Fume hoods are laboratory primary safety testing device . A laboratory fume hood is a ventilated enclosure where harmful or toxic fumes or vapors can be handled safely. The purpose of the hood is to capture, contain and remove contaminants, preventing their escape into the laboratory. This is accomplished by drawing contaminants within the hoods work area away from the operator, so that inhalation and contact are minimized. Airflow into the hood is achieved by an exhaust blower that pulls air from the laboratory room into and through the hood and exhaust system. This pull at the opening of the hood is measured as face velocity. A baffle, air foil and other aerodynamically designed components control the pattern of air moving into and through the hood. Contaminated air within the hood is then diluted with room air and exhausted through the hoods duct system to the outside where it can be adequately dispersed at an acceptably low concentration. Our fume hood performs effectively and safely at the face velocity of 100 fpm (or 0.5mtr/sec) at defined sash opening. These laboratory fume hoods consist of standard vertically operated counter balanced toughened glass sash opening. It will have double skinned construction to make it safer. It comprises of electrical components and utilities as per the need of experiment. Basic types of Fume hood -Constant Air Volume (CAV)Variable Air Volume (VAV) Fume hood type depend upto function and Construction.Conventional type Fume HoodConstant Volume Bypass Air typeWalking type Fume Hood.Table top type fume hoodFume Hood with Base cabinet type