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We are leaders in the market for providing best range of Black Onyx

Lemon Quartz

  • Brand Name LEMON QUARTZ
  • Gemstone Color LEMON
We Offer Lemon Quartz.Gaze Deep Into a Crystal Ball, You Will See a Versatile Gemstone, One of the Most Popular Gems On Earth. Beautiful Quartz, the 'rock Crystal' Used in Ancient Times to Make Crystal Balls and Bowls, is Today More Often Seen Set in Gold Jewellery.
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  • Min. Order (MOQ) as per requirement Carat
  • Brand Name CARNELINE
  • Place of Origin Australia, Brazil, Madagascar, India, California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, and Idaho in the U.S.A.; Russia and parts of Africa. Most of the stones on the market today are mined in Brazil.
One of the many varieties of Chalcedony, carnelian gemstone is thought of as if it was its own separate class of gemstone as far as metaphysical, healing and magickal properties go. Found around the world but mainly in Australia, Brazil, Madagascar, India, California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, and Idaho in the U.S.A.; Russia and parts of Africa. Most of the stones on the market today are mined in Brazil. The Carnelian gemstone is known as the self esteem gemstone because it is such a powerful motivator. It helps you to overcome the various parts of your personality that may be holding you back allowing you to step out into the world and claim your destiny. Keep a carnelian gemstone in your pocket so you can rub it any time you feel excess stress coming on. This can be when in situations that cause anxiety to be high or even when it is due to depression. Considered to be a Master Communicator, the carnelian gemstone works to bring all aspects of yourself into alignment, giving you the courage to take charge of your life or stand up in front of the crowd to give the company report.
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  • Min. Order (MOQ) as per requirement Carat
  • Brand Name GARNET
  • Gemstone Color red, green, yellow, or brown shade
  • Gemstone Shape Round, Oval , Heart , Trillion , Pear , Baguette, Marquise , Octagon, Square
garnet, name applied to a group of isomorphic minerals crystallizing in the cubic system. They are used chiefly as gems and as abrasives (as in garnet paper). The garnets are double silicates; one of the metallic elements is calcium, magnesium, ferrous iron, or manganese and the other aluminum, ferric iron, or chromium. Six varieties (of which there are also intermediate forms) are distinguished according to composition-grossularite (calcium-aluminum), pyrope (magnesium-aluminum), spessartite (manganese-aluminum), almandite (iron-aluminum), andradite (calcium-iron), and uvarovite (calcium-chromium). Grossularite occurs commonly in a red, green, yellow, or brown shade, depending on the impurities; if pure it would be colorless. The yellow and brown stones, coming chiefly from Sri Lanka, are used as gems under the names essonite (or hessonite) and cinnamon stone; sometimes they are miscalled hyacinth. Grossularite is found also in the Transvaal, in Mexico, and in Oregon. The most popular variety of garnet is the ruby-red pyrope from Bohemia, S Africa, and Arizona, sold as Cape ruby and Arizona ruby. Rhodolite, a mixture of pyrope and almandite from North Carolina, is rose-red or purple.
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Blue Topaz

  • Min. Order (MOQ) as per requirement Carat
  • Brand Name BLUE TOPAZ
  • Place of Origin Topaz is found primarily in Brazil, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Mexico, Pakistan, China, and the United States.
  • Gemstone Color blue, pale green, red, yellow and pink.
  • Gemstone Shape Round, Oval , Heart , Trillion , Pear , Baguette, Marquise , Octagon, Square
Blue Topaz is the hardest of the silicate minerals. While pure Topaz is colorless, minor changes of elements within the stone result in a variety of other colors, such as blue, pale green, red, yellow and pink. Topaz is found primarily in Brazil, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Mexico, Pakistan, China, and the United States. Blue Topaz was considered by ancient civilizations to have cooling properties. Not only was it believed to cool boiling water when thrown into the pot, but to calm hot tempers as well! This gemstone was credited with many other healing powers, among them the ability to cure insanity, asthma, weak vision and insomnia. The Blue Topaz was even thought to have magical properties in its ability to make its wearer invisible in a threatening situation.
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  • Min. Order (MOQ) as per requirement piece
  • Brand Name EMERALD
The Emerald gemstone has been mined in numerous places around the world and in times past, some of these mines were exceptionally dangerous leading to the deaths of many people, all in the name of getting this fabulous gemstones out of the ground. Most of todays emerald gemstones are mined in Afghanistan, Australia, Brazil, Columbia, India, Pakistan, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. More recently the mines in North Carolina, USA and Vancouver BC, Canada have started producing some fantastic gems. The emerald gemstone is on of the many forms of Beryl. Depending on the exact color of the gemstone and if there are no inclusions, the perfect stone can be more valuable that a diamond. Other forms of beryl include aquamarine, golden beryl, heliodor and morganite. There is also a very rare red beryl.
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Multi Tourmaline

we offer Multi Tourmaline.Tourmalines are true miracles of colour. Crystals with only one colour are fairly rare, there mostly being various different colours and colour nuances in one and the same stone. The spectrum is so varied that the tourmaline family alone would suffice to cater to the gemstone wishes of every woman and every man in a particular colour or colour combination.
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  • Min. Order (MOQ) as per requirement Piece
  • Brand Name CITRINE
  • Gemstone Color orange color with red undertones, instead of the yellow color that marks naturally occurring citrine.
  • Gemstone Shape Round, Oval , Heart , Trillion , Pear , Baguette, Marquise , Octagon, Square
Citrine is a yellow version of quartz, also known as gold topaz or Spanish topaz. It is not, however, true topaz. It is found in much greater quantity, and is much less expensive to produce and cut into gemstones. Heating other forms of quartz, like amethyst, commercially produces much of todays citrine. Such citrine is usually betrayed by its orange color with red undertones, instead of the yellow color that marks naturally occurring citrine. Citrine is often associated with the more brownish topaz because both are November birthstones. Citrine stones are generally much less expensive, however, and are often the birthstone of choice for those without deep pockets. The gem wears extremely well, with a hardness of about 7 on the Mohs Scale. Still, citrine gems should be removed when performing any heavy labor.
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  • Min. Order (MOQ) as per requirement Carat
  • Brand Name DIAMOND
The beautiful, brilliant diamonds are birthstones for the month of April and anniversary stones for 60 and 75 years of marriage. Celebrated as a girls best friend, diamonds derive their name from the Greek word Adamas which means invincible. These gems are internationally recognized as symbol of love, power, fearlessness and eternity. Since ages, diamonds have been the undisputed ruler of the gemstone family. Uncut diamonds adorned the suits of many great knights and cut diamonds graced the crowns of many aristocrats. Ancient Greeks believed that diamonds were splinters of star that had fallen on earth.
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  • Min. Order (MOQ) as per requirement Kilogram
  • Brand Name IOLITE
When Leif Eriksson and the other legendary Viking explorers ventured far out into the Atlantic Ocean, away from any coastline that could help them determine their position, they had a secret gem weapon: iolite. The Viking mariners used thin pieces of it as the world's first polarising filter. Looking through an iolite lens, they were able to determine the exact position of the sun, and navigate their way safely to the New World and back. The property that made iolite so valuable to the Vikings is its extreme pleochroism. Iolite has different colours in different directions in the crystal. A cube cut from iolite will look a more or less violet blue, almost like sapphire, from one side, clear as water from the other, and a honey yellow from on top. In the past, this property led some people to call iolite 'water sapphire', though the name is now obsolete.
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  • Min. Order (MOQ) as per requirement Carat
  • Brand Name AQUAMARINE
  • Place of Origin Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Ireland, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Myanmar (Burma), Namibia, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Ural Mountains in Russia, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
  • Gemstone Color blue so people
The fabulous aquamarine stone can be found around the world in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Ireland, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Myanmar (Burma), Namibia, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Ural Mountains in Russia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. In the United States most aquamarine stone can be found in Connecticut, Colorado, Maine, New Hampshire, North Carolina and Vermont. The gemstones mined in Massachusetts has a unique color of sapphire blue so people believe it the most beautiful of all the aquamarine colors. But these stones tend to be smaller making them harder to work with and use in jewelry. Aquamarine is a blue-green variety of beryl and is a sister stone of the Emerald. It's name is derived from two Latin words meaning water and sea which is probably why sailors wore amulets made of it to ensure they were fearless and to protect them while they were at sea. They often engraved a likeness of Poseidon on a chariot, for extra protection from all things in the sea.
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Black Onyx

  • Min. Order (MOQ) as per requirement Kilogram
  • Brand Name BLACK ONYX
  • Gemstone Color banded colors
  • Gemstone Shape Round, Oval , Heart , Trillion , Pear , Baguette, Marquise , Octagon, Square
Onyx is a cryptocrystalline form of quartz. The colors of its bands range from white to almost every color (save some shades, such as purple or blue). Commonly, specimens of onyx contain bands of colors of white, tan, and brown. Sardonyx is a variant in which the colored bands are sard (shades of red) rather than black. Pure black onyx is common, and perhaps the most famous variety, but not as common as onyx with banded colors.
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  • Min. Order (MOQ) as per requirement Carat
Amethyst, the February birthstone is the most loved member from the Quartz family. This gem is much admired for its pleasing violet hue. The name comes from ancient Greek amethystos which means not drunken, as these stones were believed to protect its wearer from drunkenness. Given its royal violet color, this gem has adorned many a powerful personnel all through history. The ancient Romans wore Amethyst as a talisman. Moses described its beauty by referring to it as Spirit of God. Russian Empress, Catherine the Great, was known to be passionate about these astounding gems. This beautiful gem is also associated with Buddha and so these stone became the sacred stones for making rosaries. Unlike many other precious stones, deposits of amethyst are relatively abundant in nature. Amethysts that come from Brazil and Uruguay are highly prized for their fine quality. Very dark, but small crystals of amethyst are mined in Australia. Some other sites where this gemstone is mined are Madagascar, Africa, United States, Soviet Union and India.
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  • Min. Order (MOQ) 12600 ct
i have multi tourmaline with me 12600 carat. good second quality .all sizes and shape available till 7x5mm

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Packaging Details : jewellery packets

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