IPC COMPANY , VILL. Murthal, P.O Murthal, Tajpur Road, Near by S.K Honda showroom, 1.5 km. away from the G.T road. GST IN 06HDEPK0498A1ZQ
Basic Information
Nature of BusinessManufacturer / Exporter / Service Provider / Supplier / Retailer
Contact PersonVinod kumar
Registered AddressIPC COMPANY , VILL. Murthal, P.O Murthal, Tajpur Road, Near by S.K Honda showroom, 1.5 km. away from the G.T road., Sonipat, Haryana - 131001, India
Total Number of EmployeesBelow 20
Year of Establishment2018
Legal Status of FirmIndividual (Sole proprietorship)
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Contact Us
Vinod Kumar(IPC Company)
IPC COMPANY , VILL. Murthal, P.O Murthal, Tajpur Road, Near by S.K Honda showroom, 1.5 km. away from the G.T road., Sonipat, Haryana - 131001, India