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This type of specialty cement is manufactured according to BIS specifications IS-8041:1990. The name by itself is an explanation of the nature of the cement i.e. it gets hardened at a very rapid pace. Apart from rapid hardening, it also develops high strength at an early stage than even OPC 53. It is used in more...
53-grade OPC is a high strength cement. According to the BIS requirements, 53-grade OPC must have a 28-day compressive strength of no less than 53 MPa For certain specialized products, such as pre-stressed concrete and certain pre-cast concrete items requiring high strength, 53-grade OPC is considered useful more...
GITA Group is the number one manufacturer of Railway Prestress Concrete Sleepers. Concrete sleepers are used for broad gauge railway tracks. Currently, we fulfill around 14% of the total requirement of the Indian Railways which will go up to 25% in the next 2 years. We introduced for the first time in the wor more...
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Dalmia Cement bharat ltd
(Gokak,Belgaum) - yadwad vilage gokak taluka,Belgaum