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Pomfret fish falls in 20+ catagories associated/closley related to butterfish but mainly they are classified through color of following 3 types - Black, Silver & White. Distributed around the world's oceans, and as far north as Norwegian waters, these are highly migratory fish. The Pomfret fish is c more...
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Details: Pomfrets are perciform fishes belonging to the family Bramidae. The family includes about 20 species. They are found in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans, and the largest species, the Atlantic pomfret, Brama brama, grows up to 1 m (3.3 ft) long. Fish meat is white in color. more...
The popular types of pomfret fish available in the market are Parastromateus niger (Black Pomfret), Pampus Sinesis (Grey Pomfret), and Pampus argenteus (Silver Pomfret).
Pomfret fish is made available in fresh, dried, or frozen forms.
It is used for human consumption. Many dishes can be made with Pomfret fish. Fish oil and many medicines are also prepared from Pomfret fish.
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Details : Locally named as Paplet 6 to 7 Pomfrets in 1 Kg Approximate wastage is 15 to 20% more...
Our Frozen Silver Pomfret Fish is highly acclaimed for taste and nutrition content. We offer Frozen Silver Pomfret which is free from impurities and diseases. We take extra care in packing Frozen Silver Pomfret to keep its freshness intact. We keep Frozen Silver Pomfret under controlled and hygienic condition more...
* payment advanced only * bulk order only ( 2 ton moq ) * genuine buyer only * booking compulsory more...
* pomfret fish wholesaler * payment advance only * bulk order only more...
Fresh chill and Frozen Both Available more...
Based on the size of the fish price will be differ more...