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  1. Medical Accessories 4 Products available
  2. Testing Equipments

    2 Products available
  3. Sensors

    1 Products available
  4. Moisture Meter

    1 Products available
  5. Measurement Gauges & Fittings

    1 Products available

Our Products


  • Range +20 °F to 120° F
Psychrometer in glass thermometers of Prismatic capillary range: +20 F to 120 F or -5C to 50C mounted side by side in a wooden frame which is provided with a handle and spindle, so that the frame with thermometers can be rotated quickly about a horizontal axis. The bulb of one of the thermometer is - covered by a closely fitting cylindrical cotton wick, the end of which dips in small water container attached to the end of the frame.
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Sling Psychrometer

Sling psychrometer of two mercury in glass thermometers of Prismatic capillary range: +20 F to 120 F or -5C to 50C mounted side by side in a wooden frame which is provided with a handle and spindle, so that the frame with thermometers can be rotated quickly about a horizontal axis. The bulb of one of the thermometer is - covered by a closely fitting cylindrical cotton wick, the end of which dips in small water container attached to the end of the frame.
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Differential Pressure Sensor

Differential pressure sensor High and low pressures are separated by a sensor assembly consisting of a magnet, pistons, Teflon seal and range spring. The difference in pressure causes the sensor assembly to move in proportion to the change against a range spring.A rotary magnet, located in a separate body compartment and isolated from the acting pressures, is rotated by magnetic coupling as per the linear movement of the sensor assembly A pointer attached to the rotary magnet indicated differential pressure on the dial
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Mercury Filled Temperature Gauge

Mercury filled temperature gauge Pocket thermometer are available in red liquid or mercury filled types durable brass chromium plates finish provided with pocket dip.
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Portable Hygrometer

  • range : -50 to 1000/400 °c
  • Display size : 0.5 inch
Portable hygrometer Accurate & easy to read L.E.D Display, 3 Digit LCD Display with "LO BAT" INDICATION, Accuracy-:5% F + 1 Count 1c for Range 0-400 c, Input-: Thermocouple & Rtd.
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