The add-on vibrator is installed at the dipper stick boom of a hydraulic excavator and driven by its hydraulic system. Apart from characteristics like very short starting and stopping times, high revolutions, small noise level as well as low weight and high centrifugal forces, it is characterized by a low des more...
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We manufacture Ladders, catwalks, platforms and handrails in both steel and aluminum, centrifugally casted PB bushes for shovels, draglines and dump trucks. Dump body repairs for HEMM dumpers and buckets, track pads, boom, arm, drive tumbler and idler roller repairs for shovels/ excavators are also carried ou more...
HIGH QUALITY MINING BUCKET Built with Hardox® wear plate and Strenx® performance steel grades The bucket contains patented features such as the unique XMOR® Inverted Keel that reduces wear and increases capacity Capacity increase of up to 15% (compared to standard OEM bucket).Moving from 2. more...
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TecknoSIM Excavator Solutions. more...
we are authorized dealer case construction in haryana dealing in new and used construction machinery available machine case construction all type new machine new holland 4x4 backhoe loader 25 unit new 2021 model b80b new holland 4x4 excavator 13 unit new 2021 model e215c more...
Hyundai presents the rugged and powerful range of crawler excavators build for quarry, marble, granite, iron ore and other heavy duty mining operations. These crawler excavators gives you increased reliability, enhanced durability and brilliant stability across rough terrain. more...