Our Products
We offer a complete product range of Organic Rice, kala namak rice, Basmati rice and Brown Rice
Rice is a common food in many cuisines around the world, and it is a very important cereal crop that feeds more than half the world’s population. It has many benefits like, its ability to provide fast and instant energy, it regulates and improves bowel movements, it stabilizes sugar levels, it slows down the ageing process, while also providing an essential source of vitamin B1 to the human body.
Kalanamak rice is rich in micro-nutrients such as Iron and Zinc. Therefore, having this rice is said to prevent diseases borne out of Iron and Zinc deficiencies. It is said that regular intake of Kalanamak rice can prevent Alzheimers disease. Government of India came out with Nutri-Farm scheme in 2013, with the aim to promote food crops that have critical micro nutrients to fight malnutrition and improve nutrition status of the vulnerable section of society. Kalanamak rice was one of the nutri-crop selected for this scheme.
Basmati rice also has low Glycemic index and is safe for patients suffering from diabetes. This rice also helps in giving you balanced energy levels. Basmati rice is available in many varieties with varying costs
The health benefits of brown rice are largely due to it being a whole grain. According to HSPH, the fiberin brown rice helps lower cholesterol, moves waste through the digestive tract, promotes fullness, and may help prevent the formation of blood clots. Brown rice is considered a low glycemic index food. The glycemic index (GI) refers to how quickly and how much a food raises a person & blood sugar after eating, according to HSPH. Low-GI foods have a rating of 55 or less; the average GI for brown rice is 55. White rice has an average GI of 64, making it a medium-GI food. Previous research has shown a link between a high-GI diet andtype 2 diabetes. Whats more, some of thephytochemicals and mineralsfound in whole grains may be associated with a lower risk of certain cancers, HSPH says. As a part of an overall healthy diet, whole grains may help improve cholesterol levels, and reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes, according to the AHA.