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Test Kits
2 Products availableOur product range contains a wide range of Digital Bulk Density Apparatus, DIGITAL AUTOMATIC BULK DENSITY TEST APPARATUS, California Bearing Ratio Apparatus, Laboratory CBR Test Apparatus and Karl Fischer Titration Apparatus
INNOVATIVE Digital Automatic Bulk Density Test Apparatus is designed to hold two cylinders, capacity: 100 ml & 250 ml. The mechanism provides simultaneously rotating and tapping motion to the cylinders for packing the sample under test, evenly and uniformly. The equipment meets the requirements of USP Standards suitable for Method-I & Method-II. The user-friendly microprocessor based circuitry enables to select two different modes of testing tap density. In USP-I or USP-II mode, the numbers of taps are fixed and they can be set accordingly. The other is user mode in which, the user can select the number of taps as per requirement. The apparatus will run on the selected mode and at the end of the test, it will calculate and display the percentage difference between tapped volume and tapped density, compressibility index and Housner ratio automatically.
Provision is made in the Bulk Density Test Apparatus to accept an 80-column centronic parallel port printer for printing the results. Thus, a hard copy of test report can be obtained for each test. The menu appearing on the 4 line LCD screen gives almost all instructions on the screen, eliminating the need to refer the instruction manual while working. Instruments with only USP Method-l or Method-II specifications and non-digital junior models are also available.
This Karl Fischer Titration Apparatus is an advanced version having compatibility with PC to store all the data of the sample under test. Suitable software, supplied with the instrument, enables to accept the data through the serial port of the PC. The software, available on the CD, can be installed on the PC and then the data can be transferred from the instrument to the PC. On pressing the result key, the result in terms of Percentage & PPM is displayed on the instrument. At the same time all relevant data like Sample Quantity, Density, Percentage, PPM is transferred to the PC through the Serial Communication Port.The data stored in the PC cannot be altered. A Search command is useful to access the data Batch wise and Date wise. Also one can create the Report of the daily testing using Report facility. This facility minimizes lot of paper work and maintaining the records in different files. Also data can be retrieved as and when required using Search command.
This Innovative Tablet Disintegration Test Apparatus is Double basket unit having water bath with Digital Temperature Indicator Controller. Unit equipped with Digital Programable LCD Screen Display. It's incorporated with number of additional features as given below:
The Innovative Field Density Test Apparatus consist of a sand pouring Cylinder, fitted with conical funnel and shutter, one cylindrical calibrating container hole of 10 cm dia.
This Shrinkage Limit Apparatus is intended for the determination of shrinkage factors such as shrinkage limit, Shrinkage ratio, volumetric shrinkage and liner shrinkage of soils.
Innovative Direct Shear Apparatus is used for determination of the direct shear strength of soils on specimen size 60 mm x 60 mm x 25 mm. The Direct Shear Apparatus comprises of the following:- Loading Unit:- Vertical load, capacity 8 kg/sq. cm. Load is applied either directly or through a counter balanced detachable lever. Provision is made for the load to be applied either through a steel ball recessed in the loading pad or directly through a boss on the loading yoke. Shear load capacity 400 kg. Direct shear box for square specimen size 60 x 60 x 25 mm complete with one base plate, two plain gripper plates, two perforated gripper plates, porous stones and one loading Pad. Shear box housing, complete with two ball roller strips. Specimen cutter for 60 x 60 x 25 mm specimens. For shear load measurement : Capacity 400 kg. Consolidation dial gauge .01 mm, One no. Strain dial gauge .01 mm, One no. Set of weights: to give kg/cm
Complete unit- hand operated. Proving Ring- Capacity 200 kg. Complete with dial gauge, and calibration chart. Turret type 30-speed gear box for use with above (optional).
Direct Shear Apparatus (Electrically Operated) (Electrically operated) Complete Unit as SS-14 but motorized to give the following rates of strain: 0.01, 0.016, 0.1, 0.125, 0.2 and 1.25 mm/min. without proving ring and dial gauges.The Permeability apparatus is used for the laboratory determination of permeability of soils using a constant of a variable hydraulic head. This test is recommended for soils with the coefficient of permeability in the range of 10 - to 10 cm/sec. The maximum particle size of the soil which can be tested in the mould is 10 mm.
The equipment comprises the following :
1. Metallic mould, 100 mm dia x 127.3 high x 1000 ml volume.2. Extension collar, 100 mm dia x 60 mm high3. Drainage base plate with a recess for a porous stone and with an outlet valve.4. Metallic clamping ring.5. Drainage cap (Top plate with a recess for a porous stone and fitted with an inlet valve and an air release valve).6. Dummy plate to serve as a false bottom during compaction.7. Porous stone for drainage cap.8. Porous stone for drainage cap.9. Set of three glass stand pipes approximately 6 mm dia, 10 mm dia and 20 mm dia mounted on a wooden board.10. Length of three meter long rubber connecting tube with a pinch cock.11. Overhead tank made of steel, approximately 37.5 cm dia x 1 meter high. It is provided with an inlet port at the top and six outlet at bottom with cocks and air inlet and water filling tube on top. An arrangement is provided to indicate the water level.
This programmable advanced Digital Tablet Friability Test Apparatus is equipped with microprocessor based circuitry, to program the friability test. Unit is equipped with informative two lines LCD display screen. This Digital Tablet Friability Test Apparatus is also equipped with digital readout, automatic pre-set count stop and audio signal. It is supplied with two acrylic drums. The apparatus will have 10 degree tilt facility, as required.
Innovative Ductility Testing Apparatus is used for determining of asphalt, cut bitumen and blown type bitumen. It consists of a bath thermostatically controlled with inlet and outlet taps. Fixed and movable brackets are so positioned that specimen is submerged in water throughout. The rates of pull of 50 mm/min. and 10 mm/min, air incorporated. A clutch arrangement is made to stop the movement of the movable bracket when rupture of the specimen is noticed. Suitable for operation on 230 volts, 50 cycles, single phase, A.C. supply. Complete with three moulds and plates supplied mounted on the apparatus but without thermometer.
INNOVATIVE Digital Tablet Dissolution Test Apparatus isas per usp/ip/bp specifications and supports 1, 2, 5, 6 methods. Single station, three, six, eight or 14 station wobble and vibration free instrument is available. The instrument has built in memory to store 95 test methods with 18 different time intervals.
This Innovative Micro Kjeldahl Digestion Apparatus is with 6 (six) Glass Receivers, Flask with 100ml.The Kjeldahl Digestion Apparatus is useful for estimation of Nitrogen content in the substance by digestion in micro flasks of capacity 50/100 ml. The house is made of mild steel stand and pair of hangers etc.
The Standard Compaction Test apparatus consists one each of Compaction Mould Gun Metal, 100mm x 127.3mm x 1000. Complete with collar and base plate. Rammer 2.6kg x 310mm controlled fall