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different displays 1.four seven segment display (common anode) 2. led array 3. lcd (16x2 character display) uart communication through max232 external hardware interrupt for 8051 through breakouts with pull-up resistors inbuilt power supply (input +12vdc, output +5vdc) adapter +12v/1a provided with kit usb to more...
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We are offering microcontroller embedded trainer. Based on 89c61x2 microcontroller isp programming facility 8 leds to display digital output 16 x 2 alphanumeric lcd, 4 digit seven segment display 24 i/o lines provided on 26 pin frc connector 24c512 eeprom (64kb) ds1307 rtc with suitable battery 4 channel 8bit more...
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 Our Microcontroller Trainer Kit VPL-31/51  is based on 8031/8051/8751 Micro-controller included with LED Display, USB Interface & Inbuilt Power Supply.  SPECIFICATIONS FOR VPL-31/51: –  Based on 8031/8051/8751 operating at 10/12 MHz. –  On board 8K RAM. –  Battery backup for RAM area. –  8 more...
Educational Interface Cards : The following is the list of additional interface card compatible with Micro - 8051 trainer kit. These Cards are connected to 8255 port lines through 26 pin FRC cable extenders. A to D converter using ADC0809 Stepper Motor Controller Opto isolated Digital Input Card 4 Channel Rel more...
Our Microcontroller Trainer Kit is widely used by our customers for studying architecture, for interfacing with a different module. We use high-grade raw materials in the manufacturing process which make our products performance high and its life long. The kit has important features like a backup for RAM, inb more...
Application of 8051 microcontroller trainer 8051 development board has following sections 1. 8051 microcontroller with 4 input ports 2. inbuilt 3 power supplies +5v1a, +12v-500ma, -12v-500ma 3. serial programming through isp interface (max232) 4. display (lcd) section 16x2 5. display led 8 bit with latching o more...
Microcontroller Trainer Kits are available with us in the models of VSET-51DK-13, VSET-51INTIG-42, VSET-85TK-33, VSET-458DK-19, VSET-458INTIG-43, and VSET-877DK-27.Our Microcontroller Trainer Kits have inbuilt clock generator, LCD display, keyboard, and power supply. Microcontroller Trainer Kits are widely us more...
8051 Development Board  89V51RD2 8 bit microcontroller Used as Programmer as well as Development Board A 9 pin D type female connector for RS232 Serial    i/o interface UART experiments for flash programming Power Connector (+5V and gound) Stepper motor interface A push button switch is for reset 4 pus more...
8051 Microcontroller Training Kit Cum Emulator With In-built Power Supply Based on 80318051 microcontroller operating at 1012Mhz clock frequency VMC-ICE 3151P comprises of four components viz., a) Microcontroller Kit b) In-circuit Emulator c) MBUG Symbolic Debugger d) MBUG Cross Assembler 8K Emulation Memory more...
VSET-EK-01 Basic 8051 Microcontroller Trainer Kit is designed for experimental study of 8051 Microcontroller and interfacing of peripherals with the Microcontroller Scope of Learning:- 16 x 2 Character LCD Display Interface. 16 x 2 Character LCD Display and 4x1 Keypad Interface. Onboard Buzzer Interface. Onbo more...
ILX8051EB is a Ps2 trainer board for Intel 8051 controller. The board supports general purpose pc type keyboard for programming via the PS2 cable to board’s port All the I/O ports are accessible via standard FRC for easy interfacing of external devices. Features • Intel P89V51RD2 devices • Operating fre more...
Based on 89C61X2 Microcontroller ISP Programming facility 8 LEDs to display Digital Output 16 x 2 Alphanumeric LCD, 4 digit Seven Segment Display 24 I/O Lines Provided on 26 pin FRC Connector 24C512 EEPROM (64KB) DS1307 RTC with suitable battery 4 Channel 8bit ADC & 8 bit DAC using PCF8591 Temperature sensor more...
We have in store for our clients 8051 microcontroller trainer kit that is known for easy operations. Designed to perfection, these kits provide various devices interfacing such as ADC, EEPROM, RTC, RELAY and programmable port. Along with our trainer kit, we also provide user manual with sample program. more...
We are offering pic microcontroller self learning kit.thinnkware feel proud to introduce the best product of industry. From now to study about pic microcontroller (manufactured by microchip) you are not supposed to go to classroom or any institution. Just be at home and learn the pic microcontroller and its p more...
CPU 8031 8051 operating at 11.0592 MHz, MEMORY EPROM1 32KB bytes with monitor software, IO PARALLEL 48 IO lines using two 8255, IO SERIAL 0ne RS232 compatible interface, TIMER Three 16 bit counter timer using 8253, KEYBOARD Consisting of 28 numbers of computer grade keys, DISPLAY Six numbers of seven segment more...
8051 CPU operating @ 10/12 MHz. 8K user RAM with Battery Backup, 16K bytes monitor EPROM Peripherals like 2x 8255 brought, 8253, 8251, RS-232 interface 25 Keys Hexadecimal Keyboard and 6 digit 7-segment display using 8279 In-Built Power Supply of +5V/1.5A, ±12V/250mA more...
The Adtron’s Microcontroller based PID control trainer is a completely self contained stand alone unit useful for the students to understand the concept of Proportional, Integral and Derivative control system. The system consists of the main controller unit, sensor and lamp type heater unit. The system is h more...