serving the purity and genuineness to our international and domestic customers. The color of the pulp is dull white and the taste & flavor of the pulp is natural characteristic flavor. Our state-of-the-art packaging technology is capable of fulfilling the clients need of bulk and urgent orders. We also have incorporated different packing standards in different pa

Physical, Chemical and Organoleptic Characteristics

T.S.S. Min 15 Degree Brix
Acidity (% as C/A) Min 0.5%
PH 3.5 - 4.0
Additives Nil
Sieve Size 1/32"
Pesticide Residue Absent
Flavour Characteristic
Taste Characteristic
Colour Dull White

Microbial Characteristics

TBC (cfu/g) <50 CFU/g
Yeast(cfu/g) <50 CFU/g
Moulds <10 CFU/g
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Sindhura Mango Puree

  • Feature No Artificial Preservatives
  • Color Golden Yellow
  • Flavor Characteristic Of Sindhura Mango
  • Type Fruit Puree
  • Material Sindhura Mango
  • Quality High Quality
Sindhura Mango Puree is a luscious and delightful product that brings the exotic taste of ripe mangoes directly to your table. Crafted from premium quality Sindhura mangoes, known for their rich flavor and aromatic profile, this puree is a perfect addition to a variety of culinary creations. Our puree is made without the use of any artificial preservatives, colors, or flavors. It retains the natural goodness of mangoes, providing a rich source of essential vitamins and antioxidants. 100% natural with Golden Yellow color and characteristic flavor and taste of the natural Sindhura Mango Fruit. The puree is free from additives and chemical preservatives. Puree extracted from sound, matured, ripe, fresh Sindhura mango fruits, not obtained from genetically engineered fruits by mechanical process. The processing methods conform to Good Manufacturing Practices and are consistent with the production of a high quality product.

Physical, Chemical and Organoleptic Characteristics

T.S.S. Min 16°Brix
Acidity (% as C/A) 0.50-0.65%
PH 3.7-4.0
Sieve Size Passes through 1/32” sieve
Additives Nil
Pesticide Residue Absent
Flavour Typical Ripe Sindhura Mango Fruit flavor
Taste Wholesome and Characteristic of Ripe Neelam Mango Fruit
Colour Golden Yellow
Appearance Homogenous and Uniform
Impurities Free From pieces of Mango stones, shreds of skin, Pesticide residues.

Microbial Characteristics

TPC <10 CFU/g
Yeast Count <10 CFU/g
Mould Count <10 CFU/g
E.coli Nil
Pathogen Nil
Coli form Nil
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Red Papaya Concentrate

  • Feature No Additives
  • Material Red Papaya
  • Type Fruit Concentrates
  • Condition Fresh
  • Form Liquid
  • Packaging Type Glass Bottle, Glass Jar, Plastic Bottles
  • Brand Jadli Foods
Red Papaya Concentrate by Jadli Foods is crafted from fresh, ripe Red Papaya fruits through meticulous processes, including washing, slicing, deseeding, refining, decanting, evaporation, and homogenization. This premium-quality concentrate is thermally processed and packed in aseptic bags to ensure commercial sterility while retaining its vibrant orangish-red color, characteristic tropical flavor, and smooth, uniform texture. With no additives or pesticide residues, it meets high safety and quality standards. Ideal for beverages, bakery, dairy products, and more, it is versatile for use in smoothies, jams, ice creams, and desserts. Red Papaya Concentrate boasts a shelf life of up to 18 months under optimal storage conditions.

Physical, Chemical and Organoleptic Characteristics

Brix (at 20°C) 25-26°Brix
Acidity (% as Citric Acid) 0.70-1.02%
PH 3.90-3.97
Consistency 3.5-4.0cm/30sec
Sieve Size Passes Through 0.7mm Sieve
Pesticide Residue Absent
Additives Nil
Color Orangish Red
Taste Wholesome and Characteristic of Red Papaya
Flavour Characteristic and Prominent Flavour
Appearance Uniform, Homogenous, Smooth

Microbial Characteristics

TPC <10 CFU/g
Yeast Count <10 CFU/g
Mould Count <10 CFU/g
Coliforms Nil
Pathogen Nil
E.coli Nil
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Totapuri Mango Concentrate

  • Feature Made From Fully Ripe Mangoes
  • Type Fruit Concentrate
  • Material Totapuri Mango
Our clients can avail fresh quality Totapuri Mango Concentrate, which is made using carefully selected best quality mangoes. To ensure the quality of this concentrate, our company procures fully ripe mangoes that are smoothly transported to our processing plant. After inspected by our team of experts, these mangoes are washed and carefully processed. We have a team of quality controllers who supervise the manufacturing process and ensure that our fruit concentrates are hygienically packed. We are looking for Export Queries. Pulp extracted from sound, matured and ripe Totapuri Mango Fruits, not obtained from genetically engineered fruits, by mechanical process is concentrated using a Single Effect Scraped Surface Evaporator and packed aseptically, under hygienic conditions.

Physical, Chemical and Organoleptic Characteristics

T.S.S. (%) Min 28.0
Acidity (% as C/A) 0.8 Min. – 0.10
PH < 4.0
Additives 4-6cm/30sec (on Bost wick)


Color Golden Yellow
Flavor Typical Ripe Totapuri mango
Taste Wholesome and Characteristic of Totapuri Mango
Appearance Homogenous & Thick

Microbial Characteristics

Total Plate Count Not More Than 10 CFU per gm
Yeast and Mold count Not More Than 10 CFU per gm
E.Coli Nil
Coliform Nil
Salmonella Nil
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Pineapple Pulp

  • Color Yellow
  • Type Fruit Pulp
  • Material Pineapple
  • Features Made From Fully Matured Pineapples
We are leading and eminent manufacturers and exporters of the best quality of the Pineapple pulp in the domestic as well as international market. We stick to our quality standards and our agronomists and food technologists monitor the safety and hygiene at every stage. We buy the best quality of pineapples from the farms. Pineapples are usually harvested when they are fully matured, which is determined by their size, color, and aroma. After harvesting, the pineapples are transported to the processing plant. They are received and inspected to ensure quality. The pineapples go through a washing process to remove dirt, debris, and any contaminants on the outer surface. The outer skin of the pineapple is removed using specialized equipment. The cored pineapples are sliced into smaller pieces. The size of the slices can vary depending on the desired end product. The sliced pineapples are fed into a pulping machine that extracts the pulp from the fruit. The pulp may undergo screening to remove any remaining undesirable elements.

Physical, Chemical and Organoleptic Characteristics

Brix(at 200C) 11-13°Bx
Acidity(% as Citric Acid) 0.45-0.65%
Colour Yellow
Taste Wholesome and Characteristic
Flavour Ripe Pineapple Flavour
Appearance Homogenous and free flowing
PH 3.7-4.0
Sieve Size Passes through 1/48” sieve
Pesticide Residue Absent
Additives Nil

Microbial Characteristics

TPC <10 CFU/g
Yeast Count <10 CFU/g
Mould Count <10 CFU/g
E.coli Nil
Pathogen Nil
Coliforms Nil
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Red Papaya Puree

  • Type Fruit Puree
  • Feature Extracted From Selected Varieties
  • Color Red
  • Material Papaya
Red Papaya Puree is extracted from selected varieties of Papaya Fruits. Fully matured fruit is transported to processing plant. Inspected, ripened at ECRC, washed, screened, Pressed, deseeded, refined and removed Impurities and foreign materials. Make Commercial sterilization to ensure safety & composition is as per international standards. Overall processing is by maintaining strict hygienic conditions throughout the processing line.

Physical, Chemical and Organoleptic Characteristics

T.S.S. Min 9°Brix
Acidity (% as Citric Acid) 0.40-0.60%
PH <4.1
Consistency ≤20cm/30secs at bostwick
Specks Brown/10gms 10 Max
Specks Black/10gms Nil
Color Orangish Red
Taste Characteristic of Red Papaya
Flavour Characteristic of Good Fruit
Appearance Homogenous

Microbial Characteristics

TPC 10 CFU/g
Yeast Count 10 CFU/g
Mould Count 10 CFU/g
Coliforms Nil
Pathogen Nil
E.coli Nil
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Alphonso Mango Pulp

  • Feature No Additives
  • Color Rich Sweet Color
  • Type Mango Pulp
  • Material Alphonso Mango
  • HealthBenefits Immense Health Benefits With Each Bite
We bring the seasonal variety of King of Mangoes Alphonso available throughout the year with our sincere processing in Aseptic as well as Canning sections. Selected and sound mangoes are collected and passed through various processing steps for the conversion into pulps, our pulps are natural and do not contain any additives. The rich sweet taste, amazing color and characteristic aroma of Alphonso is preserved. The mango pulp is free from all the impurities like pieces of mango stones, skin shreds, pesticide residue and black and brown particles. Feel the immense health benefits coming with each bite of sweet and luscious mangoes.!!

Physical, Chemical and Organoleptic Characteristics

T.S.S. Min 16 Degree Brix
Acidity (% as C/A) Min 0.5%
PH 3.5 - 4.0
Sieve Size 1/32"
Additives Nil
Pesticide Residue Absent
Flavour Typical Ripe Alphonso Mango Flavour
Taste Natural & Characteristic Ripe Alphonso Mango Taste
Colour Natural & characteristic Ripe Alphonso Mango Colour
Appearance Homogeneous liquid
Impurities Free from pieces of Mango stones, shreds of skin, pesticides residues and black & brown particles

Microbial Characteristics

Coli form Nil
TBC (cfu/g) <10 CFU/g
Pathogen Nil
Yeast (cfu/g) <10 CFU/g
Moulds <5 CFU/g
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Banana Puree

  • Taste Characteristic Ripe Banana Taste
  • Type Food Product
  • Feature No Added Flavors Or Colors
  • Colour Creamy White
  • Flavour Typical Ripe Banana Fruit
  • Appearance Homogenous, Creamy and Thick
  • Pulping Passed through min. 1/32” sieve
  • Category Fruit Puree
  • Material Banana
Being one of the leading runners in the food industry, we provide a range of food products such as fruit juices, fruit pulps and concentrates, processed foods and vegetables. These products are tested under high quality measures and are processed under expert supervision. Jadli Foods (India) Pvt. Ltd. is an ambassador for the quality of the product. We lead in food industry due to our dedication; our team of experts; world class facilities; most advanced infrastructure and our self designed quality protocol. The advancement of our company can be contributed to a multi tier quality control and test approach. From the supply of raw material and processing them in machines to extract the pulp, we have monitoring systems installed to keep a keen eye on every movement. Among a lot of fruit pulps we supply the pulp of banana has a growing demand in both international and domestic market due to its nutritious value and rich taste. We believe in serving the genuineness and so we actively participate in maintain the original taste of the pulp by not adding other flavors and colors to it. It is made by selected good quality of fully matured bananas. These bananas are de-clustered and washed carefully. Then these bananas are sent to ripening chambers. Further, these fully ripened bananas are washed again and then peeled of manually with the help of skilled and semi-skilled work force. Followed by this, mashing of these bananas takes place in machines and the matter is de-seeded if needed and homogenized. We offer two kinds of banana pulps and purees namely Natural Banana Puree and Acidified Banana Puree. The major difference between these two types is the acidity level and pH level. In Natural Banana puree, the pH level is between 4.5 and 5.0 and the acidity % as citric acid is 0.35-0.45%. However, in the Acidified Banana Puree, the pH level is between 4 and 4.5 and the acidity % as citric acid is 0.7%. The organoleptic properties of both the banana puree are the same. The c


T.S.S (%) 20 – 22o Brix 20 – 22o Brix
Acidity(%) (as citric acid) 0.35 – 0.45 0.7% Maximum
pH 4.5 – 5.0 4 – 4.5
Consistency 6-10/30 Sec. (on Bostwick) 6-10/30 Sec. (on Bostwick)


Total Plate Count Not More Than 10 CFU per gm
Yeast and Mold Count Not More Than 10 CFU per gm
E.Coli Absent
Coliform Absent
Salmonella Absent
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Neelam Mango Concentrate

  • Feature 100% Natural, No Additives,
  • Color Deep Yellow
  • Type Mango Concentrate
  • Material Neelam Mango
Selected and sound Neelam mangoes are collected and passed through various processing steps for the conversion into concentrate, our concentrate are natural and do not contain any additives. The rich sweet taste, amazing color and characteristic aroma of Neelam is preserved. The mango concentrate is free from all the impurities like pieces of mango stones, skin shreds, pesticide residue and black and brown particles. 100% natural with Deep Yellow color and characteristic flavor and taste of the natural Neelam Fruit. The concentrate is free from additives and chemical preservatives. Puree extracted from sound, matured, ripe, fresh Neelam mango fruits, not obtained from genetically engineered fruits by mechanical process and is concentrated using Mix Flow Double-effect evaporator at low temperatures preserving the natural characteristics of taste, flavor and color. The processing methods conform to Good Manufacturing Practices and is consistent with the production of a high quality product.

Physical, Chemical and Organoleptic Characteristics

T.S.S. 28° - 30°Brix
Acidity (% as C/A) 0.80-1.2%
PH 3.9-4.2
Sieve Size Passes through 1/32” sieve
Additives Nil
Pesticide Residue Absent
Flavour Passes through 1/32” sieve
Taste Wholesome and Characteristic of Ripe Neelam Mango Fruit
Colour Deep Yellow
Appearance Homogenous and Thick
Impurities Free From any impurities, foreign matter and Pesticide residues.

Microbial Characteristics

TPC <10 CFU/g
Yeast Count <10 CFU/g
Mould Count <10 CFU/g
E.coli Nil
Pathogen Nil
Coli form Nil
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Guava Pulp

  • Type Fruit Pulp
  • Feature Used In Juices, Jams, Bars, Cheese
  • Material Guava
  • Storage Type Canned
  • Acidity 0.45% To 0.55%
We are leading and eminent manufacturers and exporters of the best quality of the guava pulp in the domestic as well as international market. We stick to our quality standards and our agronomists and food technologists monitor the safety and hygiene at every stage. We buy the best quality of guavas from the farms. These fruits are first inspected for the quality and then are sent for washing. The fruits are sent into ripening chambers. Fully ripened guavas are washed and cleaned again. We transfer these clean guavas for further processes before extraction of the pulp. These processes are centrifuging, destoning, blanching and homogenization. Then the guavas are sent to extraction chambers in order to obtain the pulp. The complete extraction process includes cleaning, slicing, refining and packing the fruit pulp. The pulp is then packed in to the cans which are sterilized and hermetically sealed. We have a technologically advanced state-of-the-art infrastructure for extraction and packing procedure. From collecting the fruits to the packing, each and every step is monitored by the expert food technologists. Guava pulp is extracted from the selected varieties of the white and pink guavas. Guava pulp is mainly used to make guava juices, guava jams, fruit bars and fruit cheese. We export guava pulp as well as the products made from guava pulps. Among all these products, our most loved product is guava juice. The guava juice is used in making cookies for the flavor, ice creams and confectionary. We take the guavas from the major belts of guava production. We strive to maintain the best chemical , physical and organoleptic characteristics for our guava fruit pulp. The T.S.S. is maintained at minimum of Degree Brix. The acidity in terms of % as C/A is minimum 0.45 % and maximum 0.55%. The pH level of the guava pulp is maintained lesser than 4.0. The additives used in the pulp are citric acid.

Physical,Chemical and Organoleptic Characteristics

T.S.S. Min 9 Degree Brix
Acidity (% as C/A) Min 0.45% & Max. 0.55%
PH < 4.0
Additives Citric Acid
Ascorbic acid (ppm) Min 200
Brix/ Acidity Ratio 35
Pesticide Residue Absent
Flavour Typical Ripe Guava Flavour
Taste Natural & Characteristic Ripe Guava Taste
Colour Milky White
Appearance Homogeneous liquid
Grits(originated from fruits) Less Grits
Pulping Passes through min 1/48" sieve

Microbial Characteristics

Coli form Nil
TBC (cfu/g) <10 CFU/g
Pathogen Nil
Yeast(cfu/g) <10 CFU/g
Moulds <5 CFU/g
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Tamarind Concentrate

  • Type Fruit Concentrate
  • Feature No Preservatives, No Sweeteners
  • Material Tamarind
adli Foods (India) Pvt. Ltd. We are the front runners in the manufacturing and exporting of fruit pulps and concentrates, processed foods and vegetables. We are known for our quality and most technologically advanced infrastructure. We have an expert team of agronomists, food technologists and many skilled and semi-skilled workers. Our engineers are involved in providing the best of the production facilities for the processing and extraction of our products. The complete work environment is highly sophisticated, healthy and clean. We follow a strict quality protocol which is designed by our expert technicians and it employed in all the working and manufacturing modules. Among all the fruit pulps and concentrates, we have an exclusive range of tamarind concentrate. Tamarind is a leguminous tree and produces pod like fruit. Tamarind is used extensively in ingredients for the cuisines, medicines, and metal polishes. We supply tamarind concentrate for the edible usage mainly. Our team of agronomists chooses the tamarind according to their quality and allows them to be used for further processing. Every stage is ensured to abide by the quality standards. Each fruit is checked and then washed for further processes. We have the world class amenities for the extraction of tamarind. Our supply chain network is strong and supplies the tamarind concentrate to domestic as well as international market on time. Though tamarind is known across the world with different names, however, the botanical name of tamarind is Tamarindus Indica Linn. This name indicates the Indian variety of tamarind. The T.S.S. for the tamarind concentrate is maintained at 65 degrees Brix. Tamarind is sour in taste, so the acidity of the concentrate is 11.0 + 2.0. Also the pH level of the tamarind concentrate is 2.3 to 4.0. We do not use any kind of preservative or sweetener in tamarind concentrate in order to maintain the originality of the product and quality of the product. The color of the concentrat

Chemical Characteristics

Name of the Product Tamarind Concentrate
Botanical Name Tamarindus Indica Linn
Variety Indian
T.S.S 65o Brix
Acidity (% as Citric Acid) 11.0 + 2.0
PH 2.3 + 0.4

Organoleptic Characteristics

Colour Chocolate Brown
Flavour Characteristic of Tamarind
Taste Fruity Odour of Tamarind
Appearance Reddish Brown Viscous Liquid
Preservative None
Sweetner None
Ingredient statement Natural, 100% extract of Tamarindus Indica Linn only
Application Sauces, Fruit Juice Blends, Condiments, seasonings, Acidifier, Preservative, Confectionery, Syrups, Helath Drinks etc.


Total Plate Count Max. 10/gm
Yeast and Mould Max. 10/gm
E.Coil Nil
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Tomato Paste

  • Color Red
  • Texture Thick, Smooth, Velvety
  • Type Condiment
  • Material Tomato
  • Features 100% Natural, No Additives, No Chemical Preservatives
  • Flavor Intense Tomato Flavor
omato paste is a concentrated and intensely flavored product made from ripe tomatoes that have been carefully selected and processed. The tomatoes are usually washed, sorted, and then cooked down to remove excess water, resulting in a thick, smooth, and velvety-textured paste. This process helps intensify the natural sweetness and saviours of the tomatoes. 100% natural with characteristic Red color, flavor and taste of the Ripe Tomatoes. The paste is free from additives and chemical preservatives. Puree extracted from sound, matured, ripe Tomatoes, not obtained from genetically engineered fruits by mechanical process and is concentrated using Mix Flow Double-effect evaporator at low temperatures preserving the natural characteristics of taste, flavor and color. The processing methods conform to Good Manufacturing Practices and are consistent with the production of a high quality product.

Physical, Chemical and Organoleptic Characteristics

T.S.S. Min 28.0°Brix
Acidity (% as C/A) 1.8-2.2%
PH 3.5 - 4.4
Sieve Size Passes through 1/48” sieve
Additives Nil
Pesticide Residue Absent
Flavour Typical Ripe Tomato flavor
Taste Wholesome & Characteristic of Ripe Tomato
Colour Natural & Red
Appearance Homogenous and Thick
Impurities Free From any impurities, foreign matter and Pesticide residues.
Brown Specs 3-4 Nos. /10g
Black Specs 1-2 Nos. /10 g

Microbial Characteristics

TPC <10 CFU/g
Yeast Count <10 CFU/g
Mould Count <10 CFU/g
E.coli Nil
Pathogen Nil
Coli form Nil


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Mixed Pickle

  • Brand Name MANSA
  • Material Fruits, Vegetables, Authentic Spices
  • Feature Traditional Taste
  • Variety Of Pickles Mix Pickle, Mango Pickle, Lime Pickle
  • Variety Of Mango Chutney Sweet Mango Chutney

MANSA' brings a variety of Pickles and Chutney. The pickles are made of sorted fruits and vegetables and authentic spices. The traditional taste is retained while processing in advanced technology with stringent hygienic and quality control. Experience the taste and the spark our pickle creates with every meal or snack. 'MANSA' Mango Chutney comes in the range of Sweet Mango Chutney and Hot and Sweet Mango Chutney. These add extra taste to the meals. Variety of Pickles : Mix Pickle Mango Pickle Lime Pickle Green Chilli Pickle Chilli Lime Pickle Garlic Pickle Ginger Pickle etc. PACKING 400 g X 24 Glass Jar/Carton 1 Kg X 15 In Plastic Jar/Carton 5 Kg X 4 In Plastic Jar/Carton 20/40 Kg HDPE Food Grade Carboys Variety of Mango Chutney : Sweet Mango Chutney Hot and Sweet Mango Chutney

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