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1 Products availableThe Air Shower Controller is a supporting device for the clean workshops & the assembly clean room , is use to blow the dusts attached to the surface of the people & objects entering the clean work shop, & also functions as an air brake to prevent non purified air from entering the clean area. The Air Shower Controller Systems the sequential locking & release of the doors, & controls the blower. The two door are interlocked such that doors cannot be open at the same time, to prevent pressure losses & cross contamination. INSTEC INDIA Air Shower interlocking systems achieve this by preventing simultaneous access of door, also havingset able showertime & manyfeatures.
DoorAccess Panel Inputs & Outputs
Control Card Digital Inputs & Outputs
Keys & Programming
The Static/Dynamic Pass Box inter locking system controls the sequential locking and release of the doors and control the blower, U.V. Tube & CFTube also. The opening/closing of the door is manual or ideally through a closure mechanism. In normal condition, both the doors should be in locked state. any door can open by pressing switch of keypad shows the status of operation. Various visual/ audio indications indicates status of operations or any problem occurs in the operations. Pass box is used for material transfer from one Clean room or unclassified area to anotherclean room or classified area. It consists of a rectangular box with two doors/three doors. The all doors are interlocked such that all doors cannot be open at the same time, to prevent pressure losses and cross contamination at the time of the material transferring process. Preventing simultaneous access of doors/Rooms.
Timer for
DoorAccess Panel Inputs & Outputs
Control Card Digital Inputs & Outputs
Keys & Programming
Door Inter Locking System achieves in prevention of process area contamination by in clean room areas & microbiological labs, any personnel passing through an unclassified area to a classified area is required to pass through series of rooms. In each room certain steps need to be followed by defined guidelines prepared by various agencies around the world. This procedure ensures thatthe person is not carrying any external microbiological and particles contamination in to the process area and also the pressure in each room is maintained before openingof door. Door Inter LockingSystem Ensuresthatwhen one doorfora room is - OPEN then all other doors in that particular room are closed. - In Emergency an override key is available on a push button moduleforall door'sopening. - Preventingsimultaneous access of doors/Rooms.
Door Access Panel Inputs & Outputs
Control Card Digital Inputs & Outputs