We are offering quick die change systems. Press die sets are massive precision components that must move quickly and accurately from presses to storage areas and back again. The system that performs these functions is called a qdc system, or quick die change system. There are many qdc systems used, but the rolling bolster and die cart systems are the most common. Rolling bolster systems: there are three popular rolling bolster systems: i. Single bolster operation: the bolster moves laterally in a straight line into and out of the press. This may be done at either the front, rear, or sides of the press. In this type of system the die is placed onto the bolster in a preset position and manually clamped to the bolster. The bolster is then run into the press bed area and automatically clamped into position. advantages: this system provides a means to easily install a die at a preset position, assure uniform clamping, and also insure uniform positioning in the press.