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Introducing our exquisite Cinnamon Delight Herbal Tea – a flavorful blend that not only captivates your senses but also offers remarkable health benefits that have made it the preferred choice of doctors and health enthusiasts alike. Crafted with care, this natural herbal tea is specifically designed to pro more...
Lipton Clear Green is a new series of green teas that combines green tea's flavonoid antioxidant goodness, with the purifying effect of water. It helps distil your body naturally & makes you flavor nature's goodness. Get pleasure from the natural, light & delectable taste. more...
Govind Madhav Cough Tea blended from 16 fast acting botanicals contains many herbal ingredients derived from Bark, Roots, Seeds, Twigs, Leaves, Flowers and Grasses, which have several therapeutic functions. It does not contain even a pinch of caffeine or tannin. 16 Herbs List Arjunachhal Ashwagan more...
The Holy Ram and Shyam Tulsi leaf are brought to you in combination with Darjeeling green tea. The brew is nothing short of being a spiritual experience in cleansing the soul and body. Our Tulsi Green Tea Leaves (Holy Rama and Shyam Tulsi Leaves) are brought to you in combination with Darjeeling green tea. Th more...
Spicy herbal blend to aid as an anti inflammation tea. Turmeric, Lemongrass, Licorice, Ginger. more...
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Teas Graded as tippy Golden Broken Orange Pekoe contain a moderate amount of coffeine as well as a compount known as i theanine , Which can help to reduce anxiety and relieve stress . Black tea also has anti-inflammatory cold fighting , and digestive properities. more...
Best quality Chamomile Green Tea, best for sleeping and anxiety relief.. more...
A blend of Assam superfine green tea blended with Moringa having high nutritional values, Hibiscus with strong acidic taste with red color and Himachal Lemongrass the a pleasant aroma. Brewing Instructions - Bring water to boil and let it cool down to 90°C Allow tea leaves to brew for 3-4 min more...
Darjeeling CTC Tea with Cardamom and Kashmir Saffron A warm aroma of saffron with a golden yellow appearance , prepare yourself for a Savory taste that is dominated by clove in the end. ... The base of this tea is a strong blend of DARJEELING Black Leaf Tea. And saffron with Cardamom GLI Saffron Black tea i more...