Our Products
Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Candle Machine, chalk machine and Wire Nail Machine.
Chalk Making Machine with Gun Metal Die(Ready To Start Condition)No Electric Required.Production Capacity :200 Chalk Pcs Per Batch(Batch Time : 10-15 minutes). (9mm top dia x 10mm bottom dia x 75mm length, Standard Dimension)
. Load the polishing barrel with Wire Nails up to a level 3 to 4 inches above the half-filled level and add saw dust in the barrel the up to 80% of the full level. Fix the blind lid and run the barrel for about 40-45 minutes. Stop the barrel and change the lid from blind to perforate. Run the barrel for about 45 minutes with perforated lid in order to remove the saw dust. This will result in bright & shiny nails.