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It is a biofertilizer that contains symbiotic Rhizobium bacteria which is the most important nitrogen-fixing organism. These organisms have the ability to drive atmospheric Nitrogen and provide it to plants. more...
his is efficient strain of Rhizobium which is proponent of Nitrogen fixation in legume crops. It infects root nodules, fix atmospheric nitrogen & Increase crop yield up to 10-20 %. It helps in increasing plant hormonal activity, directly works on xylem-phloem system. Focus on withstandin more...
Grow Fix is a modulating type of bacterium associating symbiotically with the root of the legume plants.It fixes nitrogen after becoming established inside root nodules of legumes. It produces nodules and multiplies in it. These nodules act as a factory for ammonia production. The legumes and thei more...
Nitrogen fixation, from symbionts and fix nitrogen.reduce the molecular nitrogen to ammonia, increase yield up to 10-35 %. VBL RHIZO BioFertilizer is the symbiotic nitrogen fixer which fixes atmospheric nitrogen in the root nodule, formed in the roots of leguminous plants. Advantages: Nitrogen fi more...
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 A versatile biofertilizer containing Nitrogen fixing bacterium Rhizobium. Rhizobium forms symbiotic association with legume plants and fix the atmospheric nitrogen to the soil for healthy vigorous plant growth and increased yield. more...
rhizobium is a soil habitat bacterium {which can able to colonize the legume roots and fixes the atmospheric nitrogen symbiotically}. the morphology and physiology of rhizobium  will vary from free-living condition they are the most efficient biofertilizer  as per the quantity of nitrogen fixed concerne more...
CropG1 Agro Reseaech & Development Pvt..
Peenya Industrial Area, Bangalore, Karnataka
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Rhizobium Chrococcum- Nitrogen fixing bioinoculant suitable for all crops. The product is available as liquid formulation and carrier based formulation. Rhlzoblum is a free-living nitrogen fixing bacterium which lives in association with plant roots and fixes atmospheric nitrogen in readily available form to more...
Rhizobium Biofertilizer for leguminus crop more...
Maxum is an obligatory aerobic nitrogen fixing bacteria which is capable for nitrogen fixing in roots, in plants. It produces growth promoting substances as IAA (Indole Acetic Acid) and GA (Gibberllic acid) that promote root proliferation and increase the number of rootlets, resulting in uptake of mineral, ph more...
Synthesis with catalysts pvt ltd is of the manufacturer of precious metal catalysts ie rhodium and ruthenium. From 2016 we have started manufacturing [((r)-binap)2 rh]bf4. more...
Rhizobact is an organic certified liquid biofertilizer developed from Rhizobium spp. This formulation strongly supports plant growth through nitrogen availability. Nitrogen content improves plants amino acid and protein synthesis which ultimately enhance plant health and immune system. Content : Rhizobium spo more...
Benefits: Actively fixes atmospheric nitrogen through a symbiotic relation with leguminous plants. Improves yield , plant & soil health and also aids in soil remediation. Reduces cost by saving expense on chemical nitrogen fertilizers  Recommended Crops: Suitable for application on leguminous crops such as more...
Our Rhizobium is accurate in formulation and is prepared in compliance with the international quality standards. Efficient in increasing yield up to 10-35 %, it reduces the negative effect of chemical fertilizers. It enhances germination percentages, seedling vigor and immunity of the plants. Our Amrit Rhizob more...
Nitrogen Fixing Bio-Fertilizer for Crops CFU : 5 x 107/ g Mode of Application Soil Treatment Mix 250 g of rhizobium in 200 liters of water and apply near the root zone per acre area. Seed Treatment Mix 6 – 10 g / kg of seeds in required volume of water and add a small lump of jaggery, mix more...
We are offering pulsgrow (bio-fertilizer) nitrogen fixing bacteria what is pulsgrow? : pulsgrow is a unique liquid & powder based formulation of rhizobium. Pulsgrow contain useful nitrogen fixing bacteria which fix the atmospheric nitrogen symbiotically. Active ingredient: cells of rhizobium sp. (nitrogen fix more...
ANNEO-N (Rhizobium sp) is a bio-fertiliser based on bacteria and is used for atmospheric nitrogen fixation in leguminous plants. It supplements nitrogen to the plants. It fixes atmospheric nitrogen to the level of 20-40 kg/hectare and thereby helps to reduce the usage of synthetic fertilizer. It improves more...
We provide rhizobium. This is liquid based bio-fertilizer containing rhizobium spp. It lives around and inside the roots of legumes. It fixes atmospheric nitrogen in the range of 100-200 kg nha in the soil and increase 10-35% yield. It makes better germination, root & shoot growth of the plant. Benefits: fixe more...
Details : Rhizo-CAPS are capsules contains a nodulating types of symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria known as Rhizobium spp. Encapsulation is based on a novel patented technology developed by ICAR-Indian institute of spices research. Rhizobium is a symbiotic bacterium which form nodules on the root more...