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We offer the best product range of Calsorb, Eumil, Optiliv, Pulmoflex and AmmoFree Premix.


We are offering calsorbcalsorb(for optimising absorption and utilisation of dietary calcium and other minerals : capsules & syrup) calsorb, a herbal product, optimises absorption and utilisation of calcium as well as phosphorus and magnesium from diet, maintaining proper ca and p ratio. Calsorb also promotes translocation of calcium, phosphorus & magnesium ions to the sites of requirement and also improves collagen biosynthesis and stimulates fibroblasts, chondroblasts and osteoblasts. It is useful for optimum bone mineralization, adequate skeletal development and growth in young and growing children and helps meet increased calcium demands during pregnancy and lactation in ladies. Calsorb reduces fracture healing time by one third and ensures better bone density and strength. Calsorb is effective and safe for prolonged use and also during pregnancy. Use of calsorb improves cartilage metabolism, inhibits cartilage destruction and helps to maintain bone-remodelling at optimum levels. usage / indications :calsorb is a step beyond vitamin d and calcium supplementation to more effectively meet higher demands of calcium in :growing children - for healthy bones & optimal growthduring pregnancy, lactation, post-menopausal osteoporosis in ladiesfor quick healing of fracturesfor prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, rickets, osteomalcia and other calcium deficiency syndromesfor cartilage repair and bone-remodeling e.g. Arthritis and low back pain etc., in degenerative joint diseases.


1 capsule once or twice daily
1 capsule once daily
SyrupChildren2 teaspoonful once daily


CapsulesBlister pack (2 x 10 capsules)
Bottle (60 capsules)
SyrupBottle (100 ml.)
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We are offering eumil eumil(anti-stress, adaptogen and anti-oxidant : capsules) herbal formulation "eumil" effectively takes care of medical consequences of stress, more particularly chronic stress and successfully breaks the stress cycle before persistent chronic stress leads to anxiety or depression. It is a specific primary therapy for those who do not really have any significant pathological problem, but actually suffer from unexplained psycho-somatic disorders precipitated by stress of modern day's hectic life. Eumil modulates neurochemical perturbations and physiological disturbances. It is a proven performance enhancer - better and safer than ginseng formulations, and also more useful than synthetic anti-oxidant vitamins. Eumil has unique cascade type, self-replicating and sustained anti-oxidant action. Eumil is rapidly absorbed and retained for longer periods, it is effective in both lipid and aqueous tissue phases, to neutralize and scavenge all types of excess free radicals. eumil also optimises the anti-oxidant profile of the body by augmenting the level of sod, catalase and glutathione peroxidase and helps them to work longer by recharging them. eumil brings about improvement in endurance and optimises the fitness and performance of sportsmen and athletes alongwith higher tolerance to exercise and fatigue. Eumil enables professionals, executives, computer operators and businessmen to better concentrate on their work and perform more effectively alongwith improvement in learning, acquisition, memory retention and retrieval. usage / indications :in manifestation of stress related disorders such as : physical fatigue or exhaustion, tightness of muscles, chronic aches and pains, mental fatigue or exhaustion, tension headaches, irritable bowel disease, peptic ulcers, anaemia, nervous debility, poor libido and sexual weakness, emotional disturbances e.g. Aggression, anxiety, depression or low slow down the ageing process, enhance the feeling of general well-being and to improve the glow of face and texture of natural anti-oxidant for maintaining good health in the diseases associated with oxidative damage e.g. Diabetes, hypertension, coronary artery disease, arthritis, cancer, leukoplakia prevent or delay the progression of cataract, macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy.capsulesadults : 1-2 capsules twice daily to be taken with water after meals, for 2-4 weeks or more, as requiredpackagingcapsules : blister pack (2 x 10 capsules) bottle (60 capsules)
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We are offering optilivoptiliv(hepatogenic, hepato-protective and hepaticstimulant : capsules and syrup) optiliv is a scientifically developed hepatogenic, hepato-protective and hepatic stimulant for safe and effective treatment of diffuse diseases of liver and liver dysfunction. It also has unique antioxidant, choleretic, digestive and appetite stimulant properties. Anti-inflammatory, hepatitis virus neutraliser, enzymatic and pro-haematinic actions further enhance its usefulness in liver disorders. Optiliv is available in concentrated form for prompt and sustained action. Dosage convenience of optiliv (only 1 capsule, once or twice daily) helps to enhance therapeutic success. usage / indications :to maintain appetite and digestion and to protect the liver with unavoidable use of hepatotoxic drugs such as antibiotics, sulphonamides, anti-tubercular medications, thiazide diuretics, cholesterol reducing and anti-ulcer drugs and ace inhibitors a liver protective in chronic or occasional alcohol drinkers.during convalescence after any disease, debility, general weakness and anaemia particularly refractory the infective or chronic active hepatitis, diffuse diseases of the liver such as enlarged or fatty liver, early adult or childhood cirrhosis and dyspepsia, anorexia, functional dysphagia with appetite loss, apthous ulcers and loss of appetite induced by chemical drugs such as anti-malarials, quinolones, antibiotics adjuvant in treatment of malnutrition and as a daily health supplement.packagingcapsules : blister pack (2 x 10 capsules) bottle (60 capsules)syrup : bottle (100 ml.)


1 capsule twice daily.
1 capsule once daily.
2 teaspoonful of syrup twice daily.
1 teaspoonful of syrup twice daily

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We are offering pulmoflex pulmoflex(for effective management of bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis : capsules & syrup) herbal pulmoflex is scientifically developed as a basic remedy for treatment of allergic rhinitis and asthma. Pulmoflex as immune-modulator, tackling the root cause, decreases the raised serum ige level and number of eosinophils in nasal and bronchial secretions and peripheral blood. Pulmoflex inhibits the biosynthesis of leukotrienes and other inflammatory mediators and paf mediated allergic and inflammatory responses. Pulmoflex also acts as anti-allergic, bronchodilator, mucolytic, expectorant, tussis-modulator and decongestant. Pulmoflex improves static and dynamic lung volumes and lung function. It is also suitable for asthmatics with diabetes and hypertension. Pulmoflex improves the quality of life in asthmatics. It is a comprehensive therapy of choice for allergic rhinitis or hay fever. pulmoflex is compatible with oral and inhaled anti-inflammatory drugs and bronchodilators hence they can be used together, in acute conditions. usage / indications :for treatment and prevention of allergic rhinitis and hay fever including perennial cases.exercise-induced and intrinsic asthma.chronic asthma in children and young adults obviating the need of corticosteroids.asthma complicated by diabetes and basic remedy and most suitable co-prescription and interval medicine in extrinsic (allergic) asthma to facilitate :pulse therapy with corticosteroids and then sparing their use after a short course.stabilization of lung function.longer episode free intervals and for prevention of recurrent acute attacks.prevention from side effects of corticosteroids, beta-adrenergics, anti-histaminics and their later complications.packagingcapsules : blister pack (2 x 10 capsules) bottle (60 capsules)syrup : bottle (100 ml.)


1 capsule once or thrice daily
1 capsule once daily
2 teaspoonfuls of syrup 2-3 times daily.
1 teaspoonful of syrup twice daily.

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Herbal C Powder

We are offering herbal c powder is a natural and stable source of vitamin c containing the nutrient in a stable form with high bioavailability. Herbal c powder has a powerful antioxidant action and gets fully absorbed while providing sustained and self-replicating activity. The natural vitamin c form in the herbal c powder has more hydroxyl groups making it more soluble for easy administration and higher activity. Providing protection to cells in both lipid and aqueous phases, the herbal c powder has potent antioxidant action (ic50: 43.78 gml), which is six times more than synthetic vitamin c. Not only this, it also has a better performance in increasing levels of liver ascorbic acid, plasma and antibody titre while decreasing liquid peroxidation that add to the production performance by a great degree. benefitsprovides adequate nutrition in poultry and livestock in summers and other stressful conditions. Also improves nutrition uptake in the first two weeks of the chicks life. protects, prevents and overcomes the effects of heat stress and the related morbidity as well as death.maintains optimum level of physiological functionsimproves hatchability and fertility in breeder birdsreduces stress caused by heat tooptimize egg productionimprove shell quality, f.c.r, weight gainimproves the bioavailability and utilization of dietary calcium plus minerals to minimize shell breakage and increasebone mineralizationshell qualityegg productionpackaging1 kg and 5 kg packdosage100 gm of herbal c can be used in place of 100 gm synthetic vitamin c, with higher stability and better activity.
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AmmoFree Premix

AmmoFree premixThe Natural Solution for Ammonia Pollution Ammonia is a gas of great concern in aquaculture. Gaseous ammonia is primarily released from the gills of Fish, Prawns and Shrimps as a metabolic waste from protein breakdown and from the lesser secondary sources such as decomposition of uneaten feed and organic wastes by bacterial actions. Ammonia concentration is increased because of reduced algal population in the pond and due to reduced rate of assimilation of ammonia by plankton algae. Additionally, lower water temperature slows aerobic bacterial nitrification process whereby ammonia is converted to nitrates. High aquatic pH also severely accounts for the enhanced aqua concentration of ammonia. Ammonia is extremely toxic and its toxicity is attributed mainly to its un-ionized form. Ammonia tends to block oxygen transfer from the gills to the blood and can cause both immediate and long-term gill damages. The mucous producing membranes can be destroyed, reducing both the external slime coat and damaging the internal intestinal surfaces. Fish suffering from ammonia poisoning usually become sluggish, often remain at the water surface as if gasping for air. Dangerous short term levels of un- ionized ammonia are capable of killing fish over a few days starting at about 0.6 ppm. Chronic exposure to toxic ammonia levels as low as 0.06 ppm can cause gill and kidney damage, reduction in growth, brain malfunctioning and reduction in oxygen carrying capacity of the fish. Disease susceptibility also increases in fishes exposed to chronic ammonia intoxication. Since aquatic animals perform all their bodily functions in water, good water quality in aquaculture system should essentially be maintained, particularly in reference to ammonia concentration. The natural product AmmoFree containing steroidal saponins and other active compounds has inherent ability to absorb ammonia that helps to reduce ammonia levels and other noxious compounds which leads to an increase in dissolved oxygen concentration with reduction in BOD and COD levels. Surfactant action of steroidal saponin compounds helps in the bacterial nutrient utilization that digest the waste materials in the pond bottom. The reduction in intestinal as well as systemic ammonia concentration in fishes and shrimps slows down tissue turnover in the gut and allows for better nutrient utilization and subsequently lower disease susceptibility and better growth, FCR and livability. Advantages of using AmmoFree : Binds ammonia and noxious odours.Improves water quality.Improves feed conversion, growth, survival and breeding performance.Reduces disease susceptibility.Reduces BOD and COD.Improves oxygen carrying capacity of shrimps Prawns & fish. FEED INCLUSION RATE :Shrimps, Prawns, Cat-Fish : 1-2gm per kg of feedCatla, Rohu, Mrigal and other FishAmmoFree should be mixed with sufficient quantity of fresh water to make a paste, which should then be thoroughly mixed with the feed. After drying, the same may be broadcasted or administered as per practice at the fish/aqua farm. To be given regularly or as advised by the Aquaculture Consultant. POND APPLICATION : 500 gm per hectare or as advised by the Aquaculture Consultant. Pond application can be done by mixing with sand or zeolite for best results.PRESENTATION : 500 gm Pack
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Aquace Premix

We are offering aquace premix aquace premixfor stress-free optimum growth of fish, prawns & shrimps with natural and stable activity of vit-c in conjugation with biological vit-e indian herbs after sustained research has developed a herbal feed supplement aquace for fish, prawns. Shrimps and other aqua species which is safe and has all the desired effect:s for use as antistress, adaptogenic and antioxidant and which is free from side effects generally associated with chemical products. It overcomes stress and minimizes the adverse effects of the stress response in fish, prawns, shrimps and other aqua species. The herbal ingredients of aquace are proven to have sustained antioxidant activity, more potent than activity of synthetic vit-c and vit-e combination. Thus while using aquace, there is no need for extra supplementation of synthetic vit-c and vit-e. Aquace also increases the adaptability of the body against stress by regulating the physioiogical and biochemical functions and increasing non-specific resistance. The adaptogenic and antistress properties of aquace and its herbal components have been proved in many scientific studies against a variety of physical, chemical and biological stress conditions. Aquace helps to maximise production and profits in fish and aquaculture, due to its following beneficial effects: unique features : unlike synthetic vit-c and vit-e, it is well known that natural forms of vit-c and vit-e are easily recognized and accepted by the receptors and more efficiently utilised by the biological system. Moreover numerous scientific studies have shown that the combination of vit-c and vit-e is significantly more effective than anyone of them alone. Vit-c acts in aqueous phase, while vit-e acts in lipid phase and thus the combination of their natural form provides optimum intra-cellular and extra-cellular antioxidant activity, to provide complete care against stress. aquace improves protein biosynthesis to effectively create new cells to replenish worn out cells. aquace enhances glucose metabolism and thereby improves the ability to perform under stress conditions. aquace enhances the adaptive response in fish and aqua species to prepare them to effectively counteract different types of stress.aquace contains ingredients which are proven antioxidants to protect from damaging effects of free radicals and helps in maintaining health and livability.aquace helps to maintain the body's antioxidant profile at optimum levels, by enhancing the level of sod, catalase and glutathion peroxidase.aquace helps to optimize metabolic rate which leads to improvement in feed intake and its optimum conversion to body tissues.unlike feed supplements containing synthetic vitamins etc., which only provide extra nutrition, aquace is a specific product to overcome stress and restore normal physiological functions and health as well as to improve growth rate and livability.usage :aquace overcomes the effects of stress on nutrient utilisation and growth due to:climatic changes, temperature changes in water (hot or cold), transfer from sea water to fresh water or vice-versa, progressive water and environmental pollution, water contamination by high carbon dioxide, ammonia and nitrite or heavy metal content or influx of sewage water variations in the water ponds.low level of dissolved oxygen in water or culture ponds.diseases, infections (due to bacteria, virus etc), parasites. Chemical medications and pesticides etc.intensive farming for quick growth in short time and strenuous swimming.high stocking densities, disruption of social order by transfer of spawn/larvae, juveniles. Fingerlings, adults etc.hygiene and sanitation of ponds, capture, handling, transportation, routine hatchery procedures like grading, improper or deficient oxygen supply and artificial stripping etc.irregular feeding or nutritional deficiency and change of feed etc. the oligosaccharides present in aquace help to inhibit the colonization of entero-pathogens in the intestines, besides improving immune system and increasing non-specific body resistance, to minimise the disease incidence. Aquace also contains vit-a and niacinamide in natural form along with other anti-stress herbal constituents. aquace is the real antistress, adaptogenic and antioxidant herbal feed supplement. Aquace works the way nature works, it is safe and non-toxic. It has no side effects which could pass to human population through successive food chain, hence it can be safely used in all fish and aqua culture species. dosage : shrimps, prawns, cat-fish, and common carps - 2 gms per kg of feed .catla, rohu, mrigal and other fish - 1 gm per kg of feed.aquace powder should be mixed with sufficient quantity of fresh water to make a paste, which should then be thoroughly mixed with the feed. After drying, the same may be broad casted or administered as per practice at the fish/aqua farm. to be given regularly or atleast 10 - 15 days every month or as advised by the aquaculture consultant. presentation :i kg pack keep in a cool and dry place.
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Herbal E Powder

Herbal E Powder provided by us contains equivalents of Vitamin E with higher bioavailability, optimum activity and antioxidant power that is three time more (at IC50:0.029 Mml). Much better than synthetic form of the Vitamin E, the natural form in the Herbal E Powder is not easily oxidized or unstable during the pelletization process. Also it has more retention in the body for sustained and higher activity i.e. remains three times longer. The Herbal E Powder also has desired active isomer only to prevent the antagonization. Suitable ForImprove bodys defense against infection and health of poultry and farm animalsIncrease and maintain udder health, innate immunity to preventrecover early from mastitis in mammals that are lactatingPreventing muscular dystrophy, exudative diathesis, crazy chick disease etc.Increase chick growth, commercialbreeder egg production, fertility and hatchabilityIncrease cellular and humoral power, antioxidant defense against oxidative stress while overcoming it.Packaging1 kg and 25 kg PackDosage50 gm of Herbal E can be used in place of 100 gm synthetic Vitamin E (50%), with higher stability in feed and for better response.
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We are offering nefrolivnefroliv(renal tonic, reno-protective, nephrogenic and diuretic : capsules) prepared from selected natural herbs, nefroliv optimises renal function and helps maintain regeneration of damaged nephrons. Nefroliv protects kidneys from damaging effects of nephrotoxic antibiotics like aminoglycosides, cancer medications such as cisplatin, cyclophasphamide etc., and other chemical drugs. It restores functional integrity of nephrons, helps to control inflammation of kidney tissues, stimulates diuresis and maintains normal urine output. Nefroliv through its urinary antiseptic activity also relieves burning micturition. nefroliv quickly reduces the increased levels of blood urea, blood urea nitrogen and serum creatitine in renal patients and helps to improve haemoglobin and haematocrit values. Nefroliv also helps to improve glomerular filtration rate (gfr) and renal creatinine clearance. It has site specific cytoprotective and anti-oxidant action on the renal tissues. Nefroliv tones up kidneys and facilitates to maintain normal urination and renal functions. usage / indications :microalbuminuria, overt proteinuria.urinary tract infections, burning micturition.acute and chronic renal insufficiency, chronic renal disease.nephritis and nephrotic syndrome.crystaluria, renal calculi.very useful to prevent damage to kidneys in the people suffering from high b.p. And diabetes.dosage :capsulesadults : 1 capsule twice or thrice dailychildren : 1 capsule once or twice be taken as long as required.packagingcapsules : blister pack (2 x 10 capsules bottle (60 capsules)
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We are offering livoliv is a modern system for enhancing performance that aids in higher production with more profits for farm owners and breeders. Livoliv is the perfect supplement to regular feed as it protects the liver and promotes growth in poultry in a healthy manner. Livoliv helps in the absorption of vitamins and other nutrients. We provide the livoliv premix in a concentrated liquid form that can be administered with water and this is available in the market under the name livoliv liquid conc. usageto improve f.c.r and growth along with production of egg by aiding digestion and metabolization of nutrients. to promote recuperation and help in improving health during convalescence after any disease and use of chemical drugs (antibiotics, anthelmintics, anti-inflammatory etc.)to protect liver from damage caused by feed contaminants, mycotoxins, antibiotics, chemical substances prevent ascites while enhancing the meat qualityto maintain proper body weight at sexual maturitypackaging1 kg and 25 kg packdosagefor poultry -500 gm per ton of feed.for farm animals -@ 7 gm per 100 kg body weight,
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Animunin Powder

The Animunin Powder that we offer is specially formulated to protect the respiratory system from infections and maintain its functioning in a natural way. Animunin Powder facilitates healthy breathing by keeping the lungs clean and also prevents secondary infections. Unlike other drugs, the Animunin Powder that we Manufacture, can be used regularly without the danger of drug resistance, residues or stress and is very cost-effective in maintaining poultry health. Apart from the powder form, we can also offer Animunin as a liquid for administration with drinking water. Used ForImproving F.C.R. and production of eggs in commercial layers and breeders while promoting high broiler growth in difficult environmental conditions like in cold weather and in chicks that are four to ten weeks old. To maintain production in the birds while keeping them free from microbes, allergens etc.Preventing mucus build-up and other respiratory problems to ease breathing and increase oxygen uptake. Packaging1 Kg and 25 Kg Pack.DosageFor Poultry and Swine - 0.5 1 kg per ton of feed.For individual feeding in Farm Animals, Equines, Canines, Felines, Camels, Rabbits etc. - 3 gm per 100 kg body weight.
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Gutmotil Afi Powder

We are offering gutmotil afi powder provided by us is the ideal solutions to all gut problems in poultry caused by a variety of conditions like introduction to farm, rehousing in other environment, weaning time, change of weatherfeed, and so on. As a gutmotil afi powder manufacturer, supplier and exporter, we offer a supplement that is a combination of prebiotic constituents and oligosaccharides that increase the secretion of acidophillins, peroxidases and bacteriocins. perfect formaintaining gut function in a stable and healthy mannerpreventing loose droppings for keeping litter dry in case of stress caused by high productionsummer season or if high fiber diet is given to the poultry. Also for two week old chicksimproving mucosal immunity against infections, optimize gut health and decrease systemic infectionsimproving f.c.r and nutrient utilization to aid production performanceavoiding nutrient loss through faeces while maintaining proper growthproviding nutrition at the time of infections caused due to bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoans, parasites etc. preventing faecal staining in eggspackaging1 kg and 25 kg packdosagefor poultry and farm animals - 1 to 2 kg per ton of feed.higher feed inclusion rate is recommended with starter and grower rations of young animals and also at weaning for first few days.for individual feeding in farm animals, equines, canines, felines etc - @ 10 gm per 100 kg body weight.
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livoliv is a herbal feed supplement which promotes growth and production performance along with improvement in fcr by optimizing digestion, absorption and metabolisation of nutrients. Livoliv is a dependable and efficient digestive and metabolic stimulant and optimiser of liver functions. Livoliv optimizes endogenous synthesis, production and bioavailability of digestive enzymes i.e. Amylase, protease and lipase from liver, intestine and pancreas for optimum digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Cellulase, pectinase and xylanase enzymes present in livoliv help efficient digestion and utilisation of fibres and other non-soluble polysaccharides. Livoliv also provides protection to the liver and helps to maintain regeneration of damaged liver tissues for optimum hepatic cell functions, efficient detoxification and metabolisation. Livoliv helps to improve the integrity of hepatocytes, optimises liver function, hepatic cytochrome p450 enzyme system and counteracts the damaging effects of mycotoxins, heavy metals, pesticides, antibiotics and other chemical substances on health and production performance. Livoliv ensures optimum absorption and utilisation of fats and fat- soluble vitamins (vitamin a, d, e and k) through optimum synthesis and bio- availability of bile. when a machine works at near 100% efficiency, then only the maximum output and full return on investment can be obtained. Similarly, in the poultry and livestock farming, feed is the input and meat or egg is the output where digestive and metabolic systems work as a machine. Inclusion of livoliv in feed ensures most efficient digestion, absorption and metabolisation of nutrients for promoting growth and improving fcr and production. Thus livoliv works as new generation performance enhancing system for higher production and farm profits. usage :for improving f.c.r. As well as growth in poultry and farm animals and egg production in commercial layers and breeders by facilitating most efficient digestion and metabolisation of nutrients.for right body weight at sexual maturity, uniform maturity and growth of layer-chicks and growersas nutritional support to protect liver and help early recovery from the damaging effects of mycotoxins, feed contaminants, antibiotics and other chemical substances as well as to help prevent ascites and to improve livability and quality of digestive tonic during debility and convalescence, after any disease and use of anthelmintics, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and other chemicals drugs, to promote recuperation process.livoliv conc.premix is also available in liquid concentrate form for administration with drinking water and marketed under the name livoliv liquid conc.

TypePowderLiquid Conc.
For Poultry500 gm per ton of feed.2-7 ml per 100 birds
For Farm Animals@ 7 gm per 100 kg body weight7 ml per 100 kg body weight.
Presentation :
  • LivoLiv Conc. Premix : 1 kg and 25 kg Pack
  • LivoLiv Liquid Conc. : 1 Lt. and 25 Lt. Pack
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Gutmotil Afi Powder

We Manufacture the GutMotil AFI Powder, which has a unique composition for dealing with problems of the gut. These problems can be caused in Pigs due to several reasons like change in environment or breeding areafeedweather, weaning time etc. The GutMotil AFI Powder has a potent natural action of prebiotic constituents and oligosaccharides that aid digestion by helping to secrete optimum amounts of acidophillins, peroxidases and bacteriocins. UsageFor sustaining stable and healthy gut functionFor preventing loose droppings to keep litter dry in case of stress caused by high productionsummer season or a high fiber dietFor improving mucosal immunity against infections, optimize gut health and decrease systemic infectionsFor improving F.C.R and nutrient utilization to enhance production performanceFor preventing nutrient loss through faeces while maintaining proper growthFor dealing with nutritional deficiencies caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoans, parasites etc. Packaging1 kg and 25 kg PackDosageFor Poultry and Farm Animals- 1 to 2 kg per ton of feed.Higher feed inclusion rate is recommended with starter and grower rations of young animals and also at weaning for first few days.For individual feeding in Farm Animals, Equines, Canines, Felines etc - @ 10 gm per 100 kg body weight.
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Proper liver functioning is very crucial for the health of an animal and especially in pigs that are vulnerable to liver damage caused by improper feed. We Manufacture, Supply and Export LivoLiv, which is a special supplement that protects the liver and promotes growth in a healthy manner. Apart from the powder form, we also offer LivoLiv Liquid Conc. that can be added to water and mixed with the diet of pigs. UsageFor protecting liver damage due to feed contaminants, mycotoxins, antibiotics, chemical substances etc.For improving growth and F.C.R by aiding digestion and metabolization of nutrientsFor promoting recuperation and improving health during convalescence after any disease and use of chemical drugs (antibiotics, anthelmintics, anti-inflammatory etc.)For preventing Ascites while enhancing the meat qualityPackaging1 kg and 25 kg PackDosageFor Poultry- 500 gm per ton of feed.For Farm Animals - @ 7 gm per 100 kg body weight.
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Animunin Powder

We are offering animunin powder. Specially formulated for protection of the respiratory functions from infections, the animunin powder that we offer is a natural supplement that is trusted by many farm owners and breeders.animunin powder helps in keeping the lungs clean while preventing secondary infections. Animunin powder that we offer is better than other supplements as it can be regularly used without the danger of drug resistance, residues or stress. Cost-effective in maintaining poultry health, the animunin powder supplement can also be availed as a liquid concentrate for administration with drinking water. used tomaintain production while keeping the respiratory system free from microbes, allergens etc. improve f.c.r. While promoting high growth in difficult environmental conditions like in cold weather, at the time of weaningprevent mucus build-up and other respiratory problems while easing the breathing process and increasing the oxygen uptakepackaging1 kg and 25 kg packdosagefor poultry and swine- 0.5 1 kg per ton of feed.for individual feeding in farm animals, equines, canines, felines, camels, rabbits etc. - 3 gm per 100 kg body weight.
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Gutmotil Afi Powder

We are offering herbal productsthe maintenance of normal gut functions, especially in the young chicks and farm animals is of paramount importance. Most disturbances of gut function are caused by sudden introduction of solid feed, change in feed or weather or other stresses such as weaning, rehousing in different social environments etc. Such unbalancing effects on enteric function cause decreased weight gain, poor feed conversion or simply frank diarrhoea or scouring which may lead to diseases caused by overgrowth of pathogenic micro-organisms. gutmotil afi, a herbal feed supplement, prepared from selected natural herbs, helps to restore and stabilize healthy gut functions thus it helps to prevent loose droppings and diarrhoea in poultry and farm animals. gutmotil afi regulates the transit time of ingesta through the gut by maintaining normal slow rate of intestinal movements to modulate volume and frequency of stools and facilitate optimum absorption of nutrients. The natural constituents of gutmotil afi inhibit the adherence and colonisation of entero-pathogenic organisms in the gut, reduce their load and help to limit the multiplication of pathogens by promoting the secretion of bacteriocins, acidophillins and peroxidases to avoid damage to gut and prevent consequent complications. Gutmotil afi also prevents the interaction of bacterial toxins with the enterocyte receptor sites and helps control secretion and accumulation of fluids in the gut to prevent loss of fluids and electrolytes. Gutmotil afi improves gut mucosal immunity of iga class and bio-availability of mucins and glycoproteins for improving gut health. Gutmotil afi with its oligosaccharide and other prebiotic constituents augments the level of beneficial gut microflora and physically binds and helps excretion of the pathogens. usage :to maintain stable and healthy gut function in farm animals on their introduction to the farm and at the time of weaning, rehousing in different environment, change in feed or weather and other stress conditions, to avoid loss of nutrients through loose faeces as well as to maintain health and promote growth, along with improvement in f.c.r. And utilisation of maintain normal gut function to prevent loose droppings and to keep litter in dry condition, particularly with high fibre diet, stress due to summer or high production etc., change in feed or weather and in young chicks in first two weeks of life as well as to improve utilisation of nutrients, f.c.r., and production performance in nutritional support in infectious diarrhoeal conditions caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and prevent faecal staining of optimise gut health and gut mucosal immunity against infections and to minimise the chances of systemic infections.feed inclusion rate :for poultry and farm animals: 1 to 2 kg per ton of feed.higher feed inclusion rate is recommended with starter and grower rations of young animals and also at weaning for first few days. for individual feeding in farm animals, equines, canines, felines etc. : @ 10 gm per 100 kg body weight. presentation :1 kg and 25 kg pack
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Animunin Powder

Animunin a herbal feed supplement which works like a respiratory antiseptic that helps to keep bacteria and mycoplasma in respiratory tract under control to help prevent crd and to maintain normal respiratory functions in challenging conditions, to facilitate optimum growth and production performance. animunin helps to strengthen the protective mechanism and functioning of respiratory system along with improvement in immunological profile and facilitates normal breathing. animunin soothes the respiratory tract and keeps the respiratory system clean and optimally functional. use of animunin keeps the lungs clear and thus prevents upper respiratory tract discomforts and possibilities of secondary infections. the antibiotics and anti-mycoplasmal drugs can not be used regularly due to several drawbacks like resistance development, residue problems, stress and various contra-indications, besides very high costs. the regular use of naturally safe and effective herbal animunin is very economical to maintain normal respiratory functions for optimum production performance. moreover, animunin significantly improves fcr as well as growth in broilers, turkeys and farm animals and egg production in commercial layers and breeders. unlike antibiotics, being non-antibiotic herbal feed supplement, animunin completely eliminates the possibilities of any antibiotic residues in meat and eggs and development of resistance. Therefore, it does not require any withdrawal stipulation and can be used till finishing stage. usage :to maintain normal respiratory health and functions and also improve f.c.r., along with optimum egg production in commercial layers and breeders and higher growth in broilers and farm animals, particularly when environmental conditions are likely to challenge respiratory functions e.g. Change in weather, cold environment, weaning of young animals and during susceptible period of 4 to 10 weeks of age in keep the respiratory system clean and optimally functional, free from mucus build up and least prone to respiratory problems, for easy breathing and optimum oxygen uptake by the maintain respiratory functions and optimum production performance when farm can not be kept completely free from allergens, microbes and other challenging factors.animunin is also available in liquid form, to be given with drinking water. feed inclusion rate : for poultry and swine. powder : 0.5 1 kg per ton of feed. liquid : 4 16 ml per 100 bird. for individual feeding in farm animals :liquid: 7 ml per 100 kg body weight through equines, canines, felines, camels, drinking water. Rabbits etc. powder : 3 gm per 100 kg body weight. presentation :animunin powder : 1 kg and 25 kg pack animunin liquid : 1 ltr. And 25 ltr pack.
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Moultmore Premix

We are offering moultmore premixmoultmore premixto optimise moulting frequency, growth & body weight gain shrimps, prawns and fish need sufficient minerals particularly calcium for fast growth and healthy living. Calcium is considered essential for quick and hard shell formation and fast growth. In shrimp/prawn culture, moulting preludes the growth in which, old shell is shed-off and new shell is generated. Considerable quantum of energy and particularly calcium is required for the same. Growth is hindered if the shrimps/prawns do not get the required amount of calcium. Under these circumstances, it is not only necessary to supply adequate quantity of calcium in feed, but also to ensure its optimum bio-availability and utilization for increased moulting and optimum growth. Although calcium is normally supplemented in the feed, but still its deficiency occurs due to the following reasons:- poor absorption, bio-availability and utilization. inadequate translocation to the sites of requirement in the biological system.higherexcretion and less retention.higher needs due to moulting and growth of the individual species. sharing of nutrients in the system by other biota. indian herbs after sustained research has developed a herbal feed supplement moultmore for shrimps, prawns, fish and other aqua species which significantly enhances the absorption, bioavailability and utilisation of dietary calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. The advanced chelating agent in moultmore forms organic complex chelate with dietary calcium, phosphorus and magnesium for their optimum absorption and bio-availability. The modern delivery system in moultmore, ensures optimum translocation of calcium, phosphorus & magnesium to the sites of requirement for their full utilization. The natural form of vitamin-d in moultmore, in highly bio-available organic form enhances the calcium binding protein (ca bp) concentration in the intestine to much higher and effective levels than synthetic vit-d, tooptimise absorption of calcium. moultmore also reduces the excretion of both calcium and phosphorus by 25%-30% and thus significantly improves their retention and bio-availability. Higher excretion of phosphorus causes lower availability of oxygen and other aquatic ecohazards.the use of moultmore avoids the possibilities of these factors. Moreover the use of moultmore helps to maintain the right ratio of calcium and phosphorus through optimum absorption of both in desired proportion from the normal diet. naturally protected and stable biotin (a very important b-complex group vitamin) in moultmore is very useful for carbohydrate metabolism, protein and fatty acid synthesis, nucleic acid metabolism and collagen biosynthesis etc. moultmore is enriched with natural binding agent for its easy administration with pelleted feeds. with all the above actions in synergy, moultmore enhances growth and increases the moulting frequency in different aqua species. Moultmore also significantly reduces the mortality due to moulting entrapment. The research studies and field trials have confirmed the efficacy and usefulness of moultmore. The prawns supplemented with moultmore were found to have significantly higher growth (+40%) as compared to respective control group, with enhanced moulting frequency and higher survivability, besides inhibiting mortality due to moulting entrapment and calcium deficiency etc. (sampath kumar, 2000) moult entrapment syndrome has been reported to be associated with deficiency of minerals such as calcium especially in post larvae and juveniles. Calcium deficiency leads to soft-shells in shrimps and prawns causing body entrapment in exuviae during moulting, usually resulting in high mortality upto 80% (brock, 1988 and 1993), moultmore can be used as prophylactic in post-larvae and juvenile stages to meet higher requirement of calcium and promote hard shell formation to prevent moult entrapment and also to overcome this problem at all stages of growth. usage :moultmore is recommended :to optimise absorption, bio-availability and utilization of dietary and supplemented calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, for optimum growth and body weight enhance moulting frequency in shrimps and prawns and to inhibit/minimise the mortality due to moulting facilitate maximum growth in a shorter course of prevent calcium deficiency minimise the excretion of phosphorus which leads to lower availability of oxygen, water pollution, eco-hazards and other related problems.moultmore works the way nature works, it is safe and non-toxic. It has no side effect which could pass on to human population through successive food chain, hence it can be safely used in all fish and aqua culture species.feed inclusion rate : 1- 2 gm per kg of feedfeed inclusion rate can be increased to 3-4 gm per kg of feed, during first 30 days, if slow growth is observed.moultmore should be mixed with sufficient quantity of fresh water to make a paste which should then be thoroughly mixed with the pelleted feed. After drying, the same may be broadcasted or administered as per practice at the fish/aqua be given regularly or as advised by the aquaculture consultant.presentation :200gms pack500gms pack
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Aquapro Premix

We are offering aquapro premixaquapro premixthe real growth promoter for fish, prawns & shrimps indian herbs after sustained research has developed a herbal feed supplement aquapro for fish, prawns, shrimps and other aqua species which is safe and has all the desired effects for use as performance enhancer and growth promoter. Aquapro is a purely herbal product containing natural herbs without any chemical transformation and is free from toxic or residual side effects, which are commonly associated with synthetic hormones, antibiotics and other chemical growth promoters etc. Aquapro improves the intake and utilisation of feed, promotes growth and thus ensures higher profits due to its following multi-faceted features: unique features : improves appetite and digestion for better food conversion efficiency, growth and production.optimises liver functions and metabolisation for improved utilisation and availability of nutrients for higher growth.enhances the biochemical processes involved in carbohydrate, protein and fat synthesis.helps to protect the development of mycotoxins when feed ingredients are contaminated with toxic a liver tonic. It protects the liver and helps maintain the regeneration of liver tissues in presence of mycotoxins and feed contaminants and thus helps to prevent fatty liver condition.optimises self-production of intestinal, hepatic and pancreatic enzymes (amylase, protease and lipase) for better digestion and productivity, eliminating the need for extra supplementation of enzymes.with improved protein efficiency ratio (per) and optimum digestibility of nutrients, it ensures maximum return on investment in feed.increase in weight gain between 20% to 30% in prawns and fish and more than 50% in shrimps alongwith significant improvement in feed conversion efficiency (fce) and protein efficiency ratio (per).reduces the rearing period and enhances profitability. thus aquapro is an ideal digestion enhancer, metabolic and liver tonic and growth promoter for fish and aquaculture species. Laboratory and field trials have confirmed the efficacy, safety and benefits of aquapro in fish, prawns, shrimps and other aqua species along with favourable effect on organoleptic quality of flesh. aquapro is the real growth promoter and performance enhancer. Aquapro works the way nature works, it is safe and non-toxic. It has no side effects, which could pass to human population through successive food chain, hence it can be safely used in all fish and aqua culture species. dosage : shrimps, prawns, cat-fish and common carps - 10gms per kg of feed catla, rohu, mrigal and other fish - 5gms per kg of feed aquapro powder should be mixed with sufficient quantity of fresh water to make a paste which should then be thoroughly mixed with the feed. After drying, the same may be broadcasted or administered as per practice at the fish/aqua farm. to be given regularly from beginning till marketing size/weight is attained or as advised by the aquaculture consultant. presentation :i kg pack keep in a cool and dry place.
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Biocholine Powder

We are offering biocholine powder provided by us contains a mix of selected herbs that have conjugated esterified form of choline with high bioavailalability (phosphatidyl choline, lecithins and equivalents). Choline is an essential part of diet but is mostly available in a synthetic form that can cause damage to other nutrients in a premix but we prepare it in such a way so as to ensure that it does not corrode or give out the usual bad odor while formulating the feeds. Consequently, we are known as a biocholine powder manufacturer, supplier and exporter from india. used inproviding choilne in a natural, bioactive and bioavailable form that is conjugated and esterified to maintain poultry health as well as productionpreventing fls (fatty liver syndrome) by maintaining mobilization of hepatic fat and transportation of the lipids from liver to adipose tissuesimproving high energy diet utilization in addition to the factors likefcrgrowthegg productionlivabilityhatchability packaging1 kg & 25 kg pack.dosage500 gm biocholine can be used in place of 1 kg synthetic choline chloride (60%) with better prevention of fls and higher production performance.
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We are offering nathaem nathaem(bio-efficient iron supplement for prevention and treatment of anaemia : capsules & syrup) nathaem is prepared by complexing ferrous iron fe(2+) and naturally occurring dimeric and oligomeric-dibenzo-alpha-pyrone with small molecular weight herbal gallo-tannoids, which maintains iron in the ferrous state as only ferrous iron is utilised in the synthesis of haemoglobin. nathaem ensures sustained release, optimum absorption and high bioavailability of iron with improvement in % saturation of iron binding protein. nathaem easily releases iron to iron hungry receptors and captures any ferric iron fe (3+), let loose by the system for further complexation. the reducing property of the nathaem complex, through the polyphenol moieties, causes reduction of fe3+to fe2+, systemically, resulting in mobilization and functionalization (e.g. Attachment to globin moiety of haemoglobin) of systemic iron. Nathaem is very effective in quickly raising the haemoglobin level of blood (upto 1 gm/dl/ week). nathaem also optimizes saturation of body iron stores by decreasing total iron binding capacity (tibc), even in the persons with apparently normal haemoglobin. it is also very useful for the individuals suffering due to inefficient production of erythrocytes or increased loss of rbc in haemorrhagic anaemia. nathaem can be safely used with high success in persons who normally do not respond to other iron preparations. nathaem is safe for prolonged use in all age groups and does not produce any toxicity or gastric irritation. indications and usage :for prevention and quick recovery from :iron deficiency anaemia in children, ladies particularly during pregnancy and lactation and others at any age and stage.anaemia due to haemorrhage, helminthic infestation and nutritional iron deficiency.anaemia in persons with malabsorption syndrome, chronic inflammatory bowel disease and unavoidable chronic usage of health supplement :for optimum growth and better health in children.for women in reproductive age group to maintain haemoglobin, health and working efficiency at optimum levels.dosage :capsulesadults : one capsule, once daily.children : 1-2 teaspoonful, once daily to be given orally after meals, till required.packagingcapsules : bottle (60 capsules)syrup : bottle (100 ml.)
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We are offering cardipro cardipro(lipid lowering, cardio-protective, antioxidant and cardiac function regulator : capsules) cardipro offers a side effect free management of raised serum cholesterol and triglycerides and also helps to improve cardiac functions. Cardipro inhibits hmg- coa reductase enzyme like atorvastatin, leading to significant reduction in total cholesterol and ldl-cholesterol in the serum by decrease in ldl synthesis and absorption of cholesterol from the intestine. Cardipro also reduces the level of total fats, triglycerides and vldl-cholesterol in the blood by stimulation of lipoprotein lipase activity leading to increase in vldl hydrolysis and clearance as well as decreased absorption of lipids from the intestine. Cardipro has a unique feature that it increases the level of hdl-cholesterol in the serum by stimulation of lipoprotein lipase activity and increase in apo-ai and apo-aii synthesis and integral lipoproteins of hdl-cholesterol. cardipro with its peripheral and coronary vasodilatory actions and improvement in capillary micro-circulation also helps to reduce the load on the heart and improves effort tolerance. Sustained anti-oxidant action of cardipro helps to maintain the level of glutathione and peroxidase and prevents the damaging effects of oxidized-ldl on aortic smooth muscles and restores expression of stress-proteins (hemeoxygenase-ii), reduces the number of micro-thrombi attaching to the intimal or medial surface of aorta and serves as potential anti-atherosclerotic. cardipro reduces the heart and pulse rate and protects the heart by decreasing myocardial oxygen consumption in patients of proven angina pectoris and ischaemic heart disease. cardipro modifies the cad risk factors and helps in opening of collateral blood channels and end-arteries for improving circulation in ischaemic areas. Cardipro also prevents platelet aggregation, like aspirin, in cad patients. Unlike chemical drugs which have adverse effect on libido, herbal cardipro improves libido, as a side-benefit. Cardipro is very useful for prevention of cardio-vascular problems in people suffering from hypertension, high levels of triglycerides and cholesterol and those having a family history of cardiac problems, diabetes, obesity, smoking and living a stressful life. Administration of cardipro before and after any heart surgery helps to prevent reperfusion injury, production of excess free radicals and to check systemic lipid peroxidation induced damage to heart tissue. usage / indications :for effective control of hyperlipidaemia (both hyper-cholesterolaemia as well as hyper triglyceridaemia) and dislipidaemia resulting from derangement of either exogenous (high lipid diet induced) or endogenous (insulting agent such as alcohol induced or hypothyroidism induced) increase hdl cholesterol and protect the myocardium against free readicals and oxidative damage caused by hypertension, diabetes mellitus and ischaemic heart improve effort tolerance, reduce anginal episodes and nitrate usage, in patients of ihd and stable angina pectoris.for prevention of ischaemic heart hasten recovery after myocardial infarction and to prevent supportive therapy in :hypertensionischaemic heart diseasecardiac arrhythmia, tachycardia & other cardiovascular disturbances.cardiac surgerypackagingcapsules : bottle (60 capsules))dosagecapsulesadults : one capsule twice or thrice daily, preferably before meals.
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Youthen (Nervine Tonic for Vitality and Youthful Vigour : Capsules) Youthen is a herbal nervine tonic for vitality and youthful vigour. It is developed after extensive research on modern scientific lines on selected herbs such as Mucuna pruriens, Pedalium murex etc., known for their favourable effects on sexual behaviour and functions, since many centuries in Ayurveda. Youthen helps to optimise and maintain libido and the quality and quantity of semen. Youthen a purely herbal and non-hormonal product is free from the residual effects which are commonly associated with synthetic preparations. Youthen optimises libido and sexual behaviour as well as volume and quality of semen. Youthen provides the right and unique nutrients to reinforce vigour and vitality, after 40 years of age and corrects androgen deficiency in all age groups, without any untoward effect. Youthen improves spermatogenesis and morphology of spermatozoa along with increased metabolic activity, forward progressive motility and thus promotes male fertility. Youthen increases fructose and citric acid contents of the accessory sex glands and improves testicular activity along with higher phosphatase activity. Youthen also helps in the development of secondary male sexual characteristics in young adolescents. USAGE :To optimise and maintain libido, sexual behaviour and functions, particularly after 40 years of age and in people suffering from diabetes, psychiatric disorders etc.To improve and help maintain the quality and quantity of semen at optimum levels.As nervine tonic in erectile dysfunction and to improve sexual vigour in sexually lethargic males.To achieve full development of sex organs e.g. epididymis, seminal vesicles and testes in young adolescents at puberty.As nervine and general tonic, to help in leading a happy, confident and satisfying adult life.Dosage : Capsules (Adults) 2 capsules, To be taken with milk/water twice daily for 60 days or more as required.Presentation :Capsules : Bottle (60 capsules)
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Magacal Syrup

Adequate bio-availability of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium is essential for proper mineralization process and bone metabolism in pups & growing dogs. magacal is a unique herbal product which optimises absorption & utilization of dietary calcium as well as phosphorus & magnesium. usageto limit the possibilities of calcium deficiency syndromes such as lameness & rickets etc & for early recovery from these meet higher demands of calcium in lactating bitches.for proper bone formation, adequate skeletal development & optimum meet biotin requirement and to prevent biotin deficiency shorten the period of recovery after joint surgery or bone facilitate in attaining full height, strong musculature and bony texture, particularly in sporting dogs.packaging100 ml bottledosagepups and small dogs : 1 teaspoonful.dogs & bitches : 2 be given orally once daily, for 20 days or more, as case of calcium deficiency problems, the dose may be doubled for first 10 days.
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Meboliv Syrup

Liver is the vital organ of the body which ensures detoxification and regulates numerous metabolic processes. Meboliv is scientifically balanced herbal syrup designed for pets not only to help early recovery from liver dysfunction but also to protect liver against any potential damage. IndicationsLoss of appetite, anorexia, debility & general weakness.During convalescence after any disease to promote recuperation process.Diffuse diseases of the liver, infective or chronic hepatitis, Jaundice, enlarged or fatty liver, liver cirrhosis etc.Loss of appetite, anorexia, debility & general weakness.Liver damage or dysfunction by anthelmintics, antibiotics and other chemical drugs, environmental chemicals, food preservatives etc.Packaging100 ml bottleDosagePups, Small Dogs & Cats : 1 Teaspoonful.Dogs and Bitches : 2 Teaspoonful.To be given orally once daily for 10 days or more as required.
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Bronson Syrup

We are offering bronsyp is the first broad spectrum herbal cough syrup specifically developed for veterinary use. Bronsyp is prepared from extracts of selected herbs known for their anti-allergic, bronchodilator, expectorant, mucolytic & decongestant properties. indicationsto improve bio availability of antibiotics in upper & lower respiratory tract infectionsallergic cough & pharyngitisnon-specific cough, kennel cough & bronchitisfor symptomatic relief from cough associated with secondary bacterial respiratory infectionspackaging100 ml bottledosagepups & small dogs : 1 teaspoonful.dogs & bitches : 2 teaspoonfulto be given orally, 2-3 times daily, till complete recovery.
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Mobifree Capsules

We are offering mobifree capsulesarthritis is a condition which is characterized by inflammation of the joint. chemical drugs "nsaids" provide only symptomatic relief from pain and inflammation while degenerative process continues unchecked leading to permanent joint dysfunction and disability. mobifree is a herbal product which can be used as an aid to mobility and recovery from debilitating effects of arthritis of most causes. The unique actions of mobifree help in faster symptomatic relief, without any side effects such as gastric ulceration which are associated with nsaids etc. indicationsankylosis and lamenessarthritislameness due to injury etc.packaging100 capsules packdosagepups, small dogs & cats : 1 teaspoonful.dogs and bitches : 2 be given orally once daily for 10 days or more as required.
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Dermanol Cream

Mastitis a disease of major concern in dairy animals is caused by the increased level of pathogens outside and inside the teats and the udder, leading to inflammation and pain, damage to teats and udder tissues. Inspite of antibiotic therapy, the recurrence of mastitis is reported to be very high. Moreover, mastitis therapy has some limitations like developing resistance against antibiotics, decreasing effectiveness, presence of antibiotic residues in the milk etc. the local application of herbal dermanol cream on the teats and udder along with mastitis therapy ensures faster recovery from sub-clinical and clinical mastitis and prevents its recurrence. The regular application of dermanol cream after each milking, particularly in susceptible animals, helps to prevent mastitis. indicationsas supportive and efficiency enhancer of antibiotic therapy in subclinical and clinical mastitis and to prevent their recurrence.stand alone treatment for udder oedema and thelitisas prophylactic to maintain scc and tbc within limits to optimise quality and quantity of milk and to prevent mastitis.for effective teat and udder health management.for safe and quick healing of cracks, laceration, soreness, inflammation and wounds on teats and udder.unique benefits of dermanol cream over other productshigh level of efficacy.non-greasy and non-staining nature.spreads easily and gets absorbed quickly.natural milk fragrance.nice cream-white colour.does not cause contamination of milk.directions for usewash and clean dry the affected areas and apply dermanol cream on affected teats and udder, once or twice daily.presentation25 gm collapsible tube
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Anbioflam Capsules

Domestic animals are commonly infected by microbes, fungi and mites etc. These often lead to repulsive dermatitis, alopecia, persistent pruritus, wounds, allergic conditions and inflammation of skin. Inflammation is thus very common problem in livestock. anbioflam is an effective and safe systemic dermatological with anti-inflammatory, anti-pruritic and vulnerary properties. It is very effective in the cases of pyoderma, ringworm, eczema and as supportive therapy in degnalla, mastitis, mange, uterine infections etc. indicationsdegnallamangewoundsring wormeczemamastitis and other inflammatory conditions, etcpackagingvial of 24 capsules.dosagecows, buffaloes & horses : 2 capsulesdogs, pigs, sheep, goats, foals & heifers : 1 capsulescamel & other large animals : 4 capsules
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Nephtone Capsules

We are offering nephtone capsuleskidneys are vital organs of the excretory system which play an important role in the regulation of the internal environment of the body as well as the volume and composition of the body fluids by eliminating non-volatile waste of tissue, metabolism, ingested foreign substances and desirable substances present in excess. Kidneys also play a major part in regulating the acid-base balance. nephtone is prepared from extracts of selected natural herbs known for their beneficial actions on kidney function. usageburning micturition or recurrent urinary tract infectionsnephritis, cystitis and other nephrotic syndromesprotein loosing nephropathy of old age or amyloidosisto help recovery from the infectious conditions such as leptospirosis or other bacterial and viral urinary tract infectionsurolithiasis and to prevent their recurrence after surgical removalas kidney tonic with use of chemotherapeutics such as sulfa drugs, streptomycin, gentamicin or other amino-glycosides, which may cause renal dysfunctionascitespackaging40 and 100 capsules packdosagepups, small dogs & cats : 1 teaspoonful.dogs and bitches : 2 be given orally once daily for 10 days or more as required.
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We are offering proimmuproimmu(immune potentiator and immune-protective : capsules and syrup) proimmu, prepared from standardised extracts of selected herbs is a scientifically proven immune-potentiator and immuno-protective. It potentiates both cellular and humoral components of the immune system as well as non-specific body resistance. it increases microbicidal activity of neutrophils and levels of immuno globulins and other components. It also elevates the number of lymphocytes and improves t-cell memory. Proimmu increases the size, number and phagocytic activity of macrophages. Proimmu improves immuno-competence for prevention and treatment of viral and other infections, by augmenting and optimising the level of th (helper-cd4+) and tc (cytotoxic - cd8+) cells and also the activity of nk cells. It has been shown to quickly restore the platelet count reduced due to dengu fever. It restores and improves immune-status of immuno-deficient and immuno-compromised hosts and potentiates the effect of antibiotic therapy and limits the possibilities of super infection or recurrence of infection. usage / indications :major surgery, burn injury and multiple trauma, to promote early improve immuno-competence during viral infections such as measles, chicken-pox, herpes, flu, hepatitis etc., to prevent secondary complications.infertility due to toxoplasmosis and viral infections.for optimising vaccinal response, by increasing the primary and secondary antibody titres to enhance the success rate of immunisation, thus especially useful with b.c.g., typhoid and polio vaccines.for better immuno-competence and to potentiate immune-status and elevate non-specific body resistance in normal and immuno-compromised or immuno-deficient supportive to antibiotic therapy in respiratory and urinary tract infections, atypical pneumonias, t.b. And other difficult infections and to limit the possibilities of super infection or recurrence of maintain the host ribosomal protein synthesis impeded by antibiotics and to control fatiguability due to antibiotics.lymphopaenia in cancer patients during and after radio or chemo potentiate immune status and help in faster receovery as adjuvant to specific therapy in the following conditions :chronic wasting diseases/conditions.collagen diseasesauto-immune diseases.aplastic anaemia and bone-marrow supressed (aids).packagingcapsules : blister pack (2 x 10 capsules) bottle (60 capsules)syrup : bottle (100 ml.)


CapsulesAdults1-2 capsules once or twice daily, as required.
SyrupChildren2 teaspoonfuls twice daily
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Art Plus Powder

We are offering art plus powder restriction in joint movement is a distressing condition, commonly observed in horses. art plus herbal feed supplement helps to restore mobility and early recovery from the conditions that adversely affect the freedom of joint movement of the horse and facilitates free, smooth and supple movement of joints. art plus supplementation provides nutritional support to maintain the biochemical characteristics, enzymic activity and viscosity of synovial fluid in the joints. by promoting proper synthesis of matrix component of the cartilage, art plus facilitates to maintain the strength of articular cartilage. art plus supplement enhances bio-synthesis and active production of glycosaminoglycans and sulphated/acidic mucopolysaccharides (chondroitin sulphate) and helps maintain the condition of chondrocytes and articular cartilage as well as the quality and level of neutral mucopoly-saccharides and hyaluronic acid also improves in all layers of synovial membrane and cartilage. art plus supplementation helps maintain the condition of synovial membrane, soft tissues and various layers of joint capsule. art plus supplementation facilitates to maintain the level of chondroitin sulphate with optimum glycogen content of chondrocytes of articular cartilage for better nutrition of the tissues. art plus should be fed to horses which display stiffness and have difficulty in moving freely. art plus supplementation has been shown to be useful as a part of the programme to aid recovery from laminitis or lameness due to injury. thus art plus supplementation prepared from selectively chosen herbs such as allium sativa, zingiber officinale etc., is very useful to maintain normal joint movements. dosage :5 gm per 100 kg body weight, to be given orally, twice daily, mixed with highly palatable feed, as long as required.presentation :1 kg pack.25 kg pack.
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Flexeze Powder

We are offering flexeze powderstiffness of joints and muscles along with pain is commonly observed in horses which affects their mobility and performance. In such situations, herbal feed supplement flexeaze helps maintain circulation along with joint and muscle comfort. As a more powerful alternative to the products based on devils claw, flexeaze feed supplement based on boswellia serrata provides nutritional support within few hours of feeding for prompt relief and to quickly restore mobility and normal physiological functions. unlike chemical products such as phenylbutazone, diclofenac etc., flexeaze feed supplement is safe and does not cause gastric ulcers or gastritis and it can be used regularly for long periods. for sustained long term benefit, it is recommended to be used along with herbal art plus and magacal. dosage5 - 10 gm per adult horse, to be given orally mixed with feed, twice dailypresentation1 kg pack25 kg pack
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Pacewell Powder

We are offering pacewell powdermany a times, bleeding in the tracheobronchial airways is observed in horses particularly in racing horses, racing greyhounds and racing camels etc., during or after intensive excercise or racing. however, it has also been reported in horses used for jumping, barrel racing, roping and polo. although it has been recognised after trotting, it is associated more commonly with speeds or short periods of strenuous exercise. thus it is believed that it is a consequence of the increased pressure on pulmonary vascular circulation. as it is a matter of great concern in all horses under training and in racing horses and other athletic animals, its prevention or effective control assumes great importance. pacewell is a herbal feed supplemet, developed after research on synergistic effect of some herbs which are known for their antistress, anti-oxidant and iron-chelating actions as well as other beneficial effects for maintaining normal respiratory and cardiac functions. pacewell herbal feed supplemet helps maintain healthy lung function, cardiac function as well as normal micro-circulation and pressure in the pulmonary circulatory system during racing and strenuous exercise. Pacewell supplementation facilitates scavenging of excess free-radicals generated during racing and strenuous exercise, by its self-replicating and sustained anti-oxidant action. the herbal constituents of pacewell form complex - chelate with ferric ions released during intensive exercise to help prevent rupture of capillaries. usageto maintain lung function, cardiac function, micro-circulation and pressure in the pulmonary circulatory system at normal levels during training, intensive exercise and racing of horses, dogs and optimise performance levels in athletic horses, dogs and camels, during training.dosagefor equines, canines, camels and other animals @ 7 gm per 100 kg body weight, to be given orally, twice daily, mixed with food, as long as required. feed regularly during racing animals, feed for 2 - 4 weeks before and also after the race.presentation1 kg pack25 kg pack.
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GutMotil Capsules

Diarrhoea and colitis are known to impair digestion, leading to loss of health and body condition. Diarrhoea is a symptom which may be primary or secondary to specific disease or gastro-intestinal infection. Primary diarrhoea may arise from many causes e.g., error in diet, chill or hot weather, excitement or stress etc. GutMotil, prepared from natural herbs such as Aegle marmelos, Woodfordia fruticosa, Tinospora cordifolia, etc., is a Dependable Gut-Function Stabilizing System which helps to normalise digestive function through its following positive effects :
  • GutMotil helps to limit the colonization of "bad" bacteria in the gut.
  • GutMotil facilitates to normalise the rate of peristalsis.
  • GutMotil assists to limit the interaction of bacterial toxins with the enterocyte receptor sites.
  • GutMotil does not destroy beneficial gastro-intestinal microflora.
    • Benefits Of GutMotil Capsules
      • Does not destroy beneficial gastro-intestinal micro flora
      • Helps to limit the colonization of "bad" bacteria in the gut.
      • Assists to limit the interaction of bacterial toxins with the enterocyte receptor sites
      • Facilitates to normalize the rate of peristalsis
        • Packaging
          • 100 capsules vial.
            • Dosage
              • Pups, Small Dogs and Cats : 1 Capsule.
              • Dogs : 2 Capsules.
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Immuplus Capsules

We are offering immuplus capsulesthe immunological defence system of pets is highly susceptible to a number of clinical conditions such as infection, cancer, surgery or to the administration of therapeutic chemicals and drugs. suppression of any of the individual elements of the immune system may allow opportunistic pathogens to overwhelm the host, leading to secondary infections which are a common cause of morbidity and mortality. against this background, the use of herbal products to restore and rejuvenate positive health and to maintain organic balance has attracted considerable interest. the alarming increase in recurring and secondary infections is further complicated by the finding that the causative bacteria rapidly develop multiple resistance even to the very latest generation of antibiotics, presenting today's clinician with an even greater challenge. the most frequently used antibiotics such as tetracyclines, sulphonamides and macrolides are bacteriostatic in normal therapeutic concentrations. they only arrest the multiplication of bacteria; but do not completely kill them. therefore, for the effective control of infection and to express the full potential of these antibiotics, it is necessary that the immune-status of the patient should be sufficiently competent to efficiently recognise these bacteria, phagocytose them and to kill them. immuplus, is a polyherbal formulation which contains the extracts of selected natural herbs such as ocimum sanctum, withania ashwagandha, tinospora cordifolia etc. Immuplus potentiates both cellular and humoral components of the immune system with consequent increase in the non-specific resistance and host defence against pathogenic stimuli. in laboratory animal studies, the following effects of the use of immuplus have been reported. effectssignificant increase in primary and secondary antibody titres (2, 4).beneficial increase in spleenic lymphocyte count (7).high degree of protection against viral challenge (5).improvement in t-cell memory of the recipient hosts and significant increase in size, number and phagocytic activity of macrophages and a beneficial positive chemotaxis effect for leucocytes (3, 4, 5).increase in humoral response in normal subjects as well as those immuno-compromised by uv irradiation or treatment with cytotoxic drugs such as cyclophosphamide or cyclosporin (7).potentiation of cellular component of the immune system in both immuno-competent and immuno-compromised hosts (2, 5, 6).significantly reduced mortality as a consequence of a challenge by e. Coli. Lps., in both immuno-competent and immuno-compromised hosts (2, 5, 6).usageto potentiate the antibiotic therapy and to help avoid recurrence of infections and secondary optimize vaccinal response with different vaccines such as canine distemper, parvo virus, canine hepatitis, anti-rabies, feline leukemia optimize immune status in conditions such as canine distemper, feline leukemia optimize the non-specific resistance and host defense.useful as a part of the programme designed to aid recovery from major surgery, burn injury or multiple traumato maintain immune-status with unavoidable use of corticosteroids in the conditions such as arthritis, allergic respiratory and skin conditions etc.packaging100 capsules vial.dosagepups, small dogs and cats : 1 capsule.dogs : 2 capsules.
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Stress Eaze Capsules

We are offering stress eaze capsulesthe stresses present in modern pet keeping might include some or all of the following : transport, temperature, dietary, chemical exposure (to antibiotics, anthelmintics, mycotoxins, etc), infections, air and water pollution, fatigue due to mating, whelping, kennel condition, dog shows, extensive exercise and athletic activity, to name a few. stresseaze contains emblicanin a and b (herbal source of stable vit. C like activity), vitamin-a and niacinamide (in natural form), vitamin-e conjugated & natural form and traces of chromium in biological form together with other active herbal antistress components. stresseaze, can be successfully used as antistress, adaptogen & antioxidant for optimising the fitness and performance of pets. usagein sporting dogs, use of stress eaze capsules increases the oxygen intake capacity which helps to optimize stamina at maximum output and faster recovery rates.use of stress eaze capsules at times of stress and in geriatric pets has been found to be very usefulstress eaze capsules maintains the antioxidant profile of the body at optimum level and in the face of oxidative stress, to scavenge excess free radicals and also to slowdown the ageing process.use of stress eaze capsules brings improvement in endurance and recovery after exercise.packaging100 capsules packdosagepup and small dogs : 1 capsule nce dailydogs and bitches : 1 capsule twice be given orally, for 20 days or more, as required.
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Aqua Immu Premix

We are offering aqua immu premixaqua immu premixunique herbal feed supplement for maintaining good health, livability & growth natural herbs contain some basic nutrients for animal metabolism and tissues, such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats and minerals. There is another group of substances, related to animal feeds, which are contained by plants and needed in small quantities for the right functioning of the body. Years ago, vitamins were discovered as important micronutrients, but there are some other equally important nutrient substances of big interest which are called pronutrients and defined as: substances that the body uses as base to elaborate some specific physiological effects to take part as metabolites of some physiological functions and to act as catalysts of metabolic functions. There are several substances that can be considered as pronutrients, e.g, polyphenols, polypeptides, oligosaccharides, mineral chelates, oleoresins etc. Their use in human nutrition is very common, for example garlic (allium sativum) decreases concentration of fatty acids in blood. The essential oils of some plants and spices contain phenolic compounds, which play most effective role in boosting defence mechanisms, and naturally inhibit growth of microbes. aqualmmu powder, is a herbal aqua-feed supplement which contains selected natural plant materials. The natural constituents of aqualmmu contain some unique pro-vitamins and pro-nutrients such as terpenes, phenols, amino-acids, natural vit-c and vit-e and oligosaccharides etc. These unique pronutrients present in aqualmmu help to optimise body defences and potentiate the immune system to help minimise the possibilities of disease conditions due to viral, bacterial and other causes. Oligosaccharides and phenols present in aqu immu prevent the adhrence of entero-pathogens to the intestinal epithelium cells and inhibit their colonization in the gut. Oligosaccharides are also known to bind mycotoxins in the feed to prevent their damaging effects on health and production. Immune response of body defense system is vital in protecting the host against invasion by foreign organisms. Viral, bacterial and other infections, stress factors, starvation or debilitating diseases, mycotoxins use of antibiotics and other chemical drugs etc., may cause malfunctioning of the immune system thereby producing deleterious effects on the health and production capacity offish, shrimps, prawns etc. with low immune-status they remain highly susceptible to increased incidence of diseases due to viral, bacterial, fungal and protozoal infection as well as parasitic infestation. Suppression or malfunctioning of the immune system allows opportunistic pathogens to overwhelm the host and hence the viral and bacterial infections etc become a common cause of morbidity and mortality. An attempt to overcome this problem is now being made by boosting the body defenses and host immune response against infections by health supplements. In this regard, aqualmmu herbal aqua-feed supplement helps to maintain good health and growth as well as strong body defenses and immune-system in shrimps, prawns and other aqua-species, without any toxicity or side effects. benificial effects of aquaimmu :compensates the deficiency of unique pro-vitamins and pronutrients to ensure balanced diet for maintaining good health and growth.optimises and maintains the production and activity of endothelial cells and cellular components of non-specific immune system (granulocytes and monocytes/macrophages).helps to optimize and maintain the non-specific and other defense mechanisms.facilitates optimum production of lysozymes, complements etc. And other lytic substances in serum and mucus secretions of skin, gills and intestine to protect against microbes.augments the production of immunoglobulins as well as iymphocyt.ic population dynamics.facilitates proliferation of macrophages with increase in their number and size along with better phagocytic activity of macrophages and other cells.helps to maintain the immune status of hosts prone to immune-deficiency & to help counteract the immuno-suppressive effects of most food contaminants and environmental pollutants.usage : with pro-vitamins and pro-nutrients aqualmmu helps in maintaining health, livability, growth and performance at optimum levels, thus increasing profits. to maintain strong body defenses, in the face of challenge by bacteria, viruses and parasites known to be responsible for immune-suppression which allows the occurrence of white spot disease, vibriosis, hemorrhagic septicemia. Epizootic ulcerative syndrome (eus), bacterial gill disease etc in fish and other aqua species. for optimum maternal immunity and higher livability in hatchlings, fry and help optimum response to vaccination programmes.for nutritional support in the face of recurrent health problems.feed inclusion rate :shrimps, prawns and cat fish. : @3gm per kg offeed. catla, rohu, mrigal and otherfish. : @1.5gmperkgoffeed. aqualmmu should be mixed with sufficient quantity of fresh water or vegetable oil or white of egg to make a paste which should then be thoroughly mixed with the pelleted feed. After drying, the same may be broadcasted or administered as per practice at the fish/aqua farm. to be given regularly or at least 10-15 days every month or as advised by the aquaculture consultant. presentation :1 kg pack.
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We are offering stickonstickonnatural binding agent & feed supplement features : stickon is a unique natural binding agent for administering powder formulations along with pelleted feed to prawns, shrimps and fishes.stickon blends easily with firm grip with all powder formulations, maintaining their bio-availability and preventing wastage.stickon maintains the activity and potency of administered powder formulations at optimum levels, as it does not allow their dispersion with water.stickon properties are not affected with different water and pond conditions such as varying ph, temperature and salinities.stickon is completely safe and ecofriendly & it does not cause pollution or any deterioration in quality of water due to its high stability in water.stickon contains natural protein based feed attractants which ensure smooth consumption of administered powders with pelleted feed for desired results.stickon with all above outstanding features in synergy helps to promote growth and improve feed conversion efficiency along with optimum utilisation of administered powder formulations with its most efficient binding with pelleted feed for optimum bio-availability. directions for use :take the required quantity of powder formulation and mix with stickon to form a gel/paste and apply the same on feed pellets, shade dry and broadcast. 20 ml to 30 ml of stickon is recommended per kg of pellet feed or as advised by the aquaculture consultant. presentation : 1 litre pack, 5 litre pack.
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Art Plus Powder

Restriction in joint movement is a distressing condition, commonly observed in horses. ART Plus herbal feed supplement helps to restore mobility and early recovery from the conditions that adversely affect the freedom of joint movement of the horse and facilitates free, smooth and supple movement of joints. ART Plus supplementation provides nutritional support to maintain the biochemical characteristics, enzymic activity and viscosity of synovial fluid in the joints. By promoting proper synthesis of matrix component of the cartilage, ART Plus facilitates to maintain the strength of articular cartilage. ART Plus supplement enhances bio-synthesis and active production of glycosaminoglycans and sulphatedacidic mucopolysaccharides (Chondroitin sulphate) and helps maintain the condition of chondrocytes and articular cartilage as well as the quality and level of neutral mucopoly-saccharides and hyaluronic acid also improves in all layers of synovial membrane and cartilage. ART Plus supplementation helps maintain the condition of synovial membrane, soft tissues and various layers of joint capsule. ART Plus supplementation facilitates to maintain the level of Chondroitin sulphate with optimum glycogen content of chondrocytes of articular cartilage for better nutrition of the tissues. ART Plus should be fed to horses which display stiffness and have difficulty in moving freely. ART Plus supplementation has been shown to be useful as a part of the programme to aid recovery from laminitis or lameness due to injury. Thus ART Plus supplementation prepared from selectively chosen herbs such as Allium sativa, Zingiber officinale etc., is very useful to maintain normal joint movements. Dosage :
  • 5 gm per 100 kg body weight, to be given orally, twice daily, mixed with highly palatable feed, as long as required.
    • Presentation :
      • 1 kg pack
      • 25 kg pack
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