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Fresh, Juicy and natural fresh seedless grapes are offered with the right combination of tart and sweet flavor. We at Krushiraj Pre-Cooling and Cold Storage, Fresh Seedless Grapes Suppliers in India comes with a mouthwatering taste and unmatched freshness that make them highly admired in the market. They are more...
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All varieties Sonaka Thompson Manikchaman super Sonaka SSN Anushka Rk available more...
White Colored, unseeded, with large and small berries. … The oval-shaped mildly sweet table grape variety , Sudhakar Seedless (SS), developed by farmer-innovator Sudhakar Kshirsagar, is increasingly becoming the preferred one among the grape growers of Nashik district.  As like onion we are largest pro more...
black jumbo is one of the type of black seedless.  black seedless grapes are known for their bold colors and exceptionally sweet flavor  black jumbo size is large as compare to other variety of grapes.  it is available from january to april. . more...
This is Green Grapes without seeds more...
ingredients nutrients calories - 104 calories fiber - 1.4 g carbohydrate 27.3 g protein 1.1 g vitamins vitamin k minerals calcium magnesium potassium phosphorus manganese fat  more...