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Open top sanitary cans are used in packing various types of items like fruit Pulp, juices, jams, ready to eat processed foods, pickles, tuna, meat, baked Bean, corn products, chocolates, sweets, vegetables, pickles, dairy and More.They are available with easy open ends as well as open tops. These cans Are man more...
Products - Cans for Processed Foods Open top sanitary (OTS) cans are extensively used in packing various types of food items like fruit pulp, juices, jams, ready to eat processed foods, pickles, marine foods, meat, baked beans/corn products, sweets, etc. OTS cans are available with Easy Open Ends up to more...
Karivaradhan Engg. Works
(Veerapandi,Coimbatore) - S.f. No 64 Poonganagar No 4 Veerapandi,Coimbatore
Eminence corporation
(Andheri East,Mumbai) - 502, mangalaya corporate business park, marol, andheri east,Mumbai